
Path To Our Future

Guy Donnelly: 6 '0'' approximately 175 pounds, very good shape due to active and regular workout regimen. Shaved dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, pale skin from Irish descent. Dirty bit: fully erect approximately 8 inches. Trademark clothing: black leather jacket with hood. Korinna Patrick: 5’8” approximately 125 pounds, Curvy build not active with working out but not lazy. Shoulder length brown hair and Grey eyes, lightly tanned skin but Caucasian. Dirty bit: C cup breasts to D cup, Hips 36”. Trademark look: Think of the girl you could take home to your parents. Katy Monroe: 5’7” approximately 155 pounds, full figured but actively works out. Short black hair down to her ears and Green eyes, tanned with heavy ear piercings, Caucasian. Dirty bit: well endowed D cups and hips almost 40”. Trademark look: Punk girl you met behind a corner store who asked you to buy her smokes. Mathilda Amdahl: 6’4” approximately 215 pounds, Built like a wall with an active workout regimen and basketball player. Shoulder length blonde hair, a little wavy with pale blue eyes, Caucasian. Dirty bit: B cup breasts and muscular build. Trademark look: The girl you bring home and she talks to your Dad about more sports than you do. Imelda Ortega: 5’9” approximately 150 pounds, Lean build due to an active job as a mechanic. Long black/brown hair to her shoulder blades and deep brown eyes, Latina. Dirty bit: B cup breasts and 36” hips. Trademark look: She’ll fix your car and fight the girl at the bar but she’ll take your nut if you give her a reason to. Rachael Bingham: 5’6” approximately 105 pounds, petite build light activity such as yoga. Long strawberry blonde hair to the small of her back with some curls and deep hazel eyes, Caucasian. Dirty bit: barely a B cup and 28” hips. Trademark look: Sweet, Innocent, could make you feel bad just by crying. The one you want to bring home to Mom and Dad. Natsuko Nakamura: 5’2” approximately 85 pounds, Small build. Short black hair with blue highlights in the bangs down to the bottoms of her ears and brown eyes, Japanese American. Dirty bit: A cup and 26” hips. Trademark look: The little Asian punk girl. Sister to Junichi. Ben Scranton: 5’11” approximately 165 pounds, muscled but no definition. Black hair is slicked back and combed, near black/brown eyes. Dirty bit: Fully erect approximately 7 inches. Trademark Look: Casual prep of the crew, currently dating Guy’s sister Liz. Hanna Michaels: 5’6” approximately 135 pounds, curvy frame but a hint of athletic muscle from basketball. Curly ginger hair down to her shoulders with pale green eyes. Dirty bit: Large B cup breasts to C cup and 32” hips. Trademark look: All around good girl, she’s the bi girl you bring around your girlfriend. Devin Hewitt: 6’5” approximately 310 pounds, built like a barrel and stronger than most people around his age. Shaggy blonde hair and hazel eyes. Dirty bit: Fully erect approximately 8 inches. Trademark look: Camouflage coat that doesn’t work for hiding him, gentle giant of the group. Masha Golovin: 6’ approximately 170 pounds, muscled from work but not work outs with mild definition. Curly as hell blonde hair that when worn down gets to her shoulders and bright blue eyes. Dirty bit: b cup breasts and 38” hips. Trademark look: Denims and athletic wear for durability, Devin’s girlfriend.

Fredrick_Udele · Kỳ huyễn
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87 Chs


I wait and Mitch comes back after a few minutes and sits down opposite of the table with me. We talk a little about the Union and how Jim runs things pretty well. I discovered the friendly Old Man that I know has a pretty gruesome history and caused some chaos for a couple rival groups including Devil's Best until new leadership took over.

"I knew he was a tough man but damn," I remark as a busty Latina woman brings out a plate for Mitch and me.

"Thanks darlin'," Mitch says getting a kiss as she heads back," Wife loves to cook for people sadly most don't want to eat here."

I dig in and I do not understand why people don't want to eat her cooking, it's pretty good. I finish the whole plate in record time and check my clock to see it's a little after eight in the morning before asking if they have a card reader for payments. Mitch points me to an ATM and I get out three hundred in cash and go to hand him half but he declines.

"No thanks Kid, Jim said you were family to him and that's good enough for us," Mitch tells me and I smirk.

He looks at me funny as I head into the kitchen and find the cook, Guadalupe is his woman, and hand her the money, getting an odd look.

"Ma'am that was the best meal I've had in days, go get something nice and surprise Mitch with it," I tell her with a wink and a smile.

She laughs a little and I get a hug before exiting the kitchen and shake hands with Mitch before mounting up on Pale Horse and heading back down the road towards Wyoming. The trip is more time consuming and I discover the city I'm heading to is in rancher territory as I am passing large plots of land in the mid afternoon on Saturday that lead me to what passes for the center of town, it's not huge but quaint and livable. My presence however gains a bit of attention as a good portion of people here are country western and I'm metal. I search around for a bit and settle on a place in town to hold up in, it's a nice little hotel that looks nothing like a commercialized one and I figure that is worth something. I pay the friendly yet wary woman behind the counter and get myself settled. It's about dinner time and I take the silencer off my pistol and store it in my bags and holster it in my coat before heading down stairs and figure I'll go look up somewhere to eat. I settle in at a bar and grill and get to suffer through the country music and dancing going on at the other half of the restaurant when a very top heavy blonde woman in what I can assume is her early forties welcomes me to Old Hand's Grill and hands me a menu.

"Never been here before," Trudy, her name plate gives it away, asos, stating the obvious.

"Nope, never been to Wyoming before," I reply looking at the menu, at least the food has meat in it.

I place an order for the steak plate with barbeque fries and a soda which Trudy takes happily before leaving me to my silence. I shoot my girls a text letting them know I'm in town and promise I will try to be polite. They send their love and I look around at the locals, god do I stand out, aside from my jeans I'm wearing the wrong boots, my combat boots are not cowboy boots. My black leather jacket with a hood isn't brown and worn and I don't have a cowboy or baseball cap. It takes a while but I'm served and it's good food. I get about halfway through my meal before nature calls and I'm gone for maybe five minutes before coming back to find my table has been overtaken and there is a guy sitting in my seat with a woman on his lap eating my fries.

"Excuse me this is my table," I state in a non threatening tone.

"Well hell you weren't here," the man in the white hat says chuckling.

"Regardless, that's my food you're eating and my chair you're sitting in," I tell him, stating facts and not trying to threaten.

"Well kid this is my chair now and my table so why don't you order something for yourself and go sit somewhere else," the man laughs and his friends laugh with him.

I don't want to fight and figure I'll just settle for half a meal, catch Trudy and she looks happy to see me save for the fact that I only hand her a twenty for the meal when it was more like thirty five and start to leave. A hand on my shoulder from her stops me.

"The tab is thirty five honey," Trudy tells me and I'm not in a mood to argue.

"Well take that up with the man eating my food and sitting in my spot," I tell her, pulling out a second twenty and handing it to her before heading for the door.

I'm about ten feet away from Pale Horse when I hear two people running to catch up to me on either side. They come into view and it's two of the jackasses from my old table. I start to step past when my hand on my shoulder turns me and I'm blindsided by a fist to the side of my head. There is some laughing and talking when I feel one go through my pockets and I hear keys jingling, my keys.

"Thanks for the ride kid, new in town tax," I hear the asshole who took my seat.

I get kicked in the gut a couple times and once or twice in the back before the beating stops and I'm left alone to hear my bike start up and pull away from the restaurant. It takes me a minute and I can hear a couple people talking when I see some familiar red and blue flashing lights.

"Sir, place your hands on your head and get on your knees," A female officer tells me and now I'm pissed and confused.

"Help me, some asshole and his friends just took my bike," I state with some pain turning to face the officers.

"Sir I won't repeat myself now place your hands on your head and get on your knees now," the female officer says again only louder.

"Wait I get jumped and my bike is stolen and you're arresting me," I ask, starting to get pissed off.

I do what she says and it's a few seconds later that my pistol is taken out and I'm cuffed before being put in the back of a local Sheriff's car. I get driven to their jail and find they have two cells as I am sitting in a chair with the female officer going through my wallet and running my information. I stay quiet till someone decides to talk to me.

"You wanna explain what you were doing starting a fight in the parking lot of Nathanial's restaurant," a male deputy asks but I remain quiet," can you hear me kid I asked you a question?"