
March 16th Misty Ghost Hall (12 updates)_1



Fenghuang's raised jade leg fiercely collided with Kunsen's knee!

The crowd couldn't help inhaling a breath of cold air!

This delicate woman really dares to clash head-on with Kunsen!

And she even used her relatively fragile calf to strike against the other's knee!

Looking at Fenghuang's tight, smooth calf, one couldn't feel any hint of strength!

As for Kunsen, veins were bulging on his leg, and even the onlookers could feel the power of this knee strike!

However, a terrifying scene unfolded!

The tremendous force of their collision even overturned the surrounding tables and chairs, and those who were relatively close couldn't withstand the residual power, being pushed back several steps by the dispersed energy!

Mrs. Hua's long hair was blown somewhat messy, but her eyes were filled with shock!

This girl...

How could she be so strong?

After the clash of legs, Fenghuang also frowned slightly and then took two steps back!