
Pendor Empire In Other Worlds

Story for personal reading. all credit goes to original author. I got it from https://es.mtlnovel.com/pendor-empire-in-other-worlds/

asomeone · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
10 Chs

Chapter 9: Take on new tasks

"Eh, the feeling of taking a long-lost bath is really comfortable." Lothar towel-dried his hair and sat down beside the bed.

After dinner with the old Fischer family, Lothar asked Fischer's wife, Mahalu, to help him boil some hot water, and he took a blissful bath to wash away the exhaustion of running for days.

Lothar sincerely thanked the old Fisher family for their help.

It's not just because he entertained who was originally an outsider.

More importantly, the old Fisher family used their simple enthusiasm to ease the turmoil Lothar had hidden in his heart since he first arrived in another world, and the loneliness of being away from the crowd for ten days.

This kind of enthusiasm, whether it is Fisher himself, Ms. Mahalu and Lifa, or even Lifa's son Hepburn, is naturally revealed in his speech and behavior.

By the way, Little Hepburn met at dinner and this year she is twelve years old.

I am currently working as an apprentice in the house of an old carpenter in the village, and my personality seems a bit distant, I can often tell some interesting jokes, which are very lively.

As for Lao Fisher's second son, Lemennon, Lifa's husband, he did not see him.

It is said that he runs a grocery store in Morwen Township, only coming back occasionally.

"Speaking of which, there don't seem to be many children in the village."

Thinking of Little Hepburn, Lothar also thinks of not having seen many children since he came into town.

"Probably the same as Little Hepburn's premature housework."

Lothar shook his head and removed the horror scene of a group of bears and children from his mind, replacing it with a scene of honestly weeding at home. He felt a little happy and couldn't help but laugh.

Cutting off the random thoughts, Lothar got up and took a basin of water and placed it on the table in front of the window, took the weapons he had brought with him and began to clean the equipment.

Although the inventory is automatically cleared every day, the outfit is not like that of a person who has spent more than ten days in the forest.

In order not to be asked too much about the origin, Lothar deliberately acted like a servant, so that when asked where he came from, he was able to pass the level vaguely.

The starting equipment and bear skins and other sundries that I carry now called "worn clothes" are also prepared in advance.

It is a pity that I looked at the blind man, after a long time of contact, no one else had asked this question except the active presentation at the entrance of the village.

Lothar wanted to cry.

I had to pretend to be on my knees and have to finish pretending, and now I have to clean the equipment myself.

Otherwise, I can't explain why the equipment that was dusty yesterday was suddenly cleaned the next day.

In fact, in the days in the mountains and forests, except for the wizard's light chain armor, which is very difficult to clean, so it is automatically cleaned in the inventory. Lothar personally maintains the weapons every night.

Although the defensive power of the heraldic chain armor is a little better, the servant's light chain armor has greater coverage and can more effectively prevent the sneak attack of some poisonous creatures.

And the light chain armor of the beast in the forest is more than enough.

Therefore, Lothar has always been equipped with light chain armor during his time in the mountains.

Even if the inventory is automatically cleared, Lothar will carefully check the light chain armor before taking a break every day.

This is to become more familiar with one's own power.

"Boom Boom Boom", just as Lothar was cleaning the war sword, there was a knock on the door from the door of Old Fisher's house.

"It's so late, are there guests from Old Fisher's house?"

Lothar dropped the work into her hand and curiously opened the door to peek.

"Come on, come on," Little Hepburn, who lives downstairs, trotted over to open the door, and Old Fisher walked towards the door.

After the gate was opened, there were some villagers with torches outside.

The villagers did not enter the yard, and Little Hepburn was led back into the house by Old Fisher.

Old Fisher and some of the villagers talked quietly for a while, the distance was too great, and Lothar could only hear a few words.

After the conversation, some villagers left together.

After the villagers left, Old Fisher looked at their backs for a while, before he sighed alone and closed the door.

Old Fisher, who closed the door, turned around and saw Lothar standing in the doorway of the second floor, forcing out an ugly smile and nodding.

Then Old Fisher was about to return to the house, but after hesitating, he turned and walked towards Lothar.

"What's the matter, old Fisher?"

"It's not a big deal, Mr. Lothar," Old Fisher said as he walked up to Lothar.

But he immediately changed his words "Well, it is indeed a big problem."

Lothar noted that Old Fisher changed his name back to an honorific.

Lothar frowned slightly, let the door open, smiled, and said, "Let's go inside and talk."

Old Fisher did not refuse. After entering the house, the two of them simply sat on the chairs and said:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lothar, I have something very difficult to do and I want to ask for your help."

"You should call me Lothar, it makes me uncomfortable."

Lothar said strangely, "You're welcome old Fisher, as long as I can, I'll do my best to help you."

Lothar's relaxed tone eased Old Fisher's embarrassment, and then he explained in detail the threat of evil tigers in Leiden Village.

"I told you before, Lothar. The town of Leiden is the direct territory of the earl of Qatar, but if you want to ask the earl for help, you will reach the city of Qatar, which is more than 200 kilometers away, and it will cost more than a dozen come and go. In a few days, it is impossible for the earl to send a regular army to a small village like ours."

"The one who will help us the most is Baron Simivre from Morwin Town, but when I went to find Baron Simivre earlier, his butler said that Baron Simivre had gone to Qatar City for a banquet. I don't know when he will return."

"And I also heard that the relationship between Baron Simivre and the Earl of Qatar is not good."

Old Fischer talked about the lord's situation, and talked about it briefly over dinner, Lothar nodded and said he was listening carefully.

Old Fischer then said in anguish: "Without the regular army of the lords, Mowen City rarely comes with mercenaries, so I can only rely on the village to face the two big tigers alone."

"But it is impossible for us to deal with such a beast. During the day, they all act collectively, and the evil tigers dare not attack. But at night, they can only rely on a few militia patrols to guard against it. militia is facing the big tiger. It is also very dangerous."

At this point, Old Fisher sighed: "The village has been in a panic recently. If this continues, I am afraid that the villagers will have to flee here."

"But where can I go after leaving Leiden Village? Hey..."

Lothar nodded approvingly. This situation is really difficult for Leiden Village. No wonder Old Fisher is so embarrassed.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard old Fisher say again, "That's why I want to ask you for help. Of course, I'm not asking you to take care of the big tiger. I just hope you can stay in Leiden." for a few more days and lead our militia. patrol at night I know you are a very powerful soldier. Even if the tiger comes, and the militia should be able to hold it off for a while, the villagers will be able to support you."

"In this way, their risk is not too high, and the militiamen can relax. As long as they can't find enough food for more than ten days, the tiger will naturally leave. What do you think?"

Old Fisher looked expectantly at Lothar.

Lothar listened carefully to Old Fisher's account, pondered for a while, and asked, "I want to know what kind of beast the tiger is and how powerful it is... I mean, is it magic? The power of."

This question puzzled Fisher, he squealed, "It looks like this..."

He didn't seem to know how to describe it, old Fisher said and waved his hands, Lothar was confused and finally came to the conclusion that he walked on all fours and was very powerful. He had to show a shocked expression.

Old Fisher also felt a little embarrassed, coughed vigorously, and then said in a positive tone:

"Our knowledge of great tigers is passed on by word of mouth. It is said that a single great tiger is as powerful as a bear."

"As for magic power, I have never heard of it."

This episode eased the tension between the two. Lothar thought for a moment and said:

"Don't worry about Old Fisher, if you just lead the militias in patrols, there is no problem. I have nowhere to go anyway."

"But let me think about how to do it. It's late today. Let's discuss it tomorrow morning."

Lothar's affirmative answer made Old Fisher breathe a sigh of relief and he said hastily with a smile, "Well, thank you very much. Then rest early and I won't disturb you."

Then he got up and left

"Big Tiger? Maybe it's a good challenge."

Seeing Old Fisher return to his room, Lothar closed the door and muttered to himself, feeling a little excited in his heart.

It took half an hour to clean the equipment, Lothar tidied it up, lay down on the long-lost bed and fell asleep.

... parting line ...

At 2:30 in the morning, Lothar woke up suddenly with a familiar feeling.

This is the signal given by detection abilities to bring hostile creatures into detection range.

Lothar got up and looked towards the direction of the red dot, frowned, then put on his shoes and walked to the window, opened the window and looked out.

It was late at night. Although the stars in the sky were still shining, only the nearby objects within a radius of one hundred meters could be seen. No matter how far, there was nothing left.

Under the bright starlight, the town of Leiden was completely dark, and there were only a few places where specially placed oil lamps glowed. Everything seemed calm and peaceful.

Korosa knew that, facing the window, a hostile creature appeared about 400 meters above the wooden fence, and even gradually got closer.

The dark night obstructed the line of sight, but it was not difficult for Lothar.

As the attention is focused on both eyes, Lothar's visual range is gradually extended, which is the ability to enhance the visual field associated with the strong bow skill.

Finally, about a thousand feet away, Lothar saw the uninvited guest.

Similar to the Siberian tiger but larger in size, the streamlined muscles of the entire body contain terrifying power far beyond ordinary people. Even ordinary walking action also highlights light and powerful momentum, and the eyes reflect blue light at night. .

"Great Tiger!"

Lothar silently thought in his heart that only the top predators that Old Fisher had said could make a village defenseless could fit in this way.

This big tiger finally stopped by a big tree about 200 meters from the fence, got down, and looked at Leiden Village with its eyes.

Seeing that the tiger stopped getting closer, Lothar turned off the strong arc effect.

After all, there is only one level. In less than a minute, Lothar's physical strength has been reduced by more than a dozen points, which consumes a lot of money. Next, I can only use the battlefield map to observe.

Dahu did not know that there was a human looking at him hundreds of meters away, he silently looked at this quiet village, his thick tail trembling, causing a strong wind.

About ten minutes later, Dahu suddenly got up, hurried out of the village, and escaped Lothar's watch.

Lothar wondered what Dahu was doing. Several gathered points of white light reappeared on the map, gradually approaching old Fisher's house and slowly moving away.

It's the patrol, Rosa supposed.

He then said in shock, "No way." A new terrible conjecture appeared.

Sure enough, shortly after the patrol left, the big tiger appeared on the map again.

This time, Dahu stayed for only four or five minutes, and then quickly moved to the village with light, deft steps.

"He's going to attack the village." Lothar came to this conclusion that startled him again.

Without thinking, Rosa quickly picked up the hunting crossbow and the crossbow barrel placed on the wall, took out a crossbow arrow and deftly bent it, aiming at the beast that gradually emerged from the darkness outside the window.

The triangular cursor that helped aim in the line of sight, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was slowly reduced to a minimum, the center point pointed directly at the big tiger's forehead.

Lothar calculated the amount of lead and, without hesitation, pulled the trigger directly. Observing the result of the shot with both eyes, his right hand continued drawing the arrow of the crossbow and coiling it.

The tight bowstring provided a powerful force, and the crossbow flew towards the great tiger through the air.

Unfortunately, Dahu's excellent hunting instincts played a role.

Facing the sudden strike of the crossbow arrow, the big tiger stopped abruptly, and the shooting crossbow arrow sank into the ground in front of the big tiger.

Before the big tiger could tell where the attack came from, the second crossbow arrow arrived.

This time the tiger found the direction of the attack and its body quickly moved away from the crossbow. Seeing that the attack was coming from the village, knowing that the raid could not be successful, he resolutely stayed away from the village.

Until then, the tiger had not yet roared as the beast should have. It wasn't until a few minutes later that Lothar heard an almost inaudible roar.

Seeing that the evil tiger disappeared on the system map for a long time, Lothar removed the third crossbow bolt from the hunting crossbow and reattached the weapon.

"It seems that although Old Fisher's analysis is in place, he still underestimates his opponent's cunning and brutality."

Lothar muttered to himself, "It's impossible to wait for him to leave because the tiger can avoid night patrols and brazenly attack human settlements."

"The contest between Leiden Village and Big Tiger is a life and death fight."

Lothar finally came to a conclusion.

So the next morning, Old Fisher greeted Lothar, who was training, and heard him say something that surprised him:

"Old Fisher, I decided to kill two big tigers in Leiden Village."

At the same time, Lothar's ear also rang as a reminder:

"Accept a new mission: the Leiden Village request."