
Pathway To Heaven

Meeting on the Road to the Capital to Lunalla, what awaits Micheal and Dante in this world full of pathways and monsters, bringing with them all sorts of mystical occurrences and figures. The Ancient Demon Lords return, the legend of the three heroes, descendants of legendary figures, and new, rising legendary figures. How will all this play out to those who just had a simple dream?

OctoGalaxy · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Descendants of the Great Heroes

A few minutes earlier….

Dante was on his way to the palace. He had read that there would be rewards for joining the group, even if he did nothing. Dante read that the original heroes descendants were being called for help. He decided to stop by the palace and at least hear out what the mission was while he was still at the capital.

It didn't take long for Dante to arrive outside the palace from the library. There, he saw hundreds of men and women. The most common sight were flintlocks, although many, mostly big burly men held various types of melee weapons. Rarer weapons included bows, and a rare few held wands or staffs. There were people of many races in a line outside of the palace. He got in the line and tapped the closest guys back.

"This line is for those who want to help the King, right?"

The elf turned around. His two differently colored eyes drew Dante's attention. He saw daggers at the elves side.

"Yes, I heard the King was getting as many skilled men with strength to help in some mission.." the elf responded.

Dante snickered. After joining the King, he would have access to all the information and items he needed for his pathway. His plan was holding up, all he had to do was prove his worth and he'd be set for life. He looked in front of the elf to see approximately how long he would have to wait. He saw the line go on and on for what seemed like miles. Dante sighed as he realized he'd probably have to stand for hours until he got inside the palace.

Hours did pass as he waited in line. Dante knew of the hardships he'd have to endure along the way to becoming the ultimate summoner. When he finally got to the front of the line. He saw a man wearing a red robe and he had a crystal ball in his hand. He watched the elf in front of him get tested and the man looked up in shock. Two soldiers escorted the elven man to some other room that none of the other fighters were being led to. Dante walked up to the man, sighing that the wait was finally over.

"Name?" the robbed man said in a monotone voice. He looked Dante up and down and chuckled. He saw nothing of value on him. Dante was scrawny and had no weapons or fancy armour like the Elf that had just passed through.

"Dante. Dante Aduxtire."

"You want me to believe you're an Aduxtire? Heh, surely don't look like one." the man said as he pulled up the crystal ball. It glowed a similar color as it did for the elf above him. The man was in disbelief. He looked back up at Dante who was just standing there in his beaten up armour. He signalled the guards who came back since they brought the elf to the room.

"He is Dante Aduxtire, the grandson of the great Orc Hero! Bring him with the rest of the heroes!"

"Aye" The two men said in sync.

The two guards led Dante to the same room the elf was brought to. They opened the doors and Dante saw a giant room full of luxuries and food. The elf was nearby, filling a plate full of various foods Dante had never even seen before. A chef passed him a plate, and Dante's eyes started glowing.

Meanwhile… Micheal was walking towards the Palace following the location on the paper. 'This should be it… ah! A line!'

Micheal also had waited for a long time, and eventually it was his turn to be checked. He arrived at the front of the line and stood proud and tall when approaching the man in robes. He cleared his voice and awaited for the man's questions.


"Micheal Marketwire. I-"

Once again the man in robes snickered. He pulled up his crystal ball and scanned Micheal in a similar way Dante was. The ball once again glowed. It shined brightly, and once again the man in robes was in disbelief. He signaled the guards and they looked at Micheal.

"Another one? That has to be around a dozen of them?"

"Y-yes, He is Micheal Marketwire, grandson of the great Human Hero!"

Eventually reaching the end of the line, Micheal was redirected towards a giant room by guards. As he walked in, he was shocked to see the familiar appearance of Dante! 'He also came here? This is too much of a coincidence!'

Dante, who was in the middle of feasting on luxurious foods, also saw Micheal as he walked in. 'Micheal…. Now I know he's actually just following me. He's probably after the same rewards that all the other people are after.'

Seconds after Micheal walked in, a woman's voice was heard, "So, another Marketwire, huh? I don't recognise you… Is Matt Marketwire your father?"

Micheal looked towards the woman asking him this. 'Matt… how does she know my father's name? I hate that guy! I've never mentioned his name except for a few times in the village. To abandon my mother like that…'

"Yes, he is my father. May I ask, how do you know this?" Looking up, Micheal got a clear view of the woman. She looked young, yet clearly older than Micheal by quite a bit. With clear, yellow eyes, and long blond hair, she wore strange clothing, almost like a modified version of what maids wear. It was filled with white and black frills, but the pointy hat on her completed her look as some sort of witch or magician instead of a maid.

She sighed, "That brother of mine… he was talented, but… just how many children did he have? I knew he fooled around with a lot of women, but… well, that makes me your aunt, then. What's your name?"

At this point, even Dante couldn't help but be interested. There were other humans in here, but they didn't strike up a conversation with him, so naturally he wouldn't bother to try. Turns out all the humans here were somehow related to Micheal. He was the only orc in here, and there was one elf, so he had imagined most of the humans here weren't related to the human hero!

Most importantly though, that means that she is the human hero's daughter!

Micheal was equally shocked! 'I knew ahead of time what kind of gathering this was, but to see the human hero's daughter… no, my aunt, is really a shocker!'

"My name is Micheal Marketwire."

"Ah, Micheal. Welcome to the heroes waiting room. My name is Natalie Marketwire. Why don't you come over here to have a chat with me? I'll also introduce you to my father's other grandchildren."