
0317 Reprimand (1 update)_1

Dịch giả: 549690339

Even Fenghuang was dumbstruck at that moment!

When Xiao Chen had charged at her just then, she hadn't figured out what he intended to do!

However, the formidable power brought forth by Xiao Chen instinctively made her sense danger!

Yet, it was only after Xiao Chen made his move that she understood his intention!

A figure once again flew out, heavily landing outside the hotel and rolled continuously on the ground!

It only stopped after crashing into a building across the street!

Only when it stopped were people able to see clearly who it was!


This guy isn't dead yet?

Fenghuang was also surprised!

Her own strike had been quite forceful just now, and logically, Kunsen should be incapacitated for a while, even if not dead!

Yet he was still able to launch a sneak attack on her?

If it wasn't for Xiao Chen's timely intervention, Fenghuang...

might have been injured by now!