
A New Life (1)

8 years ago, a group of thieves raided the village. They burst through the gates and stole all of their food and endlessly slaughtered the people living there. There wasn't enough protection. Ever since then, a boy named Penny realized he couldn't be stuck in this village for his entire life. They could attack again, or another group could attack, and they might be even stronger. He needed to go out and explore.

Just a day after, when everybody was still shocked by what happened, Penny went over to his friend Daniel's house and asked to join him on his journey out in the world. Daniel was hesitant, but he eventually agreed, because Penny was his only friend, and he didn't want to be alone. But it's a dangerous world out there, so they trained for years. They went to the protection force and asked if they could train them. They trained with them every single day for 8 hours a day. And on Penny's 18th birthday, they were finally ready. Daniel had already become 18 a few months ago. Even though they trained a lot, nothing would prepare them for what they were going to have to deal with past the gates.

Penny got out of bed and did his morning routine. After that, he went to the kitchen, and his parents made his favorite meal for him, steak cooked well done, with a side of cooked potatoes. As Penny sat down, he looked at both his mom and dad, and they were holding back tears. The child that they raised was going to leave them. Even though they were sad, they were also proud. This is the son that they wanted. Brave and strong. After Penny finished his meal, he hugged both his mom and dad, and said his final goodbye. "Be safe out there," his mom said, while tears dripped down her face. Penny opened the door and stared at the bright sky. Today is finally the day.

Penny quickly walked to Daniel's house, which is only a few houses to the left of his. When he got there, he could see Daniel saying goodbye to his parents through the window. As Daniel walked out of his house, Penny greeted him with a smile. "It's finally time. Let's do this!," Daniel screamed. Penny and Daniel made their way to the protection force station and said goodbye to all the people they interacted with during their training. Just as they were about to leave the station, they heard a faint laugh. Penny and Daniel turn their heads around and see a guy right behind them. It was Jordan, another guy who had been training with the protection force. Since he was one of the strongest trainees, he always bullied everyone weaker than him. "Do you guys really think you're ready for the outside world?" He said. He then pulled out his sword. "FIGHT ME!" He screamed. Penny stops Daniel before he can do anything, and he steps forward. "I'll handle this," Penny whispers.

Penny then pulls out his sword too. Jordan stares into Penny's soul as he inches closer and closer. Sweat drips down Penny's face and his hands shake. Jordan gets close enough to where he can strike, and brings his sword up higher, ready to swing. Penny couldn't try to block it. He was too scared. He went through so much training, yet he was still too afraid to use a sword. He closed his eyes preparing for Jordan's attack. But nothing happened. Penny then slowly opened his eyes. After they were all the way open, Jordan delivered a strong kick right into Penny's stomach. He falls onto the floor, gasping for air. Daniel runs over to him. "Penny! Are you okay?" Daniel says in a nervous tone. Jordan starts laughing again. "You guys won't last a day in the outside world," He says. Penny breathes heavily as he slowly gets back up on his feet. "Come on, let's go," Penny says to Daniel. "If you show your face around here again, I'll kill you for real next time," Jordan says, as Penny and Daniel walk away.

They then make their way to the gates of the town, and one of the protection force officers presses a switch to open them. As the doors slowly creaked open, Penny felt anxious. He thought to himself: I couldn't even swing my sword. Can I really survive in the outside world? He knew the outside world was filled with people just as cruel, and even stronger than Jordan. When the doors opened completely, Penny and Daniel waved goodbye to all the people standing behind them, watching them walk past the gates.

When they finally made their way out, they stared at all of the land in front of them. This was freedom. This is what they have been waiting for, for years. Penny puts his arms out as the cool breeze hits them. Penny and Daniel were overwhelmed with excitement. They didn't know what they should do first. "I've always wanted to see mountains. Let's find one!" Daniel says, after the two of them pondered for a while. And with that, the next chapter of their life began. They had a whole world to explore.