
Paths of Heaven

All Paths lead to Heaven; be it the 72 Named, or the myriad unnamed. And those who study these paths, are those we call, Cultivators. On the night of the 1st Day of the First Month in the Year 715, a strange Star is born; a boy of ordinary birth and unordinary heart. And with his birth, an age-old fate is sealed. In an Era marked by progress and greed, when the heavens are in flux and the earth is in chaos, this newborn Star will lead the march against the treacherous traditions of mankind and prepare the world for its coming tribulations. For such, is the will of the Heavens! --------------- Paths of Heaven is a fusion (a mix between traditional eastern and western) fantasy with a world that is reminiscent of the early 20th century. It spins a new outlook on cultivation, is heavily character-focused and intrigue-driven, with only a few hotblooded battles few and far between. The MC, Wuzhi, prefers to use his tongue rather than his fists. If this bothers or bores you, then this is not the novel for you. However, if you are someone who has ever wondered 'Hey, I wonder how a cultivation world would look where the cultivators aren't a bunch of crazy, pill-eating murderhobos, but instead, sensible people who work in hand with regular, ordinary mortals'... then this novel might interest you. Please be lenient though, for I am but a humble novice seeking to refine my craft. Currently posting on RoyalRoad.

ProphetOfEvil · Kỳ huyễn
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136 Chs

Chapter 107: Battle for Unification (7)

It was the 17th of the Twelfth Month in the Year 735 NCE. History would remember this day to be the day when the War of Unification came to a close and the Hegemon of the South Aislan Continent was crowned. It was also on this day that the region called 'Death Sink' was created.

The molten red sun peaked its head over the dark horizon of the night, casting its first rays upon the Plains of Trigo. Two massive seas of armour stood on opposing ends as war drums and battle cries shook the very earth upon which they stood. Fluttering banners, marking their respective noble houses, armies, and companies, waved within the air.

As the two armies stood separated from each other, ready to sink the other in a carnage of blood and steel, a distinct 'arena' was created in the space between the two armies. Squarely cut stone blocks were used to build the arena, and from its appearance, it looked hasty in its make.

Not that its construction mattered, for the eyes of all the soldiers, officers, advisors, strategists, and generals were fixed upon the figures of the two people that stood upon the stone arena.

Dressed in a deep-blue body armour that resembled the flowing robes of immortal cultivators of yore stood a tall and roguishly handsome youth. His silky black hair was tied up into a ponytail and his sharp, gem-like eyes stared penetratingly and warily at his opponent. He wore a sheathed sword on his waist and had his right hand resting atop his sword's handle. He looked every bit like an immortal swordsman.

Opposite him was a fairy-like lady of incredible beauty. Her shapely, buxom figure was clothed in a pure-white, satin-like armoured robe, similar to the kind worn by the swordsman youth. Her plump, milk-white skin glowed rosily with vitality exclusive to the youth. A cold, emotionless frost covered her facial features, making her look every bit like an unapproachable 'Ice Princess.'

These two practitioners were Mu Yuelong and Baixue respectively; the two chosen representatives for the cultivator exhibition match.

With a deep gravitas, Yuelong took the initiative to greet his opponent. "Mu Yuelong, Eldest Young Master of the Mu Household greets the Everfrost Fairy's disciple."

Baixue was no stranger to Mu Yuelong. He had seen and conversed with her a handful of times in the past when he had visited the Sacred Snow Heart Sect with his mother, the current Sect Master of the sect.

To say that he was surprised to find out that she was his opponent for today was valid.

Having received his greeting, it would not do well for Baixue to hold her silence. Nodding her head, she replied, "Baixue, Prime Disciple of the Scared Snow Heart Sect's Grand Elder greets Eldest Young Heir Mu."

Prime Disciples were only one step below Legacy Disciple, the latter being known as the 'true successors' or 'true inheritors' of a particular master. Baixue was Chu Mingxi's adopted daughter and Prime Disciple.

A few seconds of awkward silence followed after her greeting. The two of them weren't exactly strangers but also weren't close enough to even be considered acquaintances. Yuelong had yet to overcome his surprise at her being here, while Baixue was not a social person.

Almost a full minute of silence later, Yuelong took the initiative once more. "I did not expect Fairy to be here, much less, to represent the South Aislan Empire in this challenge."

"I was merely lucky," replied Baixue before becoming silent.

"Has Grand Elder been well?"

"I haven't seen my adopted mother in five months."

"I heard that Fairy was merely a paper's width away from stepping into Rank 5. Please accept this junior's congratulations and well-wishes."

"Thank you."

"I heard the news that your family… I'm sorry; please take it as if you haven't heard anything."

"It's fine."

Yuelong tried his hardest to make conversation and Baixue replied with short one-liners.

This is usually how conversations with Baixue went; she was cold, succinct, and uninterested. It just shows how remarkable Wuzhi's ability in building a rapport and getting a person to open up to him.

Unable to bear the awkwardness any longer, Yuelong simply asked, "Shall we begin?"

"I ask for pointers from Eldest Young Heir Mu," answered Baixue, drawing her sword from her sheath.

Baixue's sword resembled a crystal icicle. It was thin, long, and deadly sharp; primarily making it a stabbing weapon. Holding the silver handle present underneath the elaborately and beautifully constructed guard with both her hands, Baixue assumed a readied stance.

Seeing her ready, Yuelong also prepared himself for the confrontation. A serious look appeared on his face as he leaned his body slightly forward at an angle that would prove to be the most efficient route to flourish his sword.

With the two of them thus ready, an immense suffocative oppression radiated from the arena. The nearly three-hundred thousand (300,000) strong audience paused their chants and held their breaths.

The duel opened with an attack from Baixue.

She tapped the stone floor with her nimble feet causing a burst of chillness and iciness to instantly spread like a wave. The stone, in a ten-metre radius surrounding her, was instantly covered with a layer of slippery ice making it resemble the surface of a frozen lake.

Yuelong had not expected her opening move to be this. The instant the wave of iciness spread over him, he found himself losing his stable footing causing him to flinch. That flinch proved to be a mistake, as Baixue immediately capitalized on it.

Silently and without any resistance, the sword in her hand stabbed forth, aiming at the spot where Yuelong's shoulder and right arm met. She knew of her opponent's ability and deadliness and wanted to impair his strongest move.

The tip of her sword made contact with the surface of his armour and produced a sharp 'clink' sound. The robe-like armour proved to be a solid wall against her attack as it did not allow the sword to stab through and wound his body.

Not that wounding him was her plan in the first place. The very instant her sword made contact with his armour, Baixue poured her internal energy into her sword, triggering the ability built into the weapon.

A wave of icy power rapidly crashed against the arm joint and instantly solidified. Thus, a large block of solid ice appeared atop Yuelong's right shoulder, freezing and impairing his right arm.

The above series of events occurred in less than a second, resulting in the young master being unable to react in time. By the time he managed to gain a grip on his situation, his right arm had already been impaired.

"Hah!" A sonorous cry left Yuelong's mouth, instantly turning into a sonic boom and heavily crashed against Baixue. The latter, having only just poured her internal energy into her sword, was unable to re-gather her cultivation in time to form an energy barrier that had protected her from the sonic attack.

The quiet sound of bone fracturing echoed as Fairy Baixue skidded back unsteadily on the ice.

Having successfully created distance, Yuelong quickly poured his internal energy into his armour. The robe-like armament shone with mysterious lines following which a dusky blue light washed over his entire body. The solid block of ice which had formed over his right shoulder sizzled and cried when it made contact with the dusky blue light and instantly melted, forming a puddle underneath his feet.

Taking a few steps back, Yuelong immediately rotated his right arm to check its condition. An obvious frown appeared on his face as he found it stiffer than usual. It appeared that Baixue's attack was more than what it seemed on the surface.

While Yuelong was frowning over his condition, on the other side, Baixue managed to unsteadily regain her footing. She then felt a wave of fluid rush to her throat, causing her to spit out the contents in her mouth; spit mixed with blood wetted the floor. Coughing a few times to clear her airways, Baixue lowered her body, growing more cautious of her opponent.

A Sovereigns' successor was a Sovereign's successor indeed. The tricks and trump cards that he carried were simply too numerous to be counted.

Baixue did not know what technique he had used to deliver that sonic attack. However, the sheer power of that technique had still left her head ringing and her chest uncomfortable.

'He can't be alright after using such a technique, can he?' Baixue thought to herself. Her following gaze proved her thoughts to be correct as she spotted wisps of blood at the corners of Yuelong's mouth. 'He can't use that technique again. Moreover, I'm sure that his throat is damaged.'

Her ribs had been broken and a few internal organs had suffered injuries. However, Baixue found it acceptable when she discovered that the damage her opponent had suffered was no less than her own. And more importantly, Yuelong's main method of attacking, his right arm, had been temporarily crippled.

She would no longer have to be afraid of his unstoppable and undetectable 'One Sword Draw' technique.

Having finished her considerations and quelled her roiling blood, Baixue wasted no time as she instantly dashed forward to re-enter combat. Her opponent also seemed to be of the same thought as he too rushed forward at the same time.

Once again, at the centre of the stone arena where their first attacks had been exchanged, they crossed swords.
