
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · Kỳ huyễn
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46 Chs

Great Massacre

The disciples in the beast region continued to hunt magical beast not know what is about to befall them. Huxton and Tabbit also continued to attack magical beast and retrieving their cores. It is already four days now, some disciples has hunted while some became preys for the magical beasts, the people who have been able to survive till now has raised their cultivation level to a great hight.

Huxton and Tabbit moved deeper into the forest killing all type of magical beast and retrieving their magical core

"Boss, this is so much better than sleeping all day in that huge castle"Tabbit said with excitement before using his paw to root out the core of a lava pig

"I like it too, now I understand what the cultivation world truly is, a world the weak becomes prey to the strong, I will never be any body's prey" Huxton said with determination

Huxton swung his sword down killing the magical beast in combat with him, he proceeded to retrieve the beast core.

"Boss let's continue to move, we have gotten up to seventy beast cores now, lets continue moving ahead my cultivation has really made alot of progress, reaching the 5th level of foundation building tier, you also made a great progress too, getting to the 3rd level of foundation building tier,good one boss, let's move"Tabbit said happily

They continued walking towards a direction, getting to a point, Tabbit stopped with a deep frown

"Boss, do you smell that?"

"smell what?"Huxton asked in a surprise tone

"Blood, I smell blood, and alot of it, the smell is over the air, I can perceive it very well"Tabbit said with a serious tone

"Why are you so serious about it, it might be some slaughtered magical beast, maybe a group of students killed them" Huxton said after pondering for a while

"That's the problem boss, this is not the smell of beast blood but of humans"Tabbit said with a frown and a serious expression

"What!!!, humans, let's move fast, where?"Huxton said before moving out with the One Billion lightning Step, Tabbit immediately followed catching up to him at once .

They moved fastly getting to a place they saw a dead body on the ground with his head out, Huxton wasn't as terrified as before but he was still shocked by the scene before him.

They continued to move ahead, they saw a huge foot print on the ground, big enough for five people to fit in it,they were very shocked by the size of the foot print, getting to a point, they saw a place that looked like a camp, they entered there and saw bodies littered like trash everywhere on the ground, this bodies were putting on disciples uniform, blood filled the whole ground.

Huxton nearly puked when he saw that

"Lord Huxton, this is the true cultivation world,you would see this more than often in the future"Huzzah said with a light tone

"This is cruel"Huxton said sadly

"This was the disaster I said earlier on, a powerful magical beast is within the out skirt of this Forest, the disciples are in real trouble, try to get them out of here as quick as possible"Huzzah seriously said from the castle

"Grandpa, I can't beat that beast you talk about, and I don't think I and Tabbit can handle it together, we don't even stand a chance, and this stupid sword in my hand is not even helping me"Huxton said in a sorrowful tone while throwing away the sword in his hand in anger

"Lord Huxton, I understand how you feel, watching people die, the cultivation world is just like that, power is just the best way to make things better, the best way to make things go the way you want it"Huzzah said encouragingly

"I swear to the heavens that I will never be weak again, I must become powerful!!! powerful enough to roam this world without any fear"Huxton said sorrowfully

Tabbit saw that the mood was really bad, he stood at a corner and waited for Huxton to recover from the pain, after a few minutes, Huxton got up

"Tabbit, let's move, we must inform the other people about the beast, but the problem is that the sects are too many so the people here are up to a thousand scattered all over the forest, how do we inform them in time"Huxton said seriously with a deep headache,he was thinking on what to do

"you can't inform them on time, you haven't master the one Billion Lightning step, you have only mastered two hundred steps out of one Billion, you are still far behind, too slow, the best thing to do now is to hunt this beast"Huzzah said seriously

"What!!! how can we hunt it, it far more powerful than two of me and two of Tabbit together" Huxton said in a surprised tone

"Take this tiger claw, it's a far more powerful weapon to use, with enough nature essence on it, your strength becomes times two of it, use it for now till you are strong enough to unlock your own weapon in the lightning god castle"Huzzah said solemnly

Huxton picked up the tiger claw and wore it on his hand

"Tabbit let's go, we have a real serious problem to handle" Huxton said with a serious tone before dashing out of the place with his two hundred steps

"I will say this one is really serious and troublesome"Tabbit said before chasing after Huxton, he became slow so he can be by Huxtons side

They ran for a few minutes before stopping, Huxton looked around in search for a footprint

"The foot print just disappeared" Tabbit said while still looking around the whole place in search of the footprint

"I think the beast took a leap here, run ahead and check if you would see any footprint ahead, you are faster"Huxton said with a deep tone

"Ok boss" Tabbit replied before zooming off into the distance, he disappeared out of sight like a ghost, shortly after he returned but with a frown on his face

"What is it Tabbit"Huxton asked in a worried tone

"Another massacre happened ahead, and I think this one just happened immediately" Tabbit said with a solemn expression

"This is not good, what beast is doing this, is it a wolf or a bull? no, it can be, the level of wolfs and bulls here are not strong enough to kill a whole ground of about ten or eight people" Huxton said to himself in a pondering position

"Boss, what do you think we should do?" Tabbit asked in a hurried tone

"Since it just killed this set, it's not far and I believe it should be going for the other sect so we have to arrive there before it" Huxton said after thinking for a while

"But how do we get there before it, it's fast and also leaps"Tabbit said

"Grandpa, we need a horse,a special one"Huxton said to huzzah

"Come inside the castle"Huzzah gently said

Huxton immediately entered the castle, Huzzah took him to the stable.

"This are all wind and Lightning element horses with special features, here take this one"He said gently before pointing to a blue horse, which had a horn on its head, it looked like a unicorn, it was wearing a white leather amor all over it's body and on its leg, Lightning was clearly visible, moving around it like a snake.

"Grandpa I like this one, what is it's special features?"Huxton asked huzzah

"You would see for yourself"Huzzah gently replied with a smile

"Ok since you said so, let's move"Huxton said with a smile before climbing the horse, he gently rode the horse and disappeared out of the castle, he appeared at the spot he was standing before, Tabbit stood there and looked at the horse with a surprised expression

"Wow boss, this horse is pretty amazing,let's go, I will follow behind you"Tabbit said in praise

"Ok, let's move it, we don't have enough time, the beast should be getting to the other team by now"Huxton said seriously