

"Darling, you're just soaking in it

But I know you'll get out the minute

You notice all your fingers pruning up

I'm tired of being careful, gentle, trying to keep the water warm

Let me under your skin

Uh-oh, there it goes, I said too much, it overflowed

Why do I always spill?"


Trigger warning: sexual harassment,slut-shaming,trauma,r@p3

Approximately one month after

Your point of view

I sit on the bench at the park next to Michael,as we were told to watch over his siblings for the day. After what happened Michael always looked sad,and depressed. I wanted to ask him about it but I was too scared,I don't want to make him mad. I noticed a familiar face walking near the parks entrance,holding her phone and reading something while walking. It was Sadie. We haven't hung out much lately,I think she's avoiding me.

"Sadie?" I walk up to her and say. "Oh,hey sugar!" She says,adding a cute nickname. "Where have you been lately? You haven't spoken to me at school or texted me lately.." I ask concerned. "Well," she scratches the back of her neck "I've been trying to be considerate of your feelings,after all you had to see what happened to that poor girl." Sadie holds my hand lovingly. "And I figured you feel better around Michael than me,I don't do much for you anyways.." she says.

"Sadie,you've known me since second grade! You have done so much for me these past years I've known you." Sadie looked surprised,like she didn't expect the words coming out of my mouth. "Thanks,y/n..I do also need some alone time now.." she looked sad,but also looked at Michael in disgust. I was puzzled,but decided not to question it. Sadie adjusted her scarf as she waved goodbye. It was a cold day,just before winter was about to hit. However,parks were still open somehow.

Sadies point of view

I walk away from y/n,a look of disgust on my pale face. I just don't understand why she has to hang out with him,but..I won't interfere. My shoes make big stomp sounds on the asphalt as I walk on the rock trail leading away from the park. "You look a little mad,baby~" I hear a voice say from behind me. I kick at whoever was behind me and then look at who it was. Some creepy fucker who looks like he is far past his death date. "Get the fuck away from me,you creep. Next time you pull a move on me I won't hesitate to slit your throat and watch you suffer."

I kick him again then walk away,tears in my eyes. No..I don't want to remember. It hurts too much to. I was in a bad space,I just did it because I wanted to feel like I fit in,that's all..right? Or am I really a slut...am I really a whore like everyone said? I hold my head in my hands,trying to force myself not to remember as I unlock the door to my house. No parents,nobody to rely on..sweet idiotic Sadie Hannah. Such a moron at age 17.

Nobody's POV,two years ago.

Candles lit up the dark bathroom,scented of berries. A muscular boy sat in the bathtub full of water,his body revealed. A girl with short hair,full breasts and a tiny waist slowly walked into the room. The two looked at each other. One looked at the other lustfully,one looked reluctantly. They could only see each other's silhouettes,however they could pinpoint where the important parts of each other's bodies were.

"Come on,Sadie baby.."One voice whispered. The girl felt a shudder down her spine and she slowly got into the tub,one leg extended out behind her,one bent on the edge of the bathtub as she crawled in. The male groped at her breasts,a soft gasp emitting from the girl. She carefully stepped out of the tub. "Where are you going,baby?" He asks. She doesn't look at him,all she does while putting a silk robe on is say "I'm too scared,I'm not doing this.."

This angered the male,as he quickly got out of the bath and grabbed her shoulders. She turned around to face him,her eyes stained with tears. "Listen,I didn't come over here just so you can run away and be a bitch about this.." he said. "You do it with the other guys,why can't you do it with me,slut." He got closer to her body until his length was against her. "S-stop.." she muttered quietly.

But he didn't hear her,instead,he untied her robe and pushed her back into the bathtub. "I don't want this.." she said,still quietly. "Speak up,whore." He whispered into her ear demandingly. "I don't want this." Said the girl,Louder this time. He didn't listen,instead,he positioned himself on top of her and then thrusted himself inside of her,while grabbing at her waist. "Please,stop!!" She screamed.

She tried to run away,but he grabbed her wrists and continued to penetrate her cervix. She made loud un pleasant moaning sounds. She tried to slap him in the face but the pressure on her wrists was too much. Her legs moved around,trying to kick at him,however this only knocked over a few candles. He pulled out and slapped her. "What the fuck are you doing,you fucking bitch?!?"

Sadie watched as the candles burned the wooden floors and shelves. She took this opportunity to put on her robe quickly and escape the room. She ran quickly on her feet into the kitchen,nearly tripping on the stairs. He was following quickly behind her,however he fell down and banged his head on the floor.

"Ugh!" He screeched. Sadie grabbed a knife from the knife block. She looked at the knife hesitantly,but then charged at him,sobbing. She felt dirty,she felt used.

Sadie penetrated his back with the thick blade,making him scream. He got up and Sadie then pushed him to the ground. "Rot in hell,Ramon!" She screamed,stabbing him in the chest five times. Her eyes turned glossy,as she fell to her knees and sobbed.

She had just killed somebody.