
Peerless Cultivator In Another World

In the world of cultivation of immortality, there is a person known as the 'Evil Genius'. He is an expert in many fields. Because of this, he is respected and feared by all. This is not only because he has unparalleled strength but also because he masters many unique knowledge. However, this man accidentally transmigrated into another world, and his former body no longer what it used to be. His body now had turned into a kid. And now, let's accompany him towards his journey in this unfamiliar world as he discovers of shocking things, makes companions, unravels the secrets of his transmigration, and reach the peak of his life once again. --------- Note: Even though he's entitled as "Evil Genius," he is not evil, but a neutral mc. He will only do things that benefit him. You will further understand his personality as you read the story. --------- Note: Cover is not mine.

ZenoShin · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Wind Chasing Wolves

As soon as the strange sound came out, Sheryl had a reaction.

"Everyone, be on guard!" Sheryl was the first to stand in front of the team and give a warning.

Upon hearing the situation, everyone's response wasn't panic but rather excitement and eagerness to fight!

What does the saying "young calves are not afraid of tigers" mean? These few students who had just dealt with a few low-level magic beasts were the perfect meaning to it.

"Monica, what do you think it will be this time? A ground mouse or a fire rabbit?" Adela asked quietly and scanned her surroundings with a teasing look!

Monica sighed in defeat and rubbed her forehead. How could I possibly know? It's pointless to ask me!

Just when everyone was preparing to fight and guessing what kind of magical beast it would be, Ling Fan and Robin emerged, leading a horse. The tapping sound was the sound of the horse's hooves walking in the ground.

Instantly, everyone wore expressions of disbelief.

Adela pulled Monica without expression, "Monica, is that also a magical beast?"

Monica exclaimed in a nearly furious tone, "Sister, do you think magic beast can look like human?"

Edela smiled foolishly, "Yes, I think so!"

Monica: "...???"

Geraldine examined Ling Fan and Robin up and down, and the more he looked, the more amusing he found it. He never expected to encounter people better than them who had come to the magic beast forest to experience at such a young age. Impressive!

"Hi, which academy do you two came from?" Geraldine asked.

In "Gulu City," there is not only one academy like the "Dove Magic and Sword Academy." Apart from that, there are more than thirty magic and sword academy, big and small throughout the whole city. These academies mainly teach low to medium level magic and sword arts knowledge. If one wants to learn advanced or higher-level magic and swordsmanship knowledge and skills, they must go to renowned foreign academy such as the "Magic and Sword Royal Academy" or at the "Regal Academy of Magic and Sword,' and other foreign academies.

It's worth mentioning that the "Dove Magic and Swords Academy" ranks only at middle-level among the schools in "Gulu City." There are at least a dozen other academy with stronger instructors than their academy. Of course, the ranking of the academies isn't solely determined by the strength of their respective academy instructors. In fact, the rankings of academies in the entire city are determined through the annual "Academic Ranking Competition."

The "Academic Ranking Competition" takes place once a year, with the venues rotating among various magic and swords academies. Only students from the respective academies can participate, and external help is strictly prohibited during the competition. If caught, the participant will be disqualified and can not participate in the academic ranking competition in the next three years.

Ling Fan glanced at Geraldine and instantly knew he was a simple-minded person. He knew that engaging in conversation with someone like this would be exhausting and maddening.

"Which one of you has the highest authority here?" Ling Fan asked calmly.

"Let me handle this." Sheryl stood up calmly.

"I advise you to change your path. There's a group of magical beasts waiting for you ahead." After Ling Fan finished speaking, he and Robin continued to move forward.(Ling Fan is talking about the direction where he came from just now.)

"Yeah, there's a group of magic beast ahead! Monica, did you hear that? What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Adela grabbed Monica's hand excitedly and shook it vigorously.

Almost instinctively, Monica shook Adela's hand away and distanced herself from her immediately.

Ling Fan also glanced at the foolish girl as he passed by. He didn't say anything.

Sheryl looked at Ling Fan and Robin, who were gradually moving away. But without saying a word, she led the group to proceed. It's not that she didn't want to believe in what Ling Fan said, but she simply didn't take Ling Fan seriously.

First of all, Sheryl had been here more than once, and he knew that there weren't any powerful magical beasts around. Even if it was a fifth-level monster, she was confident in quickly defeating it. Moreover, even children like Ling Fan could handle them, so it shouldn't be a problem, right? Could it be that their group were less powerful than those two children?

Another point was that Sheryl had an inherent arrogance. She wasn't the type of person to change her plans based on someone's opinion or words..

These fools didn't really listen to my advice! At this moment, Ling Fan learned through the Swift Eagle that Sheryl didn't take his warning seriously at all.

At that moment, Ling Fan and Robin were sitting on a rock, resting and eating something. To be precise, Ling Fan intentionally stopped to see if those people would take his advice.

Suddenly, a voice became gradually sounded from a distance, "Run! They're catching up!"

The sound grew clearer and faster, moving closer.

Before long, three people rushed out from the front. They were the three magicians from the team: Monica, Edra, and a young boy.

"Run! There are so many demon wolves..." Adela ran past Ling Fan and Robin in a frantic manner, completely disregarding her image.

"Don't stay here, run away! They won't last long, and the demon wolves will catch up soon." Monica stopped and kindly reminded Ling Fan and the others.

Ling Fan looked up at Monica and said indifferently, "Would you like something to eat?"

"Why eat right now? If you don't leave here immediately, it'll be too late." Monica turned around anxiously.

"Monica, what are you doing? Run!" Adela shouted.

"Let's go..." Monica stomped her foot, not knowing what else to say.

"I just sat down." Ling Fan said with an expression of "it's not worth risking our lives."

At that moment, Sheryl retreated with four junior students in embarrassment. Seeing that Monica and the others were still there, she said in a slightly angry tone, "Why are you still here? Didn't I tell you to run as far as possible? What are you waiting for?"

"But they won't leave even after I told them!" Monica pointed at Ling Fan and said.

"If they don't want to go, then don't care about them! Let's go!" Sheryl said, grabbing Monica's hand and running forward. She couldn't even take care of his own team, let alone Ling Fan and the two of them. Moreover, Ling Fan and Robin not leaving had nothing to do with her.

Time was running out, and the rumbling sound of stomping on the ground grew closer, but Ling Fan and Robin showed no intention of getting up. In contrast to them, the nearby horse tethered and began to neigh uncomfortably and tried to break free from its reins.

Finally, a group of wind chasing wolves, a fourth-level wind-type magical beast, came into sight as they were chasing the other magical beast running...

Wind chasing wolves liked to live in groups. Although the wind chasing wolf is only fourth-level in terms of strength, their numbers posed a threat. As the saying goes, "Too many ants can kill an elephant." Dealing with a single wind chasing wolf was easy, but when tangled with a group of them, it can become extremely dangerous. Even a seventh-level magic beast could be bitten and killed by these wolves, which was why Sheryl ran away.

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