

Homo Peculiari, a new species of humans together with the Homo sapiens. What makes them evolved is that these Peculiars have special abilities. As four of the few hundred Peculiars emerged in the Montenales, Philippines, a scientist from Russia flies to the Philippines to hold them captive for his new research. Remus, one of the four in the Philippines, finds the other three to save them from getting captured. The Peculiars discovers their special ability, and they should all learn how to control them and use them for their safety.

Bloodwork · Khoa huyễn
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4 Chs


"Shush. Be quiet." Whispers Dr Rod to an old woman, his index finger horizontally moving through her lips. "It will all be alright. This will all be fast." He looked at her nefariously, the woman responding with raging eyes. A metal cap was on her head, like the ones that were used when electrocuting a person.

Homo peculiari.

These are the next evolved species of humans. They have gifts. Unique gifts. Homo sapiens got so jealous they craved the gift so bad they are keen to assassinate.

"They will find me." The old woman tried to escape, but with all these cuffs around her, she failed to do so. "They will save me."

"No, love." Dr Rod chuckled. "I will find them. And I will kill every one of your species."

This is my first time writing, and I hope you guys will like it. I update every Tuesday & Friday. =) Keep safe y'all!

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