
Chapter 396: Assassination

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It's already been three months since Shi Xiaole assumed the title of Red Dragon Divine Monarch.

During these three months, the martial world abruptly realized that the death and injury toll of martial artists, contrary to expectations, was not escalating but dramatically dwindling instead.

The wicked practitioners of the Devil Path, from various states, seemed to have evaporated all at once, and there were only occasional reports of them wreaking havoc and engaging in fights with righteous warriors.

"What the hell does the Red Dragon Divine Monarch want to do?"

"It's the calm before the storm. Xie Xiaofeng is clearly planning to build up the Devil Path in secret, and when he has enough power, he'll swallow us, the righteous path, all at once!"

This eerie peace did not allow the seasoned martial artists to breathe a sigh of relief but instead filled them with growing fear.