
0245 is so unprofessional!_1

Dịch giả: 549690339

The people in the room were instantly struck as two of them were knocked unconscious by the security door!

The rest of them shivered all over!

Of course, except for one person!

Jiang Mengqi!

The surprise on this girl's face was evident, but even more so was the resentment!

Jiang Mengqi's face was streaked with tear marks, her eyes were red-rimmed, biting her lips tightly, with her clothes somewhat disheveled!

And at the entrance stood a man!

Xiao Chen was leaning on the empty door frame with a toothpick in his mouth, looking like a rascal, and upon seeing the scene in the room, he suddenly chuckled lightly, "Sorry to intrude!"

Huangmao was stunned in place!

He wasn't a fool, to know the strength needed to kick a security door off its hinges?!

And when he looked at the door, he found a deep footprint on it!

Such strength...

Was this still human?

"Where did you go?!"

Jiang Mengqi suddenly shouted at Xiao Chen, "Were you really just going to watch me being bullied?"