
Chapter 95: Does sister's mouth taste good?

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Chen Xiaolong had never drunk so much before, and at this moment, he was also groggy, unclear of his own consciousness, still muttering something incessantly.

As for Qiu Xiaofang, her alcohol tolerance was much better than Chen Xiaolong's; she was just a bit slurred in her speech, but her consciousness was still relatively clear.

However, under the anesthesia of the alcohol, the speed of thinking of the brain would slow down significantly, which made people drunk dare to do things they would not normally consider.

"Fang, where, where is this?"

It took a while, before Chen Xiaolong slowly sat up, feeling sore all over, with his head feeling as if it had exploded.

He slowly moved his body and looked around. He was in a simply furnished room that was well organized.

In front of him was Qiu Xiaofang's tempting face, her red lips blooming, tempting him to lean in and taste them.

The room grew more stiflingly hot, and Chen Xiaolong felt somewhat uncomfortable, swallowing nervously.