
Chapter 10 Such a Shameless Request

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"Could it be heatstroke?"

Chen Xiaolong finished checking her pulse and couldn't help frowning, there was nothing much wrong with the pulse.

But why wouldn't this woman wake up?

"Maybe try artificial respiration?"

Chen Xiaolong's eyebrows twitched, this strange idea popping up in his mind, not sure if it would work.

After waiting for a while longer, there was still no sign of her waking up.

Chen Xiaolong steeled his heart and looked over the woman.

A pair of slender jade legs caught his eye, her legs were quite long, almost as tall as Chen Xiaolong.

The skin was whiter than snow, the perfect beauty of her face was irresistible.

There were quite a few bullies near Dahe Village, it was good luck she encountered Chen Xiaolong, if it were someone else, chances are she might have been taken advantage of already.

"Sigh, you're lucky to have met me. Alright, I'll help you out today. I am a gentleman, and gentlemen don't take advantage of people in peril. This artificial respiration is an act of necessity due to the urgency of the situation, you'd understand, right?"

Chen Xiaolong shook his head, muttered to the woman in white for a while, then finally gathered the courage and slowly moved closer to her face.

Smelling the faint fragrance coming from her, Chen Xiaolong found himself somewhat distracted and quickly cursed at himself.

He didn't know how she maintained herself, but her skin was truly delicate, as if it would break with a blow, and even without makeup, her exquisite face was already a rare beauty.

Her perfect figure made it even more difficult for him to control himself.


Right then, Chen Xiaolong took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and kissed the lips of the woman in white.

Just needed to pass this breath to her, and she should be able to wake up.

But at this moment, the woman in white suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, her gaze filled with bewilderment.

However, upon seeing Chen Xiaolong, her eyes instantly turned sharp.


The woman just blew out a breath of air that hit right on Chen Xiaolong's face.

Upon inhaling this breath, Chen Xiaolong felt dizzy and his vision blackened as his eyes trembled uncontrollably.

"What's happening to me..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Chen Xiaolong could no longer withstand the dizziness and collapsed on the ground, silent.

After a blackout, Chen Xiaolong lost consciousness.

He didn't know how long he had been out.

Not until the sunlight shone on his face did he slowly open his eyes, feeling a wave of soreness all over his body.

"How strange, where did that woman in white go, did she leave? This is really odd."

Chen Xiaolong muttered to himself, dragging his weary body to slowly sit up.

It was still the same spot where he had fainted, but there was no sign of the woman in white anymore.

Recalling the previous events, Chen Xiaolong also felt a headache, was it a hallucination or what?

Could it be that he had a hallucination on the way and then collapsed?

"No, it couldn't be a hallucination, I can still smell that woman's fragrance on me, yes, this subtle scent."

Chen Xiaolong wrinkled his nose and sniffed the scent on himself.

Being a doctor, he was extremely sensitive to such fragrances.

Even just a faint lingering fragrance was easily discerned by him, it was the woman's scent.

"Hey, I saved that woman's life; she sure ran off quickly. Well, saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda, let's just call it standing up to injustice."

Chen Xiaolong curled his lip, not really expecting anything in return, but lying on the ground for a whole night for no reason was a waste, wasn't it?

Luckily, his basket full of medicinal herbs was still there, packed to the brim.

Glancing at the time, it was already the next morning.

The sun had just risen, and he should be able to make it back in time.

"I need to hurry to the clinic and hand these herbs over to Uncle Zhang, otherwise there'd be no medicine for today's patients."

With that thought, Chen Xiaolong hastened his pace, taking shortcuts through the familiar mountain paths.

As for the woman in white, he had long since cast that incident to the back of his mind.

Even if it wasn't a dream, it was just a fleeting encounter.

No sooner had he walked a few steps than he heard some commotion: "Zheng Tianba, what are you doing? Have you lost your mind?"

It seemed to be a woman's voice, carrying sobs.

"Heh, I am crazy, crazy with lust for your body, today you're going to be mine," a sleazy voice sounded, followed by the sound of clothes being torn.

Chen Xiaolong's eyebrows involuntarily furrowed, what the heck, someone dared to do such a thing under the broad daylight, such a disgrace to Dahe Village.

"Let go of me, Zheng Tianba, let go!"

The woman struggled, but her clothes had already been completely removed, her chest, larger than an aunt's, trembled up and down.

The man called Zheng Tianba laughed heartily, grabbing both large white breasts and began to kiss them.

"Keep dreaming, spread your legs for me, let me slide in and have fun."