
Pay-to-Win Martial Emperor

After discovering the true power of the universe and how truly deep its waters are, humanity was thrust into a chaotic world where only power meant anything. Martial artists dominated the cosmos, wielding power far beyond what even the gods of their imagination could do. Facing extinction, humanity rallied together and built a world they could call home. Now, 12,000 years have passed, and in an era of peace and complacency, humanity gave birth to their chosen warrior, destined to lead them to prosperity. Adam was once a medical student trying to become a doctor, but one day, after becoming one with the pavement, he died, never being able to fulfill his dreams. However, just as the lights turned off, they turned back on. He had reincarnated and 12,000 years into the future at that. In an era where only martial arts meant power, Adam was forced to become a powerhouse or die worth nothing. But with his average talent and skills, Adam knew he wouldn't get very far in this life. Yet on his 16th birthday, just when he had accepted it, his fate changed as a blue screen appeared in front of him. ————————————————————————— The picture on the cover or the one I have used in the character illustration chapter does not belong to me. They were just creations I found that resembled how the characters I had imagined looked. If the creator wishes for me to take them down, please contact me. ————————————————————————— If you like this type of novel or my writing in general, be sure to check out my other novels, Transmigration: Children of The Plane and Rebirth of a Divine Lord. ————————————————————————— Personal Links. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qhZjTJSFTs Support me here at Kofi! https://ko-fi.com/slarbi123

slarbi123 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

First Kill of the Training Session

First Kill of the Training Session

While Percy and his father were drinking and reminiscing, Adam had finally found a suitable beast to practice on.

It was a three-meter-long water monitor lizard. However, don't think that just because it wasn't much longer than the normal ones back on Earth, it was weak.

Monitor lizards back on pre-cultivation Earth could grow a foot long, while someone, like the Komodo Dragon, could even grow up to 10 feet in length. But while long, they were also short.

Even the biggest Komodo Dragon wouldn't even reach the knees of a child. It was nothing comparable to what this monster in front of Adam was.

With a height of nearly a meter and the thickness of a century-old cedar tree, this Komodo Dragon looked more like a small car than a lizard.

When humans absorbed Spiritual Qi, most of it was quickly converted into growable strength, i.e., their cultivation base. Because of the controlled growth, humans didn't grow very much height-wise when they cultivated. All of their growth was centered on their cultivation base, which quickly grew under the care of the universe's Spiritual Qi.

Animals and beasts were different. They didn't have the innate intelligence that humans had. As such, Spiritual Qi was simply rampantly absorbed by them, leading to large physical changes.

Their bodies were their cultivation bases, and the larger a beast was, the stronger it was as well. It was like a status symbol for the beasts as well. They took pride in their physical bodies and admired those with stronger and bigger ones.

Adam had once seen a beast who was in the Martial Master Realm, and all he could think of was huge!

The specific beast he found was some variant of an eagle with golden wings and a toucan-like beak. However, its wingspan was longer than an apartment building laid out horizontally. It was terrifying to the then-mortal Adam.

Thankfully, the way he saw the beast was just through a recording the orphanage head showed him during the talent awakening ceremony. If Adam saw that creature in real life, he wouldn't know if he would make it this far in life.

As for why the old orphanage head showed him that video at such a weird time, Adam didn't really know. Maybe it was inspiration?

It didn't matter.

One Komodo Dragon and one 16-year-old boy locked eyes with each other and stared for a very long time.

Seconds quickly passed, but eventually, the dumber one lost patience first.

Using his car-like body, the Komodo Dragon quickly charged at Adam, who was a few meters away, uprooting shrubbery and destroying the terrain in his wake.

Growling angrily, the Komodo Dragon quickly managed to traverse the 10-meter distance between it and Adam in just a split second.

Forgoing defense, it jumped at Adam, planning to use its bathtub-sized head as a battering ram and kill Adam in one blow.

Adam, the recipient of such a maniacal attack, was at first jumpy, but he quickly calmed himself down and thought about the situation calmly. Thanks to this, he quickly found a good counterattack.

'I'm much faster than this thing and stronger too. There is no point in going blow for blow and having the possibility of getting injured. Just use my advantages perfectly, and I can kill this thing with no problem.'

Even though Adam was at the peak of the Body Refining Realm and should have no rivals in this forest, bar from his fellow classmates and the wolf in the center, he had a weighted body suit on.

Adam didn't have any Spiritual Qi in his body yet, which meant that all of his strength came from his own flesh and bones.

So with the weighted body suit, weighing nearly 870 kg, threatening to pull him back down to the earth at any moment, his body was under great constraints. And since Adam's cultivation base at this point was his body, his strength was suppressed greatly.

Still, even with the suppression, Adam was much stronger than the lizard.

From its size, speed, and strength, Adam estimated that the charging animal was only comparable to a human at the 4th or 5th stage of the Body Refining Realm at most.

It was a decent foe for the suppressed Adam, but that's all it was: a foe. It wasn't a threat.

Now that he understood his advantages, clarity quickly regained dominance in his mind. So, after formulating a counterattack, Adam acted.

Twisting his body like a ballerina, he easily sidestepped the charging lizard. Now, the lizard was still mid-charge, while Adam had a clear view of the creature's side profile.

Moreover, since the lizard had jumped at Adam in order to gain more speed and velocity, its feet were off the ground, meaning it couldn't dodge his next attack. So before the lizard reached the ground, Adam, who was now at the side of it, raised his leg with power and dealt a devastating kick to the Komodo Dragon's defenseless stomach area.

Like every creature, the Komodo Dragon had a weak spot.

Covering its entire body was a carapace-like shell that gave it a substantial and good defense against any weapon. However, there were a few spots where the armor didn't cover them.

The joints, the tendons, and most importantly, the stomach.

Adam took advantage of this weak spot and instantly dealt heavy damage to his first opponent in this forest.

Punches were a good deal, as they could be unleashed much faster than kicks and were much more flexible, but they were weaker.

Unless one had a serious abnormality in their physique and body structure, their legs would almost always be much stronger than their arms. Moreover, the Komodo Dragon's stomach was in a hard-to-reach spot if Adam wanted to punch it. So, in order to accurately hit the hidden soft stomach of the lizard, Adam chose to kick it.

And his choice paid off.

Taking the full blow of Adam's kick, the lizard was damn near lifted off the ground by the impact, while its internal organs were rumbled and shaken as if they were directly hit with a hammer.

Flying backward in pain and disarray, the Komodo Dragon destroyed two trees before eventually sliding to a stop just about twenty meters away.

However, even though it was greatly injured, all it suffered was a bit of internal damage. It wasn't dead yet. The vitality of a beast was far too high to die from such a minor blow.

If Adam left at this moment and left the lizard alone, it would heal from all of the injuries it suffered within just a few days, or a week at most.

Their bottomless vitality was what beasts gained by forgoing their intelligence.

Sadly, no matter how quickly it would heal, Adam wouldn't let it.

Pressing on the attack, Adam quickly darted at the Komodo Dragon, planning to finish it off before it could even fight back.

Using his already extremely high speed, he easily crossed the distance the lizard skidded, and before it even had a chance to react, Adam landed the final blow.

Pairing his two fists together and raising them up sky high, he hammered down on the exposed stomach of the lizard, sending a shockwave-like blow through its already weakened insides.

The Komodo Dragon was weakened, but Adam hadn't done any damage to its armor. The only damage he did was internal, so he wanted to double down and kill this beast by rupturing its viscera rather than cutting its head off.

And his attack worked. Since it was already weak and didn't put up a defense, in front of Adam's overhead smash, its internal organs rattled like a macarena, smashing into each other wildly and harshly. The damage was so bad that even this four-legged creature couldn't help but cough out crushed pieces of internal organs and blood.

Quickly backing away from the dying creature, Adam waited patiently a few meters away.

Even a rat, when cornered, would fight for its life, let alone this massive Komodo Dragon. And Adam didn't want to face the wrath of a beast with nothing to lose.

Minutes quickly passed, and before Adam knew it, the Komodo Dragon let out a few stiff post-mortem shakes before becoming motionless altogether.

It was dead. Before even landing a blow or even defending itself, it died.

Adam's hands weren't clean, as he had already killed quite a few beasts, so he wasn't very moved by this scene. Instead, his focus was on his own strength.

Giving his two hands a shake to relieve them of some of the soreness they felt, Adam felt invigorated.

Even with almost 900 kilograms slowing him down, Adam was still able to beat a beast to death in just two hits. It was an amazing feeling for the youth, who didn't know how strong he was before.

"I should find other stronger beasts to practice with." Adam mumbled to himself, "But first, I should eat this lizard."

In his previous life as a medical student, Adam was a bit confident in his knowledge of the human body. And in this life, he used this knowledge to his advantage.

In order to gain muscle and strength, one could do various things. But the two main parts that one needed were intense exercise and a huge surplus of protein.

This was how bodybuilders worked back on Earth. Protein was a building block that was able to forge a weak body into a strong one.

Some bodybuilders would eat 500 grams of that in just one day in order to facilitate their growth.

However, despite their size, Adam right now was miles stronger than them. It was just that his muscles were super condensed. It was almost like a spring fully pressed down. Whenever he wanted to, he could release them and unleash a power far beyond what was possible on Earth.

So in order for him to grow, Adam needed a crap ton of protein. In just a day or two, other than working his body to absolute failure, he would eat a few kilograms of protein a day.

And this paid off in spades.

Adam's cultivation talent wasn't high by any means. If anything, it was rather mediocre. But he was in the Body Refining Realm. This realm was all about building the body. 

So sure, his cultivation speed might fall off in the later realms, but during the Body Refining Realm, Adam had an advantage!

His medical knowledge!


Every little thing helps - https://ko-fi.com/slarbi123.

There is now a discord for this novel. However, be warned. It is rather bare bones. I suck at Discord. The link is in the synopsis.

Also, if you like this novel, you can check out my others!