
Path of the Fated

A story of the most unexpected events and the most helpless guy. He gets a system, but the one who gave him the system didn't do it out of the kindness of his heart. Hidden motivations and spirits fall. A content dominated by the strong, a true cultivation world. Join our Main character on his journey.

Slumbering_Dragon_ · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Fateful Encounters

PotF Chapter 6: Fateful Encounters

Within the grand expanse of the Yang Clan patriarch's mansion, among the numerous rooms that filled the halls. There was one room that stood out. It was the room of the next head of the Clan, Yang Ao. In this room, Yang Ao was fast asleep, feeling exhausted from all the training he had done.

As the night progressed, Yang Ao's worry and stress began to dissipate. The sunlight came from the window near his desk. As the light hit his eyes, he began to open them slowly while stretching his hands, feeling the day's energy fill his body.

As Yang Ao woke up that morning, he couldn't contain his excitement. The anticipation of the promised surprise and the thought of his father's return. Which will give him a chance to ask him for help with the technique.

Suddenly he heard the sounds of hurried footsteps and maids through the house. Hearing the sounds made Yang Ao excited to see what it was all about. He thought that maybe his father was about to arrive.

He changed his clothes from the night attire and wore his formal dress to greet his father with the other Clan members.

Yang Ao went first to his parent's room so that he could accompany his mother in the welcoming. While walking there, Yang Ao couldn't help but chuckle inwardly. The thought of witnessing such a welcome for what was a short business trip would have struck him as absurd. However, after living in this world for a couple of years, he understood the importance that the patriarch position held for a Clan.

The patriarchs of the various Clans were the most influential people in their Clans. They had the authority of the whole Clan for but one simple fact, they were the reason a Clan could stand and have a position in this harsh world. They were the primary force that protected their people from any threat.

After that brief moment of contemplation, Yang Ao finally reached the room of his parents, and just like before, he knocked three times only to hear nothing. He thought that his mother must have woken up before him and already stood outside for the welcome. So, without a second thought, he went outside in a hurry, not wanting to get reprimanded.

Once he reached there, he found out that most of the influential people of the Clan were there. While the patriarch's return was significant, this was too much, like really too much. Some of the People here were in secluded cultivation for months, and now out of nowhere, they come here to welcome the patriarch?

That didn't make any sense to Yang Ao. This made him start to feel anxious about what was going to happen. He thought his surprise might not actually be a good thing.

All of those thoughts were interrupted by the sudden feeling of a tap on his shoulder which made him jump in fear. Only to look back and notice that the person who tapped his shoulder was his mother.

"Are you ok? Why does your face look so pale." Chi Ray looked worried she couldn't understand why her son was so scared.

"I am fine. I was just startled. Oh, and I wanted to ask why are there so many seniors here? They don't usually show their faces." Yang Ao didn't want to make Chi Ray worry, so he tried to change the subject, not showing how he still felt uneasy about this whole situation.

Chi Ray's face changed from worry for him to a smile, telling him, "Didn't I tell you that your father had a surprise for you? This surprise is coming. That is why we are gathered here."

"They are here."

"The Patriarch is here."

Yang Ao didn't have time to question his mother much before the carriage arrived.


The sound of the carriage stopping made the servants rush to the carriage door to open it for the patriarch.

Once the carriage door opened, a dignified middle age man came out, helping a little girl get down. This girl looked a little older than Yang Ao.

This middle age man was no one else other than Yang Ma, the patriarch of the Clan, but the question was, who was this little girl?

Yang Ao's feeling of unease grew more, feeling that he had seen all of this before somewhere.

Yang Ao looked at his father, wanting to get the answer from him since his mother was of no help with that. She enjoyed keeping everything as a "Surprise."

Feeling that someone was looking at him with a heated gaze, Yang Ma tilted his head only to see that his son was looking at him. He laughed and moved to his son, with the little girl beside him. He said with a loud voice, as if he wanted the entire city to hear what he was about to say, "Look, son, I came with a piece of great news for you. Here I came with the little princess of the Gu Clan, Gu Yan, who will be your future wife."

"Shit, shit, shit," Yang Ao wanted to go full panic mode. He knew that he should have seen this coming. He thought to himself, "I am going to get killed for sure. This Gu Yan or whatever is going to be the end of me. She is going to have a super-talented martial art body or something. She is going to cancel the engagement and then send people to kill me."

He wanted to stop the engagement from happening, but he felt that his father would never agree, so he wanted to delay it as much as possible.

"Father, don't you feel that WE are still too young for marriage? I can't even cultivate, yet you want me to be married off?" Yang Ao said with the most polite voice he could muster.

Only to look at his father and see that he was so mad at him. He wanted to shout at Yang Ao for asking such a stupid question in front of this many people. However, Chi Ray came in between them and answered him.

"Ao, you need to understand that this engagement wasn't made in one day. It was made before you were born. Marriages between powerful clans don't happen on a whim. Also, we don't expect you to get married now. We only want you to get to know each other. While the actual marriage won't happen until you get to 16 years old." Chi Ray tried to explain the situation to her son in simple terms so that he wouldn't get so worked up.

Yang Ao thought, "Will, at least I have got a couple of years before the marriage. I will try to grow my cultivation to as high as possible in the meantime." Once he planned his next steps, he felt a little at ease. Yet, out of nowhere, a sudden idea came to him "Kill her" he felt that maybe just maybe, if he killed her here and now, he wouldn't need to worry about an immortal master coming to kill him for being with his disciple.

"No, No, I can't. Firstly, it's difficult to predict if the engagement canceling shenanigan will even occur. Additionally, I am uncertain whether she actually possesses an immortal martial art body. Secondly, I cannot bring myself to kill a child; I am not that type of person."