
Paw Patrol: Final Wars

Warning: Contains Swearing, alcohol, blood and extreme action. When mining for a raw ore in space goes horribly wrong, Chase is suck in a alternate universe where his evil self, Chase 666, plans to conquer the multiverse and kill anyone that stands in his way. Now he must build an army of himself and his friends, along with some odd new friends, to stop Chase 666 from destroying all reality. A lot of people have help me to make this story, so I hope you enjoy.

Nothing2007 · Khoa huyễn
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17 Chs

City Unit

Just then, Chase and Lady got out.

"Are you sure they will be fine on there own?" ask Lady. She didn't want to return to her spaceship wreck.

"They will be fine," said Chase.

They had decide because the spaceship still needed to be repair and they needed some private time, they decide they will do the recruiting mission alone.

"Alright, but I just hope they don't trash the place," said Lady as the two walk away.

They walk through the forest for a while, until they reach a guardrail to a highway.

"I wonder what they will look like," said Lady just as a speeding van rush pass them, carrying human pups.

"So we are dealing with Chase T's again," said Lady, groaning.

"Don't worry," said Chase, activating his wristwatch. "This can help us switch different sizes to help us blend in.

Chase activate his wristwatch and a white ball engulf until he appear just like Chase T, expect his eye's were his white ones.

Lady activate hers as well and when she reappear, she appear really nice, in fancy clothing.

"Good, said Chase. "Now we won't attract much attention to ourselves."

After a few minutes of trying to catch a ride, they got one and head into the city of Adventure Bay.

After thanking the driver, the car left them at the nearby bus station.

"Man, there is a lot of people here," said Chase, looking at his surroundings.

"I like it here," said Lady. "I just hope 666 doesn't decide to destroy it."

After asking some people around, they decide to walk to the nearby shop and then to a hotel.

"You have your cash, right?" ask Lady. "Yes, I have all of it," said Chase as they walk inside.

They split up when inside, so they can grab some necessity items. And Chase was waiting at the counter for Lady when he heard some arguing the next one over. He was going to ignore it when one of them pull out a gun.

He wanted to help them cashier, so he went up to the five people trying to rob him.

"You should leave him alone," said Chase calmly. The leader with the gun turn to look at him.

"Stay out of this, dog," said the leader. His buddies in crime laugh with him.

Chase, though, was losing his patience with them.

"I don't want to hurt you," said Chase. He was hoping that will stop them.

"You? Hurt us? Really?" said the leader as he shot at Chase while his buddies laugh.

But they didn't keep laughing for long as they stared in complete shock as Chase wasn't hurt by the bullet one bit. He had some weird armor on, but now he was really mad.

"You just ask for it," growled Chase as he swung his fist, hitting the leader's jaw and sending him flying across the room and into a wall.

Just then, the rest of his buddied pulled out knifes and try to attack him, but Chase, using his pup-fu skills, defeat them all with little effort.

Lady walk up, and seeing the dogs laying on the ground, ask:

"What happened?" ask Lady. "Just them trying to rob the place," said Chase, grinning.

They paid for there stuff, while Chase paid the cashier extra for saving him and they walk to the hotel, they talk.

"I hear there's a school with people we knew going there," said Lady as she help open the door.

"I'll think about it," said Chase. "I have to stay alert for any attacks from 666."

They didn't do much for the rest of the night. They mostly lay in their beds and fell asleep.

Around 1am, Chase woke up in a cold sweat. He keep having nightmares, but this was the worst one yet.

Chase rolled around for a while, trying to go back to sleep, but it was no use.

Since he couldn't go back to sleep, but left the room and decide to walk around downtown for a while, hoping it will clear his head.

He walk around the city streets, looking at the many locations. Chase T will have his jaw drop seeing this.

He was walking down the street when he heard something in the alley next to him. Letting his instincts take over, he went to investigate.

What he found though, when he went over there, was another group trying to beat up a golden retriever dress in medical gear.

Seeing this sent Chase in a rage and he storm over to confront the group.

"Hey!" yelled Chase, making the group stop. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

The group turn around and face him. "Or what?" ask the leader in a threating manner.

"Just leave him alone," said Chase. "I don't want to fight you."

The group didn't answer that one. Instead, the leader charge at him, wielding a large knife.

He couldn't even control his actions this time. All he remember was their pale faces and him charging at them full speed.

Chase woke up in his bed in a cold sweat. He thought it was a bad dream until Lady came out of the bathroom with a cross look on her face.

"Why did you beat up 4 people in a alley last night?" said Lady. She was really upset by this.

"They were trying to beat up a golden retriever," said Chase, rubbing his head. "I was protecting him."

Lady just shook her head. "Come on, get dress. We got school," said Lady, throwing Chase a pair of Jeans and a black t-shirt.

Chase was confuse until he look at his own clothes. They were rip and shred. Pieces of his battles with 666.

Not wanting to make Lady even more upset with him, he went to the bathroom and got dress.

After a few minutes of getting ready, Lady and Chase were standing outside, waiting.

"What are we waiting for?" ask a confuse Chase. Lady just smiled.

"You'll see," said Lady.

Just then, a ford mustang roared in view and stop in front of them.

"My mustang!" cried Chase. "I thought we could use it," said Lady.

After the two got inside, Chase gun it and the mustang drove off.

Thanks to it's high speeds, they reach the school in no time.

"Ok, I sign us in for you know what," said Lady as she and Chase park the car and got out.

"I know what to do," said Chase as he lock his car. "I been there, done it."

They walk inside and were surprise by HOW many were in the school. There were pups walk up and down the halls.

"You must be the new students," said a familiar voice.

Chase and Lady turn around and saw Mayor Humdinger walking to them.

Chase's fists tense up. He had many awful memories of him and he really want to beat him up.

But Lady seem to sense Chase's anger, because she put her paw on his shoulder and he calm down.

"You must be Lady and Brine," said Mayor Humdinger. "It's a pleasure to have you at this school."

"Oh, I almost forgot, here are your secludes," said Mayor Humdinger. "Now get off to class, you two."

The two walk to their classes and the morning went by like a breeze. Chase didn't pay attention much of the time, one, because he knew the stuff and two, he had bigger problems in his head, like 666.

666 grip his head as he went to his 5th period, which Lady choose boxing for him. Chase was glad for this. It could help him take his anger on something.

As he enter the room, he saw two people he knew too well. One was the golden retriever he save last night and the other... was himself.

Slowly, he enter the room.

"Oh, you must be Brine," said Chase 5. "I run this place."

"Nice to meet you, um who are you?" ask Chase calmly, trying not to be his usual self.

"Oh and this is Aid," said Chase 5. "Are medic."

"That's his name," Chase told himself as Aid begin to check for weaknesses and the like. But he was shock to find him in perfect condition.

"Well Chase, he's all perfect," said a shock Aid. "Even has strong muscles."

"That's make him great for boxing," said Chase. "Put him in the ring."

Chase, even though he didn't want, climb into the ring and got ready to fight with Chase 5.

"Three...two...one...go!" yelled Aid as the match begin.

Chase didn't really fight. He dodge the attacks from Chase 5.

"Come on," said Chase 5. "I won't be mad."

Chase, after hearing, let his inner strength and gave Chase 5 his biggest punch he ever did and sent Chase 5 flying right out of the ring.

"Oh my god!" cried Chase as he leap over the ropes and to Chase 5, who was rubbing his head.

"That was...Awesome!" cried Chase 5. Chase was surprise by this.

"Your not mad?" ask Chase as he help him up to his feet.

"No, it shows your inner strength," said Chase 5. "I want to do a strength test."

So he did that with Chase 5 and both him and Aid were shock to find out Chase could punch through nearly anything. They tried wood, concrete and even a brick, but he broke them all.

Just then, the bell for lunch rang.

"I got to get going," said Chase as he pick up his stuff.

"See you later, Brine," said Chase 5 and Aid as he walk out of the door.

After he got his lunch, he sat next to Lady and they begin to talk.

"How was your day so far?" ask Lady.

"Nothing, expect for accidently sending this Chase flying out of the ring," said Chase.

"You need to be careful," said Lady, while eating.

Just then, he spot Chase 5 and Aid getting cornered by someone he hated.

"I have to go," said Chase. He got up and walk over without Lady saying a word.

As he approach them, Claw countied to torment the two.

"You may be a boxer and your medic, but your the two are the losers of the school," said Claw before him and his buddies laughing.

"Leave them alone," said Chase standing in front of him.

"Or what will do?" said Claw, laughing again, but not for long as Chase punch him right in the face and sent him flying to the other side of the room.

"That's what," said Chase as he turn to face Chase 5 and Aid.

"Sorry about that," said Chase. "Here you two, get something to eat."

For the rest of the day, the school couldn't stop talking about Chase sending Claw across the room. By the end of the day, Chase was in a great mood. He was about to get in his car when Aid appeared.

"I can't thank you so much for saving us like that," said Aid.

"It's no problem," said Chase.

"Hey, there's a party going on at Chase's place," said Aid. "Want to come?"

"Sure," said Chase. "Aid, um what's your last name.

"Anderson," said Aid. "I'll see you there."

Chase, when Lady got in, drove off back to their hotel, drop her off and sped off.

"Chase, what are you..." yelled Lady as the mustang vanish in the distance.

"Never mind," said Lady as she walk back inside.

Chase, meanwhile, had sped off to their hiding spot with supplies and he had something else in mind.

"Hey, Chase has return," said Mecha Chase. The others howled and cheer as Chase got out of the car and change back to his true form.

"Where have you guys been?" said Chase 2, hugging Chase.

"School, kicking ass," said Chase as he gave them the parts. "But I can't stay for long, though."

"Where are you going?" ask Marshall, who had just walk out from inside the spaceship.

"I have a party to go and maybe try to recruit them," said Chase, who was getting in his car.

"Good luck," said Marshall as Chase drove away.

Chase drove through the city streets thinking how he was going to tell his two new friends who he truly was and how he was going to defeat 666.

Suddenly, he heard something on the sidewalk. Looking to his left, he saw some future soldier killing everyone in the shop.

Without thinking twice, he jump out of his car and a lighting blot struck him, changing him to combat mode.

He smash his way inside the shop and kill them all, leaving no survivors to tell the tale.

He got back into his car and drove off, leaving 6 enemies dead and a shop in flames.

After a while, he arrive at the party and seeing everyone was having a good time, relaxed a bit. He needed to stop being so nervous.

Getting out of his car, he walk inside and found Chase 5 and Aid near the pool outback.

"Hey Brine," yelled Aid. "You made it!"

"I need a break from stuff," said Brine as he walk over to them. "How's life?"

After a while, Chase was really enjoying his time when Claw and his gang decide to show up.

"So I see you decide to come to my party," said Claw with a nasty grin on his face.

"No, it's not, YOUR party," said Chase, putting down his drink and standing up.

"Oh, does Brine what to fight again," said Claw, showing his fists. "Are you going to send me flying again?"

"I will again if you don't fuck off," said Chase, spitting on the ground. The group gasp.

"Fine, then I will start," said Claw as he punch Chase in the face, but he didn't even flinch.

Claw look into his eyes, seeing that they had change to a light blue and his paws were sparking.

"Big mistake," said Chase in a deep voice.

He grab Claw by the throat, lifted him off the ground and thrown him in the pool.

Then, the rest of Claws gang attack Chase, but he quickly beat them all and before long, all of them were soak.

The party goers laugh at Claw and his gang crawled out of the pool and when he did, he glared at Chase.

"I will kill you for this," said Claw as he was about to charge at him when their was a sudden voice.

"He is mine," said a dark, familiar voice. Everyone turn to look and when Chase look he was frozen in fear.

It was 666 and had two armed soldiers with him.

"Both Chase's are mine," said Chase 666 as he appeared out of the darkness. He was dress in his war suit, with his blood red eyes and his Sycle on his back.

"Wait, what both Chase's?" ask Aid. "There's only one here, besides yourself."

"Maybe the one you have befriended," said Chase 666, staring at Chase.

Aid and Chase 5 turn and look at Chase. "Are you...?" ask Chase 5.

"Yes, I am,' said Chase as a lighting blot struck him, transforming him into his angel mode.

"I will not let you harm them," said Chase as he approach Chase 666.

"Oh, that's really brave of you, but you will die tonight," said Chase 666. "Kill him."

The two soldiers rush to attack Chase, but being the expert he is, he easily kill them all.

Then, he attack Chase 666 and started to fight him, their blades clashing as each try to get the upper hand.

Meanwhile, most of the party goers, including Claw and his gang, had run off. Only Chase 5, Aid, his friend Gus, Skye 4, Tundra 2, Barkley, Will, Rubble 2, Wildcat 2, Tracker 2, Miracle, Rocky 4, Zuma 2, Roader and Dirge stayed behind, unsure of what to do.

"I really want to help him," said Tundra 2 nervously. "But we can't fight someone that powerful."

"Not with normal weapons, that is," said a voice.

The group turn around and saw a army of pups that look like them, but smaller and some tall ones carrying weapons and rushing over to them.

"If you want to help," said Chase T as he toss some plasma guns. "Use some advance weapons."

The others started to fire on Chase 666 and seem to work really well.

Not willing to see Chase die, they grab the weapons and join the fight against his army, which more appeared out of the trees.

"Kill them all," said Lady as she appeared in her true form, carrying a rocket launcher.

Meanwhile, Chase was still fighting his evil twin and wasn't making any progress.

"You can't beat me," said 666. "Your death is here."

"I...will...beat...you!" howled Chase as he exploded, destroying the technology that kept them in their human forms.

As the dust cleared, both were back in their normal forms, but Chase 666 was serious affected by the blast.

Chase ran at lightspeed, determine to kill him, but he vanish before his sword would impale his chest.

Chase look around. His enemies were dead. He had a army under his control. He was ready for the war to come.

"I am ready," said Chase before howling in victory. The others followed suit and before long the whole city heard the victory howl of the Great Alliance.