
Peerless Harem

Today is the day that I will finally take my life. It has been an incredible journey thus far, and I have accomplished all that I have set out to accomplish from the moment that I’d found myself reincarnated into this eastern fantasy. Honestly, me. A simple farmer has reached the pinnacle of all creation under heaven. Yet, despite that seemingly impossible achievement, I feel so empty inside. Perhaps, it is because I am all alone here in this place. This summit. For the loneliest number is me. So many people have left me on my journey towards greatness for one reason or another. They either did not have the OP systems or cheats to reach the top with me, and I feel so guilty for totally forgetting about them for many, many adventures, especially when I ascend to a higher realm. Now that I have reached the peak, standing above all else, looking down at the world and everything below, I wonder to myself, what have I truly accomplished in the end? Where are my friends, families, and most importantly, a harem of heaven defying beauties? ****

Erosire · Huyền huyễn
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37 Chs

Interesting New Things

I have to admit, I am pleasantly enlightened. There is actually a way to make inedible meat edible, and it is so simple that I should kick myself in the head for not thinking of it sooner.

But I have a reasonable explanation for the oversight. And that is, I was too busy training and training and more training. Did I mention trying desperately to survive too?

The old era isn't as peaceful as the current era. While this era still belongs to the strong, the weak can still survive and live in relative peace as long as they know their place, and without running and hiding all day long, fearing for their lives and what's not, they have the time to explore and learn great many things.

"It is thanked to the Supreme Immortal Emperor more than billion years ago," Shen He tells me some basic history of the world, "he descended from the heaven and wiped out all the Demons that plagued the realms, allowing us to live without fear of being enslaved."

"I see," I responded, not really interested in the history lesson, considering it is kind of bullshit.

Honestly, when did I become the Supreme Immortal Emperor? And those Demons, who enslaved the entire world? Other cultivators. It was pretty much: join my cult or be destroyed. I wasn't the only one who has that mentality. Everyone did.

That is why the old era was so fucking dangerous. It was either kill or be killed.

I guess that wiping out everyone to stop them from bothering me did bring forth an era of peace and prosperity. Oh hey! I just realize I did a good thing. Good job me. Even though it wasn't my intention, but no one knows that.


Anyway, I am not interested in history. I am more interested in what Shen He is cooking. He had used the tainted meat from the dead beast to make a stew, and from the delightful aromas dancing in front of my nose, I am practically drooling.

I could not wait to have a taste, and I am glad that I did.

The stew is beyond heavenly, and for a fraction of a second, I have completely forgotten that I should not eaten anything others has prepared because that is usually a one-way ticket to the other side. The old era was that dangerous. Friends or foes, it did not matter.

"I hope that the stew is to your satisfaction, Senior Shin," Shen He fishes for compliment. Kind of weird since he was an old dude asking me, a young dude. From appearance anyway.

I simply give him a nod in response and continue to inhale the delicious stew. Honestly, I was going to kill him regardless of whatever he says or does. It is just better that way since the dead cannot backstab me in the future. Just because this is a new era does not mean my mentality has changed.

"What else can you make, old man?" I question after emptying the pot into my belly, ignoring the fact that the stew could be poisoned. My eyes couldn't detect any poison with a simple analysis, and even if it is, I have plenty of antidotes for all sort of poisons. Even poisons for doesn't exist yet.

The old man smiles and strokes his very long white beard. "A great many things, Senior Shin. I am a 5-star Chef and Gourmet Hunter."

Like that supposes to mean something to me. I understood the star ranking somewhat. Higher means better, and from the title, I am relatively sure what his specialization is. Or are. Not limited to one job.

"Are you a headmaster of a culinary school or something?" I question while licking the pot clean. I did not know I was that hungry. Or maybe the stew was way too delicious.

"I am exactly that, Senior Shin," Shen He confirms. "My best student has offended you, and I apologize for his action. If you can spare his life, I will make sure he compensates you for it. My school will also compensate you."

"Okay. What bout those guys there," I point at the corpses nearby. "They are also your students, right? Don't they get the same treatment?"

In response, Shen He chuckles and continues to stroke his beard. "They are insignificants, Senior Shin."

"I see," I murmur before tossing the pot away. "Alright. I am no longer mad at the idiot for interrupting my lunch. Now, tell me how I can become a Gourmet Hunter and a Chef? I want to be able to prepare my own foods."

As I have requested, Shen He tells me all about being a Chef and a Gourmet Hunter. Both jobs are not for normal people, as only cultivators can hunt beasts and prepare their meat for consumptions. That said, cultivation levels are not directly related to the star ranking.

The same reason that Yang Meili – that girl before – is a 3-stars Chef despite her cultivation level being only at first stage. She does not need to hunt for ingredients, so she does not need to be an incredible powerful cultivator.

As for the tittle and rank themselves, Shen He's school is actually one of the many schools throughout the realm that can grant them, but there are examinations at each rank as well as the preliminary one, and the school cannot conduct examination of equal or higher rank the school has achieved.

Being a 5-stars Chef and Gourmet Hunter, his school was considered a 5-stars Culinary School, and the best school could only reach 4-stars in both specializations.

Shao Nianzu is a 4-stars Gourmet Hunter despite his young age. Therefore, Shen He favors Shao Nianzu greatly. It helps when the Shao clan is very powerful clan.

"If you wish to become a Gourmet Hunter and a Chef, Senior Shin. I will prepare a letter of introduction for you," Shen He offers. "The preliminary examination has already started for this year, but with such a letter, you will not need to participate in the examination."

He is basically saying that he will vouch for me. Considering that he is the Headmaster of the Culinary School, his support is priceless.

"No thanks, but prepare it anyway just in case," I response. "Take me the examination. I want to earn my own qualification."