
Peerless Cultivator In Another World

In the world of cultivation of immortality, there is a person known as the 'Evil Genius'. He is an expert in many fields. Because of this, he is respected and feared by all. This is not only because he has unparalleled strength but also because he masters many unique knowledge. However, this man accidentally transmigrated into another world, and his former body no longer what it used to be. His body now had turned into a kid. And now, let's accompany him towards his journey in this unfamiliar world as he discovers of shocking things, makes companions, unravels the secrets of his transmigration, and reach the peak of his life once again. --------- Note: Even though he's entitled as "Evil Genius," he is not evil, but a neutral mc. He will only do things that benefit him. You will further understand his personality as you read the story. --------- Note: Cover is not mine.

ZenoShin · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs


As a casserole-sized palm whizzingly slapped Ling Fan, everyone's hearts tightened, knowing it was over for this kid. Because if this kid were to get hit by Fred's big-sized palm, he would surely die if not be completely disabled. Meanwhile, Albert was also in a shock and suddenly became anxious. He was also annoyed that he hadn't acted earlier. But right now, if he wanted to intervene, it was obvious that he was already too late. He had no way to stop this swift slap at this time, so he could only watch Ling Fan get slapped.

However, just as everyone was waiting for the crisp slap sound, a strange scene occurred.

About 20 centimeters away from Ling Fan's face, Fred's hand froze in place and then came to a sudden stop under that kind of acceleration. Unbelievably, a slender and delicate hand suddenly stopped the casserole-sized palm. This delicate hand belonged to Robin—whom everyone thought is just a harmless little girl.

At that moment, Robin's eyes were fixed on Fred, and Fred felt that the hand holding him was steady like a mountain.

Robin—Robin Trench—would absolutely not allow anyone to harm her master in front of her! It was forbidden, no matter who the person was!

Who said only dragons had reverse scales? For Robin, there was only one forbidden zone for her!

And that forbidden zone was Ling Fan. For her, anyone who wanted to harm Ling Fan was forbidden unless they stepped over her dead body!

Because since she followed Ling Fan, she knew that her life no longer belonged to her!

Suddenly, a cold breath emanated from Robin's body.

Her young frame exuded a chilling aura, one that freeze a soul—it was truly terrifying!

Her black hair danced in the wind, like flickering hellfire from hell.


A terrifying scream escaped from Fred's mouth.

This scream was like the howling of ghosts and wolves in the silent night. It deeply impacted the hearts of everyone who hadn't recovered from the shock.

At that moment, all eyes were fixed on Fred's arm, and they all gasped. Because Fred's arm no longer looked like an arm, it was completely deformed by Robin's grip. What kind of strength is needed to achieve such an effect!

Silence, as if life had vanished from the earth; silence, so quiet that people could hear their own breathing!

Now, no one treated and saw Robin as a harmless little girl anymore because she had transformed into a harbinger of death.

Also, no one underestimated the power of this little kid anymore because the one they thought was just a simple little girl just proved her might!

Fear, an inexplicable fear, began to rise in the hearts of everyone.

This fear was even more pronounced after they saw Robin's face with stoic expression!

This fear was even more difficult to quell due to the massive difference in strength!

At that moment, Albert's pupils were fully dilated, and he could even hear his heart beating anxiously "thump bang bang~." He couldn't understand why he felt so uneasy, as if he were enveloped in a strange aura that induced uncontrollable fear.

Anthony trembled, tightly gripping his magic wand, his mind crashing: Oh my god! Can someone explain what exactly I just witnessed?

Moreover, Robin didn't release Fred's arm because she had weakened her grip. Instead, she pulled him back, and with her other hand, she also pinched his neck.

In an instant, despair, helplessness, and panic overcame Fred!

He wanted to call for help, but Robin's grip was too strong, choking his throat, and he could only make a whining sound.

What is the disparity in power? This was the ultimate proof!

"No one can insult my master!" Robin declared, without any emotion in her face. "No one can!"

Just as Robin was about to use the "Nine Yin White Bone Claw" again to finish him, Ling Fan spoke.

"Robin, let's just forget about this," Ling Fan said lightly, still drinking his water as if nothing had happened.

Ling Fan's tone was calm, as he continued drinking his boiled water, as if the events in front of him had nothing to do with him.

With Ling Fan's words, Robin relaxed her grip on Fred, but she didn't let go of him just yet. Instead, she changed her grip and, using a technique called the "Black Tiger Pulling Out Its Heart," she lifted him up gently, as if he were a lifeless chicken, and threw him out of the nearest window.

Afterward, Ling Fan continued to drink his water, and Robin continued to eat her food, as if nothing had just happened.

All of this happened so fast that it felt like a lightning bolt! From the moment Fred swung his palm to when he was thrown out of the window by Robin, it took only a few tens of seconds.

For a long time, everyone did not recover from this series of changes and shocks. But in the end, it was Alexander and others who broke the silence. After witnessing Robin's unbelievable strength, they didn't dare to seek revenge for their brother. However, their brother was still lying on the ground outside, and they couldn't ignore his life and death, so they hurried downstairs.

After a while, Ling Fan and Robin suddenly stood up. This move surprised everyone, as every action of Ling Fan and Robin now can affect everyone's hearts!

No one dared to speak or make any noise; they could only watch Ling Fan and his other companion silently, praying in their hearts, hoping not to be their next target.

"Waiter, settle the bill!" Ling Fan said calmly.

"Our distinguishable guest, please consider this meal a gift from our little restaurant, and you don't need to pay for it," said the middle-aged boss.

When he saw that his little waitress was trying to pick up the money that Ling Fan was going to pay, he was terrified! He thought, "My living ancestor(referring to the little waitress), how dare you take money from these two little devils? Do you not want to live anymore? If one of them is unhappy, my little restaurant definitely cannot afford it..."

"Are you sure we don't need to pay?" Ling Fan asked strangely.

"Absolutely sure, absolutely!" The middle-aged boss hurriedly said, bowing like a servant in front of his master.

Ling Fan stared at him for a moment, then finally collected the money that was supposed to pay and left with Robin. But before leaving, he said a word that almost scared the middle-aged boss to the ground.

Ling Fan said: "I'll tell you with certainty, the food here is really terrible!"

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