
Chapter 6: Eating Watermelon

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Xu Xiaoting was also very happy, and after fooling around for a while, she felt tired and fell into a deep sleep.

Chen Xiaolong hurriedly covered her with the blanket, mindful of the air conditioning in the room, but still cautious not to let her catch a cold.

"This little girl has quite a few tricks up her sleeve, I really wonder who will marry you in the future."

Chen Xiaolong shook his head, just as Xu Xiaoting turned over.

But this turn was inconsiderate, as she turned her back towards Chen Xiaolong.

The hem of her nightgown rose high, revealing two purple silk strings and scanty fabric that hardly concealed her pert figure.

Chen Xiaolong's mouth fell open, completely unprepared for Xu Xiaoting wearing a thong.

"Wasn't this little girl wearing cartoon underwear earlier? She changed so quickly, huh, this one is even more sensual than Aunt Liang's."

Chen Xiaolong quickly averted his gaze; it wasn't intentional after all.

In embracing new things, Xu Xiaoting was much bolder than Liang Cuiping.

Chen Xiaolong then thought, well, that's the times we live in.

To wear a different style of underwear that's more comfortable is all it is.

It's no big deal.

Besides, it's just at home. At worst, he could just ask Xu Xiaoting to change before going out.

"Xiaolong, have some watermelon, it's too hot," Aunt Liang Cuiping said.

Before long, Aunt Liang Cuiping finished her chores and came in with a basin of watermelon.

The watermelon, grown in the village, was far superior in both taste and size compared to those in the city.

A few slices of watermelon were quite refreshing.

Unfortunately, Xu Xiaoting was already asleep, otherwise she would have definitely eaten a lot.

"Aunt, let me clean up. You go to bed," Chen Xiaolong offered after they finished the watermelon, standing up to tidy up the room.

"All right, Aunt is tired today too. I'll leave it to you," Liang Cuiping responded as she stretched, revealing her perfect curves.

But it was this simple action that caused the strap of her top to come loose.

In an instant, the strap slid down her right side, exposing herself completely before Chen Xiaolong.

Chen Xiaolong froze, staring at Aunt's right side, which was exposed and snow-white, and swallowed hard, finding it utterly life-threatening.

This kind of tempting seduction would elicit a reaction from any normal man.

Liang Cuiping also stood still, stunned for several seconds before she realized what had happened.

She hurriedly pulled up the strap and fastened the tie on her shoulder, her face heating up.

This was so embarrassing; how could she have made such a blunder in front of Xiaolong?

Both of them kept their heads lowered, and neither spoke, creating a somewhat awkward atmosphere.

"Ahem, Aunt, I've finished cleaning up," Chen Xiaolong finally broke the silence, deliberately not mentioning what had just happened.

It was just an accident, after all, something neither of them had expected.

"Ah? Oh, okay, you should go to sleep too. Aunt is going to bed as well," Liang Cuiping said quickly, clenching her hands and thinking to herself that she might as well feign ignorance and brush over the incident.

But then again, it was Xiaolong who saw, not some outsider.

With this thought, Liang Cuiping felt much more at ease.

Just as Liang Cuiping was about to get up, Chen Xiaolong suddenly moved and approached her.

"Aunt, you're wet there," he said.

"What?" Liang Cuiping's eyes widened, but she soon looked down and discovered something.

Her nightgown had a large wet patch, probably from the watermelon earlier.

"Aunt, let me wipe it off for you," Chen Xiaolong offered, taking a towel in his hand and starting to wipe between Liang Cuiping's legs.

But his wiping, unintentionally, made Liang Cuiping let out a sound.

"Sss, ah."

Liang Cuiping felt a tingling sensation throughout her body, completely softening her and making her toes curl.

Chen Xiaolong then realized something was amiss and quickly stopped his motions.

The scene became even more awkward.

Liang Cuiping bit her lip, feeling a burning shame on her face. It was too humiliating.

"What's with me today, always losing composure in front of Xiaolong."

Liang Cuiping clenched her legs, unable to calm herself.

When she looked at Chen Xiaolong again, Liang Cuiping's eyes held a hint of haziness, and she licked her lips, seemingly moved by emotion.

After not being with a man for over a decade, even an iron tree would crave to bloom.