
Peaky Blinders: The Mafia System[HIATUS]

[HIATUS]It was 2022 outside. A young guy serving in the Russian Guard, on one of his missions, was hit by grenade fragments that severely grazed his internal organs. Filled with despair and resigned to his fate, he could only slowly wait for his death. After the sparkle of life disappeared in his eyes, a quiet ringing with an indistinct voice sounded in his head. - "The Mafia system has been successfully integrated into the host's body. If you accept the terms, click on the [Accept] button.” If you want to support Me: Patreon.com/JasmeRy

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46 Chs

Chapter 31 - The Garrison Pub

Standing in front of the mirror, the girl carefully applied red lipstick to her lips. Taking out her earrings from the box, she put them on her ears and looked at herself in the mirror.

She was wearing a red shirt with a black kind of tie. A black cashmere skirt that completely hid her long legs, and on her feet she wore red shoes.

"Are you ready?" Victor asked, who suddenly appeared behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, placing his face on her shoulder.

"Yes, I'm ready, but you're not yet.. Let me tie your tie properly," pushing her annoying brother away, she grabbed his tie to tie it properly.

Today is the day when the Garrison Pub will be opened. Victor thought for a long time about what choice he should make. In the end, it turned out that he decided to go there to talk to the Shelby family.

- "Here, it's done." - after the tie was tied, Emilia looked at her brother, then pulling his tie, causing him to slightly tilt his head slightly, quickly kissed him on the lips.

"We can go now." - pulling away, the girl went to the hanger where her coat was hanging, not paying attention to Victor who was still standing in place.

"Is it my imagination or are you getting more and more bossy around me?" Victor asked, coming to his senses and putting his coat on his body.

"Shouldn't a woman who can turn you into a cat stand with a strong man like you?" Emilia asked, pushing her long black hair back, slightly raising an eyebrow as she looked at Victor.

"Do you think I'm a cat?" Victor asked.

- "Yes.. You are a fluffy cat for me, who constantly demands attention." - Emilia replied

- "Is it bad to be possessive?" Victor asked himself and opened the door.

When the couple was about to leave the door, they met a blond boy. Judging by his posture in which he was standing, he had been under the door for a long time, but did not dare to knock on it.

"What are you doing here, Noah? Shouldn't you be celebrating with other guys?" Victor asked, looking at the boy who hesitated slightly under his gaze.

- "M-I'm bored there.." - Noah replied in a low voice.

Emilia, who was looking at Noah, thought a little to herself. For some reason it seemed to her that he was lying to them. After talking to him, she realized a long time ago that this guy clearly just wanted to be with Victor. She knew that look that said - I want to be with you.

- "Okay.. If so, then come with us .."- said Victor patting the boy on the head, which immediately made him more animated.



- "Johnny, why are you drinking so little, pour more quickly!" said Thomas, patting his friend on the back. The company of colleagues was now actively drinking at the table, enjoying the taste of alcohol in their mouths.

Sitting at the tables, everyone was enjoying alcoholic beverages now. The bar is finally opening today. The atmosphere was quite cozy, everyone was enjoying the moment now.

- "Danny, don't stand there, bring more bottles," shouted Arthur, holding a case of whiskey in his hands.

Polly and Ada were now sitting at the bar and looking at the men from the side. They were also among the people who enjoyed the moment.

While there was a fuss around, the door of the pub opened and soon three figures appeared.

When everyone noticed the presence of the guests, some who were not familiar with them frowned, because they thought that they had come uninvited.

- "Hey.. Haven't you seen the sign that says CLOSED?" shouted Harry Fenton, wiping his glass with a rag.

"These are our guests, Harry.. " Thomas said when he saw Victor's arrival.

"So you came... Good to see you Victor, come with us, we need to talk.." - said Arthur coming up to Victor and patting him on the shoulder.

When Victor looked at the bar, memories that were from his past life began to pop up in his head. He still remembered what this bar looked like when he watched the series. And when he got here for real, he felt strange.

He saw familiar faces. All of them were an exact copy of the people who were filmed in the series. When he looked at Danny, the guy who was shot, he couldn't help but wonder why this guy was injured.

- "Amy, Noah. Go take a seat and rest, I'll be there soon." Victor said and headed to a separate discussion room with the Shelby brothers.

Emilia did not think long and went to the bar table and sat down next to the women. Noah, who was among the strangers, also followed her, as he felt awkward.

"It's good to see you, Emilia. Polly said, taking a sip of whiskey from her glass.

- "Greetings, Polly." - Emilia replied without turning around at the woman and looked at Harry standing with another mug in his hands and said: - "A glass of wine, please."

Ada, who was sitting to her aunt's left, saw the interactions between them and couldn't help but frown at the girl who was younger than her. She didn't like the way she treated her like air.

"Are you always this rude?" Ada asked, turning to face Emilia.

"Are you saying I'm rude? When you pushed me in the past, you didn't even apologize to me until my brother asked you to," Emilia replied in a cold tone without turning around.

"What is she talking about, Ada?" Polly asked, noticing that they already knew each other.

- "Just like that.. We have already met in the past, but somehow it didn't work out with communication.. " - Ada answered ambiguously.

Polly couldn't help but shake her head. She didn't want there to be any quarrels in their family. She had already realized that a boy named Victor cared a lot about this girl, so she wanted to be on good terms with her.

- "So girls.. Let's not talk about the bad.. We are one family now, so we can't show men that the women in their family behave like little children.." said Polly in her tough tone.

At the same time, 4 Shelby brothers were sitting in a separate room. Each of them was sitting in their seats and holding a cigarette in his hand, simultaneously exhaling a cloud of tobacco smoke.

- "And so Victor, what have you decided about returning to the family?" Thomas said, poking his cigarette butt into the ashtray on the table.

Arthur and John didn't say anything, as they didn't want to interfere in their conversation. Arthur, although he was a little distant, he would not mind that this boy was with them, but John felt awkward, considering that his so-called younger brother seemed to him like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

At some point, Arthur also added a few words: - "Come back to the family, Victor.. We will all be happy to welcome you to our family. Although I don't like the idea that you're not my mother's son, but you still have my father's blood.. "

"That's right, brother, we can make your life more comfortable.. We are the "Sharp Visors" of your mother and you should be one of us." - after much thought, John decided to speak out.

He thought for a long time about the past, the present and about this whole situation. Over time, he realized that he had done the wrong thing at that time, but imagining that Victor would be among them, he felt that it would be a great idea.

The very idea that such a guy would be with them, he felt that he would greatly help them in order to show what authority is in this city.

Holding a glass of alcohol in his hand, Victor looked at his reflection in it and silently thought about something, then after a moment he said: "Can you promise that by staying close to you I can guarantee that Emilia is not in danger?"

Thomas felt that this question seemed a little strange, but he still answered: "I promise that nothing will happen to Emilia. "

"I'll remember your words.. " Victor said, then his gaze stopped on something in the air, but immediately looked away, still holding a glass of whiskey, he drank it in one gulp and looked at Thomas: "I agree to return to the family."


[The "Peaky Blinders" storyline has been updated!]

Hello, hello, the prodigal son is back! I hoped that I would be able to take a little break from the book, as a result, the thesis that the dean's office reminded me of turned out to be a rest.. Not the most pleasant news.. Now that I've done all the work, I can go back to the daily updates.

Throw stones of power!

Enjoy reading!

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