
Path to Strength

This is the first book I am posting on this platform, so I ask for patience. My native language is not English, and I am not ashamed to say that I am using the so-called "Best Translator in the World" to help me with this work (DeepL translator). I was really trying to find fanfics that take place in the worlds of Baki, Kengan Ashura or the like, and although I found them, I only came across ones where the character gets supernatural powers that put him above any fighter from these worlds, and that frustrated me. A man needs to see two people fighting using their fists entirely, rather than creating interdimensional portals or something of that sort. So don't expect these kinds of powers here, because here there will just be the old way of solving problems. ---------------------------------------------------- It was a normal day for Yuji, going to school, then to the gym he was attending and finally home. A monotonous, but pleasant routine. There was no cause for pride, much less shame, so for the teenager that was enough. As always, everything was going as it should. That was until the moment when, looking in the mirror, the boy's whole perspective seemed to change. Facing someone who looked like him, but at the same time, was not him, Yuji sees himself in a similar world, but which is certainly not his. Crossover world of animes, including Tokyo Revengers, Baki, Kengan Ashura, Holyland, Hajime no Ippo and others that can easily be included in FF if readers have ideas.

TheJiujitsuGuy · Tranh châm biếm
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221 Chs

Chapter 186

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I hope you enjoy the reading!


Copying, an innate skill known in the world of battle as the most coveted skill among all martial artists.

Few people are blessed with this ability, to the point where it is considered so rare that you can count its possessors on your fingers.

That's why, in history, there have been very few times when two users of this skill have met. Even fewer times have they ended up facing each other.

But when this confrontation took place, the result was due to definitive factors.

The body and experience.

And in that room, where Yuji Shinakawa and Daniel Park were facing each other, which one could overpower the other?

The king of kengan matches or the Korean War Machine?

It was a question that would soon answer itself.


Blocking a kick with his forearm, Yuji was pushed slightly to the side, his eyes narrowing as he watched Daniel shorten the distance and prepare to punch.

But, about to punch, Daniel opened his eyes in confusion when Yuji threw his head back.

"Do you think I can only attack with my arms and legs?"

Daniel felt danger run through his entire body, the hairs on the back of his neck shivering in a definitive warning that he should back off immediately.

"Idiot! I got over that limitation a long time ago."

But just as he was about to push himself away, Yuji surprised him when he threw his head forward at an unexpected speed, Daniel only being quick enough to put his forearms above his head to defend himself.


But the impact of the headbutt hit him in a way that not even his defense was able to withstand, his body being pushed against the ground to form a crack that spread like cobwebs across the concrete.

"To survive in this world, you must be able to fight back even when your arms and legs are ripped off. Heads, bites and even a piercing stare! Use everything at your disposal to fight!"

Kicking Daniel away, Yuji grinned animalistically as a small cut opened up on his forehead, blood dripping from the wound to dirty his face.

"That's what differentiates a fifth-rate artist from a warrior."

Daniel, still affected by the powerful headbutt, stood up slowly as he spat out a little blood, his forehead furrowing as his black eyes turned piercingly towards Yuji.

"What's wrong? Are you worried?"

Jumping back when Yuji shortened the distance, Daniel immediately raised his defense to block a flurry of attacks.

"You don't have to worry so much!"

But while Daniel was preoccupied with retreating and defending, Yuji just grabbed his wrist and kicked his foot, destabilizing his posture and allowing him to manipulate his flow to leave him upside down in mid-air.

"I'll show you even more things so you can copy!"

About to smash him to the ground, Yuji was surprised by a high kick, his head flying backwards as he staggered.

Daniel, taking advantage of his hit, landed on the ground and advanced, circling Yuji in an attempt to grab him.


But to Daniel's dismay, the moment he reached him, Yuji disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"I want to see how far your copy can go."

Staring wide-eyed at a voice behind his back, Daniel tried to turn and attack, but Yuji was quicker when he punched his ribs hard enough to make him spit blood.

Despite being accurate, the damage wasn't enough to stop Daniel, who, taking advantage of the close distance, hit Yuji's thigh with a kick and quickly sent it spinning.

"Show me that you can become my challenger!"

Blocking the kick with ease, Yuji countered with an elbow, Daniel holding his elbow and trying to use a headbutt.


But realizing his intention, Yuji only nodded at the same time, their foreheads colliding with enough force to cause a tremor that spread throughout the room.

"Damn, it's a bit weird to keep talking to someone who doesn't answer."

Daniel tried to punch him, but Yuji just held his wrist, turning the situation into a stalemate between the two.

"I feel a bit stupid."


Daniel choked as a knee struck his stomach full on, the tightness in his wrist increasing as Yuji manipulated his flow to knock him backwards onto the floor.

But as Yuji was about to stomp on his face, the king of kengan games looked down at the ground in surprise when he felt the impact of the concrete on his feet, his eyebrow rising in curiosity.

"I see."

Feeling a murderous intent rising behind him, Yuji wasn't quick enough to turn around when a powerful attack hit his back, his body flying forward before he quickly stopped its momentum with his feet.

"You really copied my [Matataki] with a single glance."

Spitting out a little blood, Yuji turned with an interested look, Daniel staring at him with a murderous intent that leaked from his entire being.

"All right, I'll give you that compliment."

Clenching his fists, Yuji grinned as he took a step forward, Daniel not seeming intimidated as he also approached.

"With enough time to adapt, you could even become a formidable opponent."


But as the young fighters waited for the two of them to return to the fight, they were surprised when a thunderclap sounded throughout the room, Yuji passing Daniel at a speed that not even the [Unconscious] user was able to react to.

"But I'm really impatient at the moment."

Daniel, frozen for a moment, coughed up blood as his chin slowly took on a red tinge, his black eyes returning to normal as his body fell face-first to the ground.

"I have no doubt that you'll be able to use this technique when we fight again, but I'll leave that for the future. At the moment, I seem to have some problems to solve."

Jerry and Warren looked at the man with awe and admiration. Seeing him defeat someone that even they, along with Vasco, had been unable to even scratch, was more than proof that he was a level above everyone else in the room.

Even though he was fighting against what should be considered one of the strongest of all generations, Yuji Shinakawa didn't even look tired.

He was certainly the legend of the second generation.

"Looks like you've come up with quite a plan, haven't you, Vasco?"

Vasco was surprised when Yuji suddenly addressed him.

"Uh? Actually, I didn't help elaborate anything."

Yuji scratched his head as he sighed. "I know, I know. I'm saying you as a whole."

Walking towards the unconscious Hobin, Yuji just slapped him, making him open his eyes as he sat down in despair.

"Uh?! Did I die?!"

"No, you idiot. You just took a beating for that guy." Yuji pointed at the unconscious Daniel Park, Hobin groaning in pain as he leaned his back against the wall.

"Shit, that guy was a monster."

Yuji nodded in agreement, standing up as he turned to the rest of the group.

"It seems to me that you're trying to bring down the first branch, isn't it?"

Yuji watched Jerry and Warren's expression harden, since they knew that Yuji had made a deal with the Workers.

"Well, carry on. I really don't mind." Yuji walked past them. "Actually, it looks like Eugene has tried to bite off more than he can swallow."

"Our agreement is over."
