
0013 Want to live? _1

Zhang Hongfeng plopped down on the ground!

What a cruel fellow!

He wants my life, yet he refuses to do it himself!

Instead, he makes me do it!

This cold-hearted method even makes Zhang Hongfeng feel on the verge of collapse!

"I want to know, where did I go wrong?"

Zhang Hongfeng really couldn't understand, the opponent's way of punishing him was simply heartless. To what extent had he offended him to warrant such treatment!

Did I ever kill his entire family?

"I really don't know who you are. Admittedly, I, Zhang Hongfeng, have indeed done many cruel things in my life, but I have rarely created a 'Sea of Blood' enmity with anyone! Could there be some misunderstanding here?"

Zhang Hongfeng was still making his last effort.

However, Xiao Chen gave him not the slightest glimmer of hope.

"If you don't want to do it yourself, that's fine. If you'd like me to help you, I assure you, death... will be a luxury to you!"

Xiao Chen, with his legs crossed, said leisurely!

Although he appeared calm, Zhang Hongfeng dared not doubt him in the slightest!

This was the first time he had seen such a cold-blooded person, and his experience told him that falling into such a person's hands would be so much more painful than death!

Zhang Hongfeng no longer dared to waste words, steeled his heart, and shakily reached for the fruit knife!

After he took the fruit knife in his hand, a terrifying thought suddenly rose in Zhang Hongfeng's mind!

I have a weapon, while he is unarmed!


Zhang Hongfeng wavered in his mind, eager to gamble for his life. Besides, Xiao Chen's arrogance also suggested that he had let down his guard. If he attacked now, perhaps there might still be a chance to live!

Zhang Hongfeng slowly raised his head, casting a thief-like glance at Xiao Chen!

But the moment he lifted his gaze, he found that Xiao Chen was watching him!

And Xiao Chen's eyes...

Zhang Hongfeng swore he had never seen such a sinister and bloodthirsty look!

It was entirely beyond what a human should have!

In that instant, Zhang Hongfeng felt as if he had plunged into an icy pool, feeling an utter chill from his toes to the crown of his head!

He will devour me!

It seemed like a voice in Zhang Hongfeng's mind was warning him!

This feeling made his hands tremble, and he dropped the fruit knife to the ground!

"Thinking of dying together?" Xiao Chen's mouth turned up slightly, "I'm giving you this chance, come on."

Zhang Hongfeng listened to the other's mockery, yet he could no longer muster any will to resist!

This man, nearly forty years old and well-seasoned in the ways of the underworld, was now shedding tears of fear!

They were the kind of tears that only spill unconsciously when one is truly confronted with death and consumed by utter fear!

Zhang Hongfeng didn't know how much patience Xiao Chen had left; right now, he had only one thought...

I can't let myself fall into his hands!

With that thought, Zhang Hongfeng steeled himself, picked up the fruit knife from the ground, clenched his teeth tightly, suddenly let out a yell, and stabbed towards his own stomach!


The knife drew blood, and Zhang Hongfeng let out a ghastly scream!

The scream was not just from pain, it was more an outburst of the fear in his heart!

Watching Zhang Hongfeng's fierce appearance, Xiao Chen didn't even flicker an eyebrow; his face remained indifferent.

"Judging from the sound of the knife entering, it seems you haven't hit any major organs or the aorta! From a professional standpoint, you're not yet dead!"

Xiao Chen rose to his feet, a motion that caused Zhang Hongfeng, who was already in excruciating pain, to tremble once more!

"Do you know why, when the Japanese commit seppuku, they find a good friend to act as their second? It's because the blade plunged into the body doesn't usually result in immediate death, and the role of the second is to decapitate the one committing seppuku!"

Xiao Chen stopped in front of Zhang Hongfeng, who was visibly terror-stricken. Hearing Xiao Chen's words, his complexion turned even paler!

Could it be...

However, the anticipated final blow from Xiao Chen did not come; instead, he took the fruit knife from Zhang Hongfeng's hand!

"I'm giving you a chance to live, want it or not?"

Zhang Hongfeng could hardly believe his ears!

Since Xiao Chen had arrived, he had given Zhang Hongfeng almost no chance of survival, driving him into a corner with relentless pressure and leaving him with no sliver of hope for life!

Zhang Hongfeng had long made peace with the fact that he wouldn't survive the day; the question was just how he would meet his end!

But now, he seemed to see a glimmer of hope!

"I want it!"

Xiao Chen's mouth curved into a smile, "Good! I am very satisfied with your performance!"

Zhang Hongfeng's body shook violently, the pain sensor nerves tortured with unbearable pain the moment he let his guard down!

"You have two hours to treat your wound, then come find me at Shengxia Group!"

After finishing his words, Xiao Chen turned and walked toward the door!

And it was not until now that Zhang Hongfeng fully realized why Xiao Chen had come!

Xia Bing!

Turns out, the person he had offended was that woman!

"Bro... Mr., may I ask your name? And... what do you need me to do?"

By now, Zhang Hongfeng dared not entertain any thoughts about Xia Bing; a woman who could rely on such a towering tree was surely not someone he could covet!

"My name is Xiao Chen! And stop calling me 'big brother' from now on!"

Zhang Hongfeng thought Xiao Chen disliked the title, but Xiao Chen continued, "You're not worthy!"

Zhang Hongfeng was stunned, yet he dared not show the slightest dissatisfaction!

Thinking of the other person's strength, he indeed felt he was not worthy!

"Later, call your men, bring everyone who's still breathing!"

Xiao Chen instructed again.

Zhang Hongfeng was even more confused as to what Xiao Chen wanted to do, but Xiao Chen provided the answer, "Every day you go throwing paint, preventing people from working properly! Shouldn't you clean up the mess?"

Zhang Hongfeng was utterly dumbfounded!

He had not expected Xiao Chen's condition to be so simple!

Just clean up the paint?

"By the way, I notice your men are quite robust. In the future, do less despicable deeds that don't even spare children. If you can't find a job..." Xiao Chen suddenly revealed a sunny smile, "you might consider working as a janitor at Shengxia Group!"

After that, Xiao Chen left the room!

And Zhang Hongfeng stood, stunned, until the returning pain forced him to realize his situation, and he knelt on the ground, gritting his teeth!

"This Mr. Xiao... what kind of unusual character is he?"


Xiao Chen walked out of Hongfeng Security Company, whistling as he went. He encountered no resistance on the way; Xiao Chen had anticipated that the woman who had fled earlier wouldn't call for backup.

First, after leaving, she would discover that Zhang Hongfeng's four bodyguards had vanished. In such panic, once the most reliable person was missing, it would only incite greater fear in her.

Next, once she reached the ground floor and saw those four men beaten miserably, and the sharp-tongued one would undoubtedly share how Xiao Chen had tortured them, all these factors combined would ensure the woman wouldn't be so noble as to rescue Zhang Hongfeng!

Such a woman usually exemplifies the phrase, 'In great peril, each for themselves!'

Xiao Chen returned to his Hummer, started the vehicle, and let out a soft chuckle.

"Alright, now it's finally time to meet my niece whom I've never met before!"