
0009 Hongfeng Security Company_1

"Who is Zhang Hongfeng?"

Xiao Chen asked with curiosity. Judging from the way the guy with the glasses was gritting his teeth, it seemed that this person named Zhang Hongfeng wasn't doing this for the first time.

Just as the guy with the glasses was about to speak, a hint of suspicion suddenly flashed in his eyes, "Who are you? Why do you care so much about this matter?"

This guy with the glasses was still cautious, after all, Xiao Chen didn't seem like just an ordinary onlooker from his behavior!

Xiao Chen gave a calm smile, "Don't worry, I'm not one of those people from Hongfeng. Strictly speaking, I should be considered a relative of Mr. Xia!"

"A relative of Mr. Xia?"

The guy with the glasses didn't believe him, and became even more suspicious, "But I've never seen you before?"

"I just came back from abroad!"

Xiao Chen's eyes shifted, "And I'm here to help Mr. Xia!"

The guy with the glasses stared at Xiao Chen for a while, and felt that Xiao Chen's demeanor was quite positive, indeed not looking like he was in league with Zhang Hongfeng and his crew.

"You really don't know about Zhang Hongfeng?"

The guy with the glasses leaned in close to Xiao Chen and whispered, "He is the boss of Hongfeng Security Company!"

A security company?

Xiao Chen indeed had dealings with some foreign security companies, but those were some of the most renowned international teams, mostly staffed with ex-military personnel or high-level mercenaries.

Of course, Xiao Chen's previous interactions with them usually involved bloodshed!

"What does this security company do?"

Xiao Chen continued to ask.

"To put it bluntly, they bully honest people!"

The guy with the glasses had a face full of disgust, "They say they help businesses maintain security, but they impose a bunch of unreasonable conditions and charge high fees. If you don't hire them, they will cause trouble for you!"

"Isn't that just a protection racket?"

Xiao Chen instantly understood!

"Exactly! But they wouldn't admit it!" The guy with the glasses sighed, looking somewhat helpless.

"So, your company got splashed with paint because it didn't pay the protection money?"

The guy with the glasses shook his head, "Just talking about it makes me angry! Mr. Xia always tried to keep the peace and never shortchanged them! But the most infuriating thing is, that bastard Zhang Hongfeng actually covets Mr. Xia's beauty! Now, it's not just about money anymore!"

"Oh?" Xiao Chen coldly chuckled, "So you're saying, Zhang Hongfeng wants both money and the person?"

"Exactly! There is no excuse for such bullying! Mr. Xia is such a perfect woman, but she's being targeted by such a sleazy guy! It makes me furious just thinking about it!"

The guy with the glasses was filled with righteous indignation!

Xiao Chen suddenly smiled slightly and leaned closer to ask, "So, Mr. Xia is really beautiful?"

"Of course! Mr. Xia is the goddess of all the men in the company, of course, she is beautiful..."

He stopped halfway, as if realizing something, the guy with the glasses immediately looked at Xiao Chen warily, "You said you were a relative of Mr. Xia, didn't you?"

"Yes! I just have never met my auntie!"

Xiao Chen waved his hand dismissively and turned to walk towards the Hummer he had arrived in, waving his hand at the guy with the glasses without looking back, "Keep cleaning! See you in a bit!"

The guy with the glasses stared at the back of Xiao Chen, with a somewhat dumbfounded expression on his face!

After Xiao Chen got back into the car, he thought for a moment and then took out his phone to dial a number.

The phone was answered after just one ring, and a very respectful voice came from the other end.

"Mr. Xiao! What can I do for you?"

The person on the other end was Su Lan, who had been responsible for receiving Xiao Chen the day before!

"Do you know about Hongfeng Security Company?"

Xiao Chen didn't waste any words and directly asked about the matter he wanted to know.

"Hongfeng Security?" Su Lan paused for a second, "Is the owner named Zhang Hongfeng?"

"Yes, that's the one!" Xiao Chen said indifferently, "Send me the address of this company."

"Sure! Please wait a moment, Mr. Xiao!"

Soon, Xiao Chen received a message, which detailed the address of Hongfeng Security Company meticulously!

"Mr. Xiao, what did Zhang Hongfeng do to upset you? Just say the word, and I can take care of this for you!"

Su Lan was quite astute, discerning from Xiao Chen's tone that he clearly bore no good intentions when asking for Zhang Hongfeng!

"No need, it's a trivial matter; I can handle it myself!"

Xiao Chen hung up the phone directly and then drove to the address of Hongfeng Security Company!

Upon arriving, Xiao Chen found a two-story standalone building with a plaque hanging in front. The name "Hongfeng Security Company" was embossed in gold on it!

Two security guards were standing at the door; as they saw Xiao Chen's Hummer approaching, they both stretched out their hands.

"Whom are you looking for?"

A tall guard holding a security baton walked toward Xiao Chen's car window!

Xiao Chen rolled down the window and revealed a mild smile.

"Is Mr. Zhang here?"

"Mr. Zhang is in his office. Who are you? What do you want with Mr. Zhang?"

The tall guard looked haughty as if he'd rather glare at Xiao Chen through his nostrils.

Xiao Chen's smile grew even more profound.

"It's good that he's in then!"

Saying this, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand from the car window and pressed it onto the tall guard's head!

This movement was usually difficult to exert much force with, but Xiao Chen pushed the guard's head down hard. The tall guard became unsteady, his body flew up, and his face smashed into the ground, knocking him out cold!

The other guard, seeing someone causing trouble, immediately advanced with a baton in hand, but by this time, Xiao Chen had already gotten out of the car!

Xiao Chen, with his hands in his pockets, didn't even spare him a glance. He kicked the guard in the abdomen, sending him crashing into the iron gate behind him!

Beep beep!

Xiao Chen took out his car keys and locked the vehicle, then calmly walked into the building!

The scuffle outside had barely caught anyone's attention. When Xiao Chen walked in, he saw several disheveled men gathered together playing cards; each of them had a cigarette hanging from their mouths, cursing and swearing at each other!

"Excuse me!" Xiao Chen waved his hand, interrupting their gambling session, "Where is Mr. Zhang's office?"

The four men were all momentarily stunned. A burly man with a rough face stood up and looked at Xiao Chen with dissatisfaction: "Who the hell are you? Who let you in?"

"I let myself in!"

Xiao Chen said indifferently.

"Damn! Can't you understand human speech? I'm asking who you are?"

The burly man seemed to have lost a lot, hence his mood was naturally sour. He slammed his poker cards onto the table and stormed toward Xiao Chen, cursing, "Did you lose your way? Do you even know what place this is?"

However, just as the burly man reached Xiao Chen, a black shadow flashed before his eyes followed by a tremendous force on his neck!

Xiao Chen's hand was like iron pincers, gripping the burly man's neck tightly. In an instant, the burly man's face had turned asphyxiating blue!

Xiao Chen lifted the burly man into the air. The man's feet flailed wildly, and he used all his strength but couldn't pry Xiao Chen's hand loose!

"Can you tell me now, where is Zhang Hongfeng's office?"

Xiao Chen tilted his head and asked softly.