
Path To Our Future

Guy Donnelly: 6 '0'' approximately 175 pounds, very good shape due to active and regular workout regimen. Shaved dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, pale skin from Irish descent. Dirty bit: fully erect approximately 8 inches. Trademark clothing: black leather jacket with hood. Korinna Patrick: 5’8” approximately 125 pounds, Curvy build not active with working out but not lazy. Shoulder length brown hair and Grey eyes, lightly tanned skin but Caucasian. Dirty bit: C cup breasts to D cup, Hips 36”. Trademark look: Think of the girl you could take home to your parents. Katy Monroe: 5’7” approximately 155 pounds, full figured but actively works out. Short black hair down to her ears and Green eyes, tanned with heavy ear piercings, Caucasian. Dirty bit: well endowed D cups and hips almost 40”. Trademark look: Punk girl you met behind a corner store who asked you to buy her smokes. Mathilda Amdahl: 6’4” approximately 215 pounds, Built like a wall with an active workout regimen and basketball player. Shoulder length blonde hair, a little wavy with pale blue eyes, Caucasian. Dirty bit: B cup breasts and muscular build. Trademark look: The girl you bring home and she talks to your Dad about more sports than you do. Imelda Ortega: 5’9” approximately 150 pounds, Lean build due to an active job as a mechanic. Long black/brown hair to her shoulder blades and deep brown eyes, Latina. Dirty bit: B cup breasts and 36” hips. Trademark look: She’ll fix your car and fight the girl at the bar but she’ll take your nut if you give her a reason to. Rachael Bingham: 5’6” approximately 105 pounds, petite build light activity such as yoga. Long strawberry blonde hair to the small of her back with some curls and deep hazel eyes, Caucasian. Dirty bit: barely a B cup and 28” hips. Trademark look: Sweet, Innocent, could make you feel bad just by crying. The one you want to bring home to Mom and Dad. Natsuko Nakamura: 5’2” approximately 85 pounds, Small build. Short black hair with blue highlights in the bangs down to the bottoms of her ears and brown eyes, Japanese American. Dirty bit: A cup and 26” hips. Trademark look: The little Asian punk girl. Sister to Junichi. Ben Scranton: 5’11” approximately 165 pounds, muscled but no definition. Black hair is slicked back and combed, near black/brown eyes. Dirty bit: Fully erect approximately 7 inches. Trademark Look: Casual prep of the crew, currently dating Guy’s sister Liz. Hanna Michaels: 5’6” approximately 135 pounds, curvy frame but a hint of athletic muscle from basketball. Curly ginger hair down to her shoulders with pale green eyes. Dirty bit: Large B cup breasts to C cup and 32” hips. Trademark look: All around good girl, she’s the bi girl you bring around your girlfriend. Devin Hewitt: 6’5” approximately 310 pounds, built like a barrel and stronger than most people around his age. Shaggy blonde hair and hazel eyes. Dirty bit: Fully erect approximately 8 inches. Trademark look: Camouflage coat that doesn’t work for hiding him, gentle giant of the group. Masha Golovin: 6’ approximately 170 pounds, muscled from work but not work outs with mild definition. Curly as hell blonde hair that when worn down gets to her shoulders and bright blue eyes. Dirty bit: b cup breasts and 38” hips. Trademark look: Denims and athletic wear for durability, Devin’s girlfriend.

Fredrick_Udele · Kỳ huyễn
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87 Chs


The collective sigh of relief in the room is good enough that my ladies relax for a change and while I'm back to one hundred percent physically and mentally I still want Taylor. I will have to let it stew for now as my fiancés are just happy I'm up and mobile. The super shitty feeling being passed and Sunday I get something that I never expected, a call from an unknown and unblocked number.

"Hey there Guy, it's been a while," I hear Taylor's voice over the phone.

"Yes it has, what's left now but you and me," I reply, waiting for his new plan.

"I want to walk away, I want you to come to me and we settle this so that I can walk away with your blessing," Taylor says and I'm almost laughing.

"By my estimation you're the reason all this shit happened and you want me to let you walk away," I ask chuckling.

"No not really, I just want you to be by your phone in your room right now," Taylor spits and the glass in my window shatters from gunfire.

I hit the floor as a few shots come in and I can hear the girls and my sisters in the other end of the house screaming while Imelda is telling them to get down. I'm a little freaked and pissed off as I crawl out of my room, a few more shots and I rush out the front door to see Taylor standing in our front yard with a revolver in hand, he turns it towards me and I pause. His 5'8" frame is clad in a black trench coat and jeans, he's still thin and little but the revolver makes up for that.

"Didn't think you'd come out before I had to reload," Taylor sneers at me.

"You would have come in sooner or later, figured if you wanted your shot at me you can have it out here," I tell him hoping my girls are heading in the opposite direction.

Sadly I hear movement behind me and I turn my head just enough to see Rachael and Kori step out, damn them. Taylor glances at them before refocusing on me and that's where I want him.

"Well it's you and me Taylor, take your shot or walk," I tell him and he actually pauses," I'll give you that much but no more."

"Or I simply take the shot that would do the most damage," I listen to him speak the words and my blood runs cold.

For me time slows down as I watch the gun turn away from me and the shot ring off, I turn my head and watch as Rachael goes limp and starts to fall when my body kicks in fully. I don't look back anymore, only forward and Taylor has enough time to level the revolver on me but not enough to fire as slam into him hard. I don't think anymore about what I do, I simply put Taylor down hard in my parent's front yard and begin raining fists down to his face. I break his glasses on my fist at one point and when he scrambles for the revolver I grab his arm and twist it till I hear a snapping and a scream. I hear more screaming but it's not from Taylor but more voices around me, things like 'stop, wait, alright, please'. I hear them but responding to them is another thing as I have my hands wrapped around Taylor's skinny little neck and watch the colors in his face change.

"Guy STOP," I hear as I'm pulled off of Taylor.

Matty and Gwen have me up and by the arms as they point me towards Rachael, my sweet Rachael who is sitting up and a little shocked but fine. I want to scramble to her but I hear snickering and turn my attention back towards Taylor.

"Better luck… next time," He actually giggles trying to crawl with a good arm to his gun.

I slip from my woman's grasp and put myself over Taylor's back standing and grab the hair on the back of his head and pull up. He struggles for a bit with his good arm but not long, I place my free hand under his chin and with a quick twist and a snap break Taylor's neck. I let him fall, his body, to the dirt in the front yard while everyone starts to freak out. I'm in a daze as parents, police, and paramedics have descended on my family and our home. Everyone is going on about what happened and when I'm put in handcuffs and placed in a cop car does shit really fly loose. In the haste of the situation we had no less than five different neighbors watch as I broke Taylor's neck and while he had a weapon at the start he was basically defenseless when I killed him. I am processed, not the first time mind you, but processed and left in room for questioning. Two detectives enter, they wear nice suits, and I settle in for the long haul.

"Mr. Donnelly it appears this isn't the first time you've been questioned by the authorities so let's just go over the basics of what happened shall we," The male and possibly Asian detective says as I calmly look up at him.

"Lawyer," is all I have to say.

"Mr. Donnelly we understand your rights but we have witnesses that show the shooter was defenseless when you killed him, cooperate now and we'll work on a good deal with the DA's office," the female black detective tells me and I simply change from looking at the man to the woman.

"Lawyer," I repeat and both of them sigh in disgust.

"Very well if you don't want to cooperate we'll play hard ball and you can graduate from the inside of a cell," the Asian detective informs me as they leave.

I'm back in my cell and I wait for about a day before I see a familiar face and body, 5'11" in high heels and a suit that screams lawyer. Kelsea arrives at my cell with a soft briefcase in her hand and a smile on her face. Her normally flowing brown hair is done very conservatively as she has me ushered into a room so we can speak privately.

"Well for someone looking at a murder charge you seem well," She tells me smiling as we sit down.

"My god you are still the predator," I reply smiling back.

"That I am and it pisses off my opponents to no end, and I have them now because of you. On a serious note I've read everything on the flight up here and the good news is we have a solid case to get you a reduced sentence or even off charges entirely but I don't know the judges up here and that means we're looking at a roll of the dice," Kelsea goes into the details.