
Peerless Cultivator In Another World

In the world of cultivation of immortality, there is a person known as the 'Evil Genius'. He is an expert in many fields. Because of this, he is respected and feared by all. This is not only because he has unparalleled strength but also because he masters many unique knowledge. However, this man accidentally transmigrated into another world, and his former body no longer what it used to be. His body now had turned into a kid. And now, let's accompany him towards his journey in this unfamiliar world as he discovers of shocking things, makes companions, unravels the secrets of his transmigration, and reach the peak of his life once again. --------- Note: Even though he's entitled as "Evil Genius," he is not evil, but a neutral mc. He will only do things that benefit him. You will further understand his personality as you read the story. --------- Note: Cover is not mine.

ZenoShin · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Strange Death

In the Magic Beast Forest, the vegetation is lush, and there are numerous species of magical creatures, which constantly echo in the air.

Now, let's talk about Sheryl and the others who finally escaped. At this moment, they are resting under a big tree, each of them, looking disheveled.

"Captain, do you think they won't chase us anymore?" Adela, panting heavily, asked with lingering fear.

At this point, even she has become less arrogant and more down-to-earth.

"I think they probably won't." Sheryl's breath was also somewhat chaotic. She never expected such bad luck to befall on them. Leading his junior brothers and sisters on their first training mission, they encountered the group of wind chasing wolves. It was truly an unlucky situation.

"What about those two people? Will they be okay?" Monica asked worriedly.

"I'm afraid they're done for!" Geraldine said nonchalantly, making an indifferent expression on his face.

Monica fell silent, feeling like something was blocking her heart, a heavy feeling. It's not surprising, as it was obvious they were kindly warned, but instead of heeding the advice, they ended up dragging those people down. What a mess they had made.

Everyone's mood became tense, and the previous relaxed atmosphere disappeared entirely during their rest.

After resting for an unknown period of time, they finally confirmed that the pack of wind chasing wolves had retreated. Cautiously, Sheryl and his group started moving forward again, their nerves on edge and no trace of their previous complacency.

Finally, after spending nearly an hour going back to the not-so-far distance, they arrived at the place where Ling Fan and Robin had been previously.

In an instant, they were stunned by what they saw.

Before them lay a field of dead wind chasing wolves, their bodies scattered in all directions.

What in the world happened here? Sheryl could hardly believe his eyes. These were Wind Chasing Wolves, not ordinary magical beast, how could they all be dead in an instant? What kind of power was capable of achieving this?

Wait a minute, something's not right! Sheryl suddenly realized.

There were no traces of blood, no signs of a fight, yet these wolves were genuinely dead. This... this was just too strange. What could have happened here?

"Wow, so many wind chasing wolf are dead! We can make a fortune this time; their magic crystals are worth quite a lot," Geraldine exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he began to dig up the magic crystals.

"Is what you said true? Can we really make a lot of money by selling these magical crystals? If that's the case, I'll help you dig them up, and we'll split the money fifty-fifty," Adela immediately chimed in. (Hayss! I take back what I said about her being down-to-earth.)

Monica was utterly speechless!

Watching these two clowns, Monica suddenly had a strange thought: these two really match each other. If they were to be together in the future and have children, what would their children be like?


A few days later, inside the Dove Magic and Swords Academy.

"Sheryl, you're back! How did it go? Was the training successful?" Inside the academy, a middle-aged man with a broadsword at his waist asked Sheryl. This person was none other than Sheryl's mentor, Cassie.

"Mentor Cassie, our team completed the training successfully, and there were no casualties," Sheryl respectfully replied.

"That's good to hear. I knew with you leading, everything would be fine," Cassie said. Seeing that Sheryl seemed to have something else to say, he asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Mentor Cassie, I'd like to seek your opinion on something."

"Oh?" Cassie became interested because his student rarely asked others for advice. "What is it?"

"Mentor, can you help me figure out how this wind chasing wolf died?" Sheryl said, taking out the corpse of a wind chasing wolf from a magic ring.

Cassie didn't think it was a big deal, but he was curious why Sheryl would bring a dead wind chasing wolf in broad daylight. So, he nodded and began to examine the corpse. However, the more closely he looked, the more serious his expression became, and he couldn't help but furrow his brow.

No wounds, no signs of poisoning, the body intact, and unexpected death, indicating there was no significant struggle before death. This was truly strange! Cassie mumbled to himself.

With countless turbulent situations he faced, Cassie had never seen anything so bizarre.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Cassie asked eagerly. Then, Sheryl began to talk about what happened in the forest.

"The way this wind chasing wolf died is indeed bizarre. It must be related to those two children." Cassie said, looking very certain. "Think about it, he warned you about the numerous magical creatures, right? It means he wasn't discovered or not afraid of the wind chasing wolves. When you were desperate escaping, those two children were calmly eating, right? If they weren't idiot, they must have had a reason to be unafraid of the wind chasing wolves."

In fact, even without Cassie explanation, Sheryl had already thought the same. It's just that she couldn't accept that these two children had killed so many wind chasing wolves so easily. What method could they have used?

"The cause of the Wind Chasing Wolf's death is really too strange, and I truly have no idea how it died." Cassie had to admit. "If we want to find out, I think we should ask for help from Mentor Maxine."

Maxine was a magic mentor specializing in water magic, and in addition to mater magic, she also mastered light magic. She had considerable nursing and medical knowledge and also served as the academy's doctor.

The saying "you shall receive what you ask" soon became true. Maxine just happened to be walking over, carrying a dozen books in her arms.

"Mentor Maxine, can you come over for a moment?" Cassie called out happily. Even with Maxine's beauty, he didn't show any weird expression.

"Hey, Cassie, what's up?" Maxine walked over.

"Mentor Maxine, this is Sheryl. She has something she'd like to consult with you," Cassie said.

"Oh, you must be Sheryl. I heard you took your junior brothers and sisters for training and have already returned," Maxine said with a smile.

Before Sheryl could speak, Cassie couldn't wait to say, "Maxine, can you help me figure out how this wind chasing wolf died?"

In fact, even without Cassie's words, Maxine already wanted to ask why they were carrying a dead wind chasing wolf in broad daylight. Hearing Cassie's question, she nodded and squatted down to examine the corpse.

At first, Maxine was puzzled, but as she continued, her expression turned into shock.

"Teacher Maxine, did you find anything?" Cassie asked eagerly.

"The death of this wind whasing wolf is truly strange. It seems that it was killed by some force that immediately shattered its heart. Moreover—" Maxine patted her slender hand and stood up, continuing, "moreover, it was a one hit blow!"

Hearing this, both Cassie and Sheryl were astonished!

"Now, can you tell me what exactly happened?" Maxine's eyes sparkled with the natural curiosity of a woman.

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