
0049 Don't treat them like people!_1

Dịch giả: 549690339

Seeing their demeanor, Xiao Chen couldn't help but let out a cold laugh!

But in the next instant, Xiao Chen's gaze hardened as he lifted the man in his hand, suddenly tossing him into the air!

Then, as the man was falling, Xiao Chen lifted his leg and swept it toward him!



The man was kicked onto the car like a soccer ball by Xiao Chen, smashing the entire vehicle into a dent!

The man by then had completely passed out, clearly having more breaths out than in!

"Little Jap, when grandpa was showing off, you were probably still hiding at home watching videos and jerking off!"

As he spoke, Xiao Chen suddenly sprang into action!

The leader knew something was wrong, realizing he might have underestimated the opponent's strength, but just as this thought crossed his mind, he saw a black shadow flash by, followed by a sharp pain in his chest!
