
You are nothing! _1

Dịch giả: 549690339

"If there's nothing else, please don't disrupt my work here!"

Meng Zeming continued to speak coldly, calmly looking at Pan Linlin, "The security department has a lot to do!"

Pan Linlin glared at Meng Zeming!

What are you acting all high and mighty for?

What do you mean the security department has a lot to do?

Aren't you just a security guard?

I was giving you face by coming over to talk to you, and you're still trying to act cool?

Pan Linlin felt like humiliating the guy in front of her!

However, just as she was about to open her mouth, she heard a gentle voice coming from the side.

"Um... Mr. Meng, I was wondering if you're free tonight? My sister would like to ask you out for dinner!"

This was a graceful-looking woman with long black hair draped over her shoulders, exuding a very comfortable aura.

The woman blushed and added softly, "Actually... I want to ask you out for dinner as well!"

Pan Linlin was stunned!