
Peace or War.

The choice is yours, will you fight or will you run. Peace should be the option, but what happens when the other side jut won’t yield. What happens when hundreds of lives are lost, and still the war continues. The one sided war that keeps taking and taking. What happens is that people get fed up. Let the rebelión begin.

StaryKinght13 · LGBT+
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9 Chs

1. The Angelic And The Striker

Long ago a wonderful peace loving woman named Bella Angelic was supposed to marry James Striker. An egotistical power hungry man wanting Nothing more then to conocer both the separate lands in wich they lived in. His Village wanted them to unite.

You see Bella had Long black hair that twisted in every wich way, her skin a dark smoth look, she was beautiful in many peoples eyes. But to James she was just another step to claiming more land and concurring it.

Bella Angelic cares for all, spending most of her time looking after others and bringing more Sages onto her Village. In return the Sages agreed to help her in healing the sick. James saw the Sages not as wonderful healers but people that possessed greater power than him. Wich is something that he couldn't stand.

One night he snuck into the Sages home and attempted to kidnap one of them. Make them give him powers of his own. His attempt was poorly put into action as the Sage awoke and blew him back wings making a loud. Flap noise wich woke Bella up from the pound where she slept for calmness and ran to the Sages house.

When she saw James hurt on the floor she ran to him, despite him not even loving her, despite all of their fights and disagreements. She would help him any day.

She pleaded for the Sages to forgive him and heal him. The main sage, A woman with crisp white hair and light yellow eyes walked To Bella her face held a calm knowing smile and put a hand on her head. "For all the kindness you have shown us, we will bless every new born child with a gift every ten years. A sage of water with blue hair, a sage of wind with wings, a sage of earth with horns like goat and a sage of light and dark, with purple eyes. You have earned our blessings."

She then turned to James, a cold look replaced the soft one she had for Bella. "For nothing at all, but the wish of Bella, we will spare you and your Village. Although for your foolish mistake we will separate your lands, and remove all Sages from ever being born their unless we seek worthy." With that she grabbed James and her wings spread wide. She made a motion for the others to follow her outside.

Once outside all twelve Sages laid their hands on the ground and blessed their land, brining the promise of happiness and peace.

They then went to James village and laid him in the front of it, they placed their hands in front of his village and it was being pushed back. The Sages added hundreds of acres of more land covered by trees and pounds making the two Villages separate.

James wacthed as he saw them grow, the land being pushed back added distance that even on horse back wold take five days to cross. He wacthed as Bella stood their behind them. A look of calmness on her face. In the reality, she could never be happier. Because that man was gone and she could love who she wanted.


Over three hundred years have passed and the two Villages grew into two kingdoms. The Angelic kingdom had beautiful gardens and they learned simple technology such as light without fire and water that was clean in wells. Furnaces and light hearted theater, cloth and paper made from tress and


The King and Queen had two lovely Daughters, the oldest was Hope, the youngest Faith. Hope was known to walk out to the village once a week with her sister and parents to go and feed people who couldn't afford food, and often meet with the Sages young and old who grew up their.

The Striker Kingdom was quite different, their technology was more advanced , they had guns and weapons and streets made of cool tar. Houses where made of stone instead of wood. And most greenery and trees grew near the end of their town, but the one plant they had the most of was roses. Red white and yellow ones growing in front of their palace. One Sage vistes this place, and because a little girl with Balck Hair and lightly tanned skin greeted them with kindness and gave the Sage a cup of water she had even trough her family was on the streets.

The Sage blessed her. She was given the gift of being a water sage, her hair and her fathers hair was blue the next morning and they grew roses all around the kingdom.

Her name is Alun she and her Father now live in a higher class because they are the only Sages in the kingdom.

Lately people riot saying that the Angelic kingdom is selfish for not giving them any crops and keeping it all to themselves. The Kingdom wanted war. Alun And her father wanted peace. So the King to please the kingdom and to set the plan James Striker never accomplished. He declared war on the Angelic Kingdom.


"Hello there, My name is Hope and this is my sister faith! It's very nice to meet you." Princess Hope and faith where roaming around the town, yesterday was Hopes twelfths birthday and she was aloud to visit the towns with only two guards and her sister. It was a festival today, one to celebrate the princess birthday.

"Hello princesses! My name is Tim and this is my sister Vixen!" A boy spoke with dark red hair and brown eyes bowed to her along with his sister. They where twins the girl had green eyes instead of brown. "It's very nice to meet you both. This is so exciting! I can't wait to taste all the treats you have here!" Hope said practically bouncing.

"Why wait?" Vixen said slight mischief in her eyes. "Let's go!" Hope was weary but nodded all the same after seeing her egaer sisters face. They all snuck Of to the tables where they ducked under one of the tables. A young girl came to the table, her green swirled horns caught in a one of the decorations as she tried to put food down. "Oh no not again!" Vixen looked out from under the table and ran out to help.

Hope and Vixen untangled the girls horns smiling brightly. "Wow! Your an earth sage!" Hope said poking at the horns. "Yea! I am Daisy. My dads been teaching me all about growing crops and making flowers, but these dang horns keep getting stuck!" Vixen laughed a little then grabbed her hand. "Come and join us! Where sneaking snacks under the table." The young earth sage nodded happily joining them. Bumping into the table as she ducked under and waving to the others.

They heard a plate being put down on the table and Faith poked her head out, "Look! Coco coverd berries!" She snatched a few and brought them down for all the other kids to eat.

All the kids where snacking under the table laughing and reeling each other about their family's.

Everything was going great.

(Striker Kingdom: "Ready! Aim! Fire!")

"RUN!" Hope was the first to react poking her head out to see a large fire ball coming towards them. Her eyes blew wide with panick as she screamed. "Everyone out!" She ran out with the Daisy and Vixen close behind but when she looked behind her she saw Faith and Tim still under the table thinking that it was a game.

"Tim Faith! Get out!" She yelled out, Vixen ran back to get her brother and faith, she looked up only for a moment. And a moment is all it took, that one simple act had her look up and see it, a glimpse of her little brother and Faith smiling and laughing still right up until they fire ball came crashing down. Killing them both in a sudden and painless death.

Vixen on the other hand, was blasted back with burns. It scattered all over her body, She shrieked out in pain, her father came running by to grab her and bring her back, he went back to the fire thinking his son was still alive, only for another fire ball to come, then another. And another.

The entire town was set on fire as the water Sages settled them down and the light and dark Sages used the shadows of the fire the put them out. That day the Angelic Kingdom read a message on the rocks: "The Stirker Kingdom declares war!"


Thank you so much