
Peace or War.

The choice is yours, will you fight or will you run. Peace should be the option, but what happens when the other side jut won’t yield. What happens when hundreds of lives are lost, and still the war continues. The one sided war that keeps taking and taking. What happens is that people get fed up. Let the rebelión begin.

StaryKinght13 · LGBT+
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9 Chs



Ñame: Vixen

Age: 18

Height: 5,7

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Biromantic

Kingdom: Angelic

Sage: None

Looks: Dark Red hair, slightly tanned skin, white splotches all around, light green eyes.

Traits: Stuborn, Blunt, works hard, wants to avenge her twin. Is only soft to kids.


name: Hope

Age: 18

Height: 5,8

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Kingdom: Angelic

Sage: None

Looks: Dark skinned, frizzy hair, orange eyes.

Traits: Caring, gentle, stubborn, wants to avenge her sister.


Ñame: Daisy

Age: 17

Height: 5,5

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Poly and Bisexual

Kingdom: Angelic

Sage: Earth

Looks: Short light brown hair, dark green eyes, green goat horns, white skin.

Traits: Clumsy, Hippe, is always friendly except to Mara.

Can be very intense.


Ñame: Alun

Age: 17

Height: 5,3

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Kingdom: Striker

Sage: Water

Looks: Tanned skin, freckles, brown eyes, blue hair.

Traits: Always willing to help,

Optimistic, Cherfull, caring, Oblivious.


Ñame: Miles

Age: 20

Height: 5,9

Gender: Demi-boy

Sexuality: Gay

Kingdom: Striker

Sage: None

Looks: half black hair half blond, brown skin, light brown eyes.

Traits: Hopless romantic, Kind, Calm, Day dreamer.


Ñame: Mara

Age: 17

Height: 5,4

Gender: Female

Sexuality: B*cth

Kingdom: Striker

Sage: None

Looks: Light blue eyes, light red/orange hair, pale skin.

Traits: Manipulative, Blunt, Sassy, Ruthless, Smart.


Ñame: James


Height: 5,8

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Kingdom: Striker

Sage: None

Looks: Dirty Blonde hair, blue eyes, light skinned.

Traits: around his Dad: Stern, defensive, blunt, fearless.

Reaialty: Looks like he could kill you is actually a cinnamon roll.


Their are more chacters these are just the main.