
Chapter 11: We ordinary folks are really happy today

I won't say it but, this scenery is really beautiful!

Li Fei swallowed hard, feeling that his luck was unmatched. Walking along the main road, he actually came across a beauty giving away fortune.


The beauty pushing the cart was also startled by the sudden mishap, first frozen, then after coming to her senses, she let out a sharp scream and quickly pulled up her fallen skirt.

"Why do I have to encounter all the unlucky stuff, oh heavens, why are you playing me like this?"

Zhou Huimin cried out in a sort of collapse!

Seeing this, Li Fei couldn't bear to just watch anymore and stepped forward, offering:

"Beautiful lady, do you need any help?"

The lady's Mercedes had its rear wheel stuck in a big hole, hanging in the air, hence it couldn't come out.

Actually, placing a few stones underneath would solve the issue, but unfortunately, the female driver's thought process was quite unique, opting to push the car herself. Li Fei didn't know what gave her such misguided confidence in her own strength.

"Who is it?"

Zhou Huimin had been concentrating on her car and hadn't noticed Li Fei behind her, thinking she was alone at the scene. Suddenly hearing Li Fei's voice, she was startled, called out instinctively, and then turned around vigilantly.

With that turn, Li Fei had a clear view of her face, and a flash of admiration appeared in his eyes.

Black and white eyes with delicately arched eyebrows, a face shaped like a melon seed, a pretty nose, and cherry lips, complemented by skin as white as mutton fat jade — truly a great beauty, surpassing many female celebrities on TV.

Especially, she exuded a noble and cold temperament!

To say she could overthrow cities and kingdoms would certainly be an exaggeration, but she definitely had a charm that could captivate people at first sight.

"So beautiful!"

Li Fei exclaimed subconsciously!

Here in the middle of nowhere, a man suddenly appears, leering at her, and coincidentally, her car won't start, and her skirt has torn.

Zhou Huimin's expression changed instantly, she retreated warily, circling to the other side of the car to keep a distance, then quickly took out her phone, gripping it in her hand and warning, "What do you want to do? Stay away from me, or I'll call the police right now!"

Ah? What does she think I am? A criminal?

Good grief, this is a classic case of no good deed goes unpunished!

Li Fei didn't bother with words, immediately shrugged with a smile: "Fine, I'm being a busybody. Continue pushing then!"

Having said that, he went back and sat in the driver's seat of his electric tricycle, crossed his legs in a relaxed pose, lit a cigarette, and prepared to watch the beauty attempt to push the car again.

Zhou Huimin then remembered Li Fei's first question, which seemed to be whether she needed help?

She glanced at Li Fei's electric tricycle, seeing it loaded with goods, and realized he must be a farmer coming to the city to sell his produce.

Immediately, she felt a bit embarrassed, as if her reaction had been too extreme.

Moreover, her current predicament was quite awkward; with her skirt torn, it was definitely impossible to keep pushing, and she couldn't move the car on her own anyway.

And with this remote mountain road, even if she called for a tow truck, who knows how long it would take.

There were loads of things waiting for her in the store, and it was no solution to keep delaying. After hesitating for a while, Zhou Huimin looked at Li Fei and forced a smile, "Handsome, are you selling goods in the city?"

Li Fei seized the opportunity to retort with a hint of meaning: "Beauty, don't try to cozy up, I'm afraid you'll call the police and have me arrested!"


Zhou Huimin's smile instantly froze on her face. Usually, due to her status and looks, nine out of ten men she encountered were all sorts of obsequious and fawning.

She never expected to be slyly insulted by a rural farmer today.

She huffed a bit angrily: "Is that all the tolerance a man has?"

Li Fei replied indifferently: "Heh! Facing an ordinary yet confident woman like you, it's better to have less tolerance. When someone starts calling the police at the drop of a hat, it's really quite frightening."

Is this guy blind?

He actually called me a Puxin girl?

Zhou Huimin's chest heaved uncontrollably, her lungs nearly exploding with anger.

"Keep calm, in special times, one can't quibble with a country bumpkin like him!"

With the situation being stronger than people, Zhou Huimin consoled herself inwardly and then took a deep breath, striving to maintain a smile as she continued to make friendly overtures, "Handsome, what kind of fruit have you got in your frame there? Red and tempting!"

Li Fei looked at her with a half-smile, "Strawberries, you want a couple of pounds?"

"Such big strawberries?"

Zhou Huimin was taken aback, but it wasn't the time to ponder on that now, and she quickly said, "How about this, you help me push the car, and once I get it out of this hole, I'll buy all your strawberries, how's that?"

"You want to buy my strawberries?"

Li Fei suddenly perked up, then with some suspicion said, "These are special strawberries, top-grade Hongyan strawberries with beauty and nourishment effects, they're a bit pricey, do you have enough money?"

As a CEO, would I not be able to afford strawberries from a farmer like you?

Zhou Huimin almost laughed in anger, huffing, "It's just strawberries, how expensive can they be? At most, what, thirty, forty per pound?"

"You say you're inexperienced!"

Li Fei glanced at her with a hint of disdain, leisurely saying, "One hundred per pound, no bargaining!"

Zhou Huimin immediately widened her eyes, exclaiming, "One hundred per pound? Are your strawberries made of gold or something?"

Li Fei rolled his eyes, "Like I said, it's a special variety, take it or leave it!"

Zhou Huimin was so enraged, feeling that this guy was taking advantage of her current need for his help and deliberately overcharging, she really wanted to burst out in anger, but thinking that she truly did need his assistance with the car, she clenched her teeth and said:

"You—okay, as long as you help me push the car out, I'll buy them!"

When under someone's roof, one has no choice but to bow one's head!


Li Fei's face immediately lit up with a smile, happily jumping down from the truck.

He hadn't even reached the county town yet and had already sold three baskets of strawberries.

The thought of the imminent thirty thousand yuan made him very excited, he really felt like singing a song, 'Us common folk ah, how happy we are today!'

"Okay, you push, I'll drive!"

Zhou Huimin, seeing his smug look, grew even more furious inside and, with a dark face, dropped a remark and turned to get into the car.


Li Fei had been planning to find a couple of rocks to wedge under the wheels, but seeing the beauty so anxious, and considering this was a big deal worth thirty thousand, he thought it normal to exert some effort.

So he stepped forward, gritted his teeth, and began to push the car with all his might!

This time it was really an old man pushing a cart.

Having been transformed by spiritual energy, he was much stronger than an ordinary person, and in nearly just a few seconds, the car was pushed out.

"Done, thirty thousand yuan in hand!"

He immediately clapped his hands, already preparing to count the money.

However, he soon realized something wasn't right.

The Mercedes showed no sign of slowing down at all, and instead, it was picking up speed.

"Damn it, this woman is trying to run!"

His face instantly changed!