
Peerless Knight

Peerless Knight is a story about Alden, a commoner from the Valoria Empire. He wandered on streets after his father died, but he left him a special book.

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Chapter 3 - Monster Training (2)

The ogre's loud roar filled the chamber, making Alden's heart beat faster as he quickly grabbed the wooden shield nearby. He held onto it tightly, feeling its rough surface under his fingers as he stood ready to face the big monster.

"This is my chance," Alden whispered to himself, feeling both scared and determined. "I have to do this."

As the ogre swung its huge fist, Alden lifted the shield just in time. The hit was strong, making his arms hurt, but he didn't give up. Instead, he felt even more determined.

"Not giving up now," Alden muttered, trying to stay calm.

Using the shield, Alden found a moment to attack. He lunged forward with his sword aimed at the ogre's eyes. The creature howled in pain as Alden's sword hit its mark.

Alden felt a rush of excitement as he kept attacking the ogre while it was vulnerable. Each hit was fueled by his determination to win.

Even as the ogre thrashed around, Alden stayed focused. With each swing, he felt like he was finally fighting back against the bad things he'd faced.

Finally, with one last powerful blow, Alden drove his sword into the ogre's chest. The creature let out a final roar before falling to the ground defeated. Alden stood there, breathing hard but feeling proud of what he'd done.

With the battle over, Alden felt a wave of relief wash over him. He had faced his fears and come out on top, thanks to his quick thinking and determination.

As Alden caught his breath, relief washing over him after the hard-fought battle with the ogre, the message appeared once again, sending a chill down his spine. The words seemed to burn into his mind as he read them: "The second stage will begin."

His heart sank, his mind racing with uncertainty as he realized the fight wasn't over yet. "What does this mean?" he muttered to himself, his voice barely above a whisper as he tried to make sense of the message.

Before he could gather his thoughts, his surroundings shifted and his vision blurred for a moment. When his sight cleared, he found himself back in the same room, standing in the exact spot where he had started. His heart pounded in his chest as he took in his surroundings, dread creeping into his mind.

And then he saw them—ten goblins, their menacing grins sending shivers down his spine. Fear gripped him as he realized what he had to do to progress. "More enemies," he muttered, his voice trembling with apprehension as he tightened his grip on his sword.

But alongside the fear, a spark of determination flickered within him. He had come this far, faced countless challenges, and emerged victorious each time. He couldn't let himself falter now.

With a deep breath to steady his nerves, Alden squared his shoulders and met the goblins' gaze with steely determination. "Let's do this," he said, the words a quiet vow to himself as he prepared to face the next ... "Stage".

As Alden faced the ten goblins, his heart raced with adrenaline. The creatures snarled and brandished their weapons, their eyes filled with malice. Alden's grip tightened on his sword as he surveyed his opponents, a mixture of fear and determination coursing through him.

"Come on then, you ugly lot," Alden called out, his voice tinged with a nervous edge. "Let's see what you've got!"

With a deep breath to steady his nerves, Alden charged forward, his sword slashing through the air. The goblins reacted swiftly, their movements a blur of frenzied attacks.

Alden ducked and dodged, narrowly avoiding the swings of their weapons. But with each dodge, his resolve only grew stronger.

"You'll have to do better than that!" Alden taunted, his voice filled with bravado as he fought to keep his fear at bay.

But despite his best efforts, the goblins proved to be formidable opponents. One managed to land a glancing blow on Alden's arm, causing him to grunt in pain.

"Is that all you've got?" Alden growled through gritted teeth, his determination shining through despite the pain.

With renewed determination, Alden pressed on, his sword flashing as he struck down goblin after goblin. Each blow fueled by a mix of fear, anger, and sheer determination to emerge victorious.

As the last goblin fell, defeated, Alden stood panting, his chest heaving with exertion. But there was no time to celebrate. He knew that more challenges lay ahead, and he was ready to face them head-on.

As Alden stood among the defeated goblins, he noticed how much easier this fight had been compared to the ogre. "Maybe it was just a test to see if I'd keep going," he muttered to himself, a hint of realization sinking in.

With a determined nod, Alden pushed himself up from the ground, wiping sweat from his brow. "Hey, strange thing," he called out to the empty air. "How should I call you?"

To his surprise, a voice echoed in his mind, clear and simple. "You can call me 'The System'," it replied, its tone matter-of-fact.

Alden blinked in surprise, trying to wrap his head around the idea. "The System," he repeated, testing the name out.

With a newfound sense of curiosity, Alden's mind filled with questions. What was this system, and what did it have in store for him? But for now, he decided to accept its presence and prepare for whatever challenges lay ahead.