
0003 Why has it become smaller?_1

Dịch giả: 549690339

Su Lan sat next to Xiao Chen, cautious and afraid to utter a sound throughout the journey. Before, she thought being around Bai Jingchen was already pressure-packed, but after meeting Xiao Chen, she truly understood the meaning of "attending the emperor is like accompanying a tiger!"

No wonder Mr. Bai values this person so highly, the aura he exudes is definitely not something Mr. Bai could compare to!

Driving to the suburbs, the motorcade finally stopped in front of a single-story villa, which was decorated in a modern style. The transparent glass walls appeared luxurious yet understated, and the villa's overall shape was concave, with a clear swimming pool in the empty space in the middle.

"Mrs. Qing sure knows how to enjoy herself!"

Xiao Chen chuckled lightly, opened the car door, and stepped out, while gesturing towards Su Lan behind him, "You all can go back first!"

"Mr. Xiao, if you have any orders, just contact me at any time!"

Su Lan also got out of the car and handed Xiao Chen a business card, bowing as she spoke!

Xiao Chen didn't respond and instead walked into the villa with ease.

It wasn't until Xiao Chen had left that Su Lan truly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling her entire shirt soaked through with sweat!

Although Xiao Chen didn't display any negative emotions towards her, Su Lan always felt as if being beside him wrapped her in an inexplicable, immense pressure!

"This must be the 'presence' Mr. Bai talked about before..."


"Mrs. Qing! I'm back!"

After returning to the villa, Xiao Chen's face had lost his earlier calmness and seemed somewhat excited; those who knew Xiao Chen before rarely saw such an expression on him!

But after calling out, there was no response for a long time!

Xiao Chen curled his lips: "Not at home?"

After searching throughout the entire villa and not finding anyone, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"I was planning to give a surprise. Never mind! After sitting on a plane for more than ten hours, I should catch up on some sleep first!"

Xiao Chen stretched, took out a bottle of milk from the fridge, and gulped down a good half of it before casually choosing a room.

The room was filled with bursts of fragrance, and judging from the furnishings and decor, it was clearly a girl's room!

"Who would have thought Mrs. Qing was so girlish at heart!"

Xiao Chen looked at the pink walls and princess bed and murmured appreciatively!

Feeling drowsy, Xiao Chen lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep, head covered!

The sky gradually darkened, and he had no idea what time it was, but while Xiao Chen was sleeping soundly, he faintly heard the door opening!

Xiao Chen, having been on the battlefields of Africa for years, was extraordinarily vigilant, his perception surpassing ordinary people by tenfold, even hundreds of times. Even in deep sleep, no slight movement could escape his notice!

Originally, Xiao Chen planned to get up, but he soon realized he was in Huaxia, not Africa, and moreover, he was in his own home, so naturally, there was no need to be overly vigilant!

The footsteps gradually approached Xiao Chen, followed by a faint fragrance!

Eh? Didn't Mrs. Qing notice me?

Indeed, Xiao Chen felt the covers being lifted, and he smiled slightly.

Since Mrs. Qing had returned, there was no point in pretending to sleep anymore. Fortunately, he had taken a nap earlier to refresh himself; Xiao Chen inwardly praised his foresight!

However, just as Xiao Chen was about to turn over, he heard a strange voice!

"Mrs. Qing, I'm unhappy... I need comfort..."

Wait a minute!

Is this also someone looking for Mrs. Qing?

Doesn't that mean...

She isn't Mrs. Qing?

Xiao Chen even admired his own broad-mindedness, noting this detail even in such a moment!

The girl's voice was somewhat young, clearly not more than twenty years old!

Moreover, when she spoke, there was a hint of crying in her voice, giving off a pitiful impression!

"How can these plastic surgeons be so cruel? I spent so much money, and in the end, they had the nerve to criticize me! It's not like I want to be small, it just doesn't grow, what can I do? If it were big enough, who would need their help!"

The girl complained grievously, "Mrs. Qing, I wish I could have a figure as good as yours!"

As she spoke, the girl gradually wrapped her arms around Xiao Chen from behind, reaching forward with her hands...

Xiao Chen clearly felt her stiffen!


The girl's voice started to tremble!

At this point, Xiao Chen knew he couldn't pretend to be asleep any longer and sighed softly, saying indifferently, "Being too small can be due to genetic factors, or it might be the result of inadequate exercise or a lack of protein..."


Xiao Chen felt as if his eardrums were about to burst, and he immediately sat up!

Although the sky had dimmed, he could still make out the girl's appearance by the moonlight from the window.

The girl had sleek chestnut short hair, large eyes, full lips, and a tall nose bridge; she was quite exquisite-looking!


That figure...

Well, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel a twinge of disapproval!

"You, you, you, you!"

The young girl pointed at Xiao Chen, her large eyes flickering with fear, and her tongue started to twist, "What in the world is going on?"

Xiao Chen also felt a bit embarrassed, but thankfully he was composed. Although it was unexpected, he wasn't flustered!

He cleared his throat and adopted a serious demeanor!

"I've already made it quite clear, the lack of protein is key, and it also depends on certain professional massage techniques..."