
Path of Rebirth: The Evil Terminator

Zeke Foster, the Minister of Justice in the Shaoke Dynasty, was known for his profound animosity towards wrongdoers and amassed a multitude of adversaries. Encircled and besieged by malevolent individuals, he met his demise on Mount Savage. However, his soul reincarnated into the feeble frame of an inconspicuous child, retaining memories from his previous existence. Fueled by unwavering determination, he embarked upon a quest to eradicate evil, confronting it with indomitable valor. Through resolute actions and relentless battles against insurmountable odds, he ultimately ascended to become the supreme ruler of both heaven and earth!

bookworm_Ling · Khoa huyễn
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32 Chs

Chapter 17 Defying Fate

Zeke knew very well about Blake's character. In Fantasy City, among the powerful families and forces, was there even one good person? It was widely known why there was Fantasy City in Mount Savage. The exiled villains from the sixteen countries gathered here in these deep mountains and gradually developed into a city. This evolution over hundreds, even thousands of years, was a chronicle of evil.

Growing up in such an environment, Blake's ability to train his subordinates like Steven to kill without hesitation revealed his own nature clearly.

Zeke never held any favorable impression of such individuals, whether they are youths, adults, or the elderly. During his time at the Ministry of Justice in Shaoke Dynasty, his daily tasks involved bringing such individuals to justice. Thus, Zeke might have accumulated many enemies within the Shaoke Dynasty, possibly to the extent where he himself isn't aware. After experiencing the ambush he faced recently, Zeke discovered that some friends he once believed would stand by him till the end turned out to be his most treacherous foes.

Today, the most remarkable presence in the Elysium Auction House was undoubtedly Zeke. Whoever witnesses this young man shined in the Elysium Auction House would remember him deeply. From now on, Zeke's name would resound throughout Fantasy City. And that was precisely what Zeke desired. His intention of getting close to Blake was solely to leverage the Chapman family in order to have an opportunity to let people see him at the Elysium Auction House.

However, Zeke was well aware that fame comes with both benefits and drawbacks. Given his current meager strength, powerful factions aiming to exploit him for their financial gains may resort to any means necessary to obtain him.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Elysium Auction House postponed its upcoming auctions. Zeke decided to return home, but Blake remained behind, not even descending from the second floor of the Elysium Auction House.

Upon returning to his dilapidated courtyard, Zeke found Brogan still persistently practicing with clenched teeth, his wrists already swollen. Seeing Zeke's return, Brogan hurriedly approached and asked if he encountered any trouble.

"Not yet, but it won't be long," Zeke replied, taking a seat and drinking water. "Brogan, there's something I must make clear to you. If you want to make a name for yourself and provide a better life for your parents in Fantasy City, once you make that decision, you may face unforeseen dangers. You might not fully understand these perils right now, so remember every word I'm about to say."

"I made myself known to everyone at the Elysium Auction House just now, and many people will seek to exploit my abilities to discover spiritual stones. So, from today onwards, I'll face endless troubles. And you are my good friend; many might target you. They might capture you and use you to threaten me."

Brogan straightened his body and declared, "I'm not afraid!"

Zeke shook his head, saying, "No, you can't be fearless. Even if you're not afraid, I am. So, if anyone ever captures you, never resist and prioritize saving your own life. No matter what they demand from you, comply. Rest assured, I will find a way to handle it myself."

Brogan still shook his head. "That's impossible. Letting me betray you is as good as letting me die."

Zeke furrowed his brow. "Brogan, you're different from me. I'm an orphan, but you still have your parents. Even if you don't consider yourself, you should think about your parents. Listen to me. You and your parents need to find your brother. Although he's just a janitor in the sect, every sect has its own dignity. So, even if one is bullied within the sect, it's better than being bullied by outsiders."

"Find a way for you and your parents to stay with your brother. Once I resolve the troubles, I'll find a way to let you know when to come back. Do you know why I left Gordon behind? It's because he is a stranger, and no one knows him... Plus, he sat in my courtyard for a whole day and night, and many people are wary of him. I'll let Gordon accompany you on your journey. Though his cultivation is weak, he can still display an imposing aura of a formidable master. Don't rush or run, take your time to find your brother."

Brogan still refused. "If we all leave, and only you remain, how can that work?"

Zeke patted Brogan's shoulder. "Brogan, trust me, I can handle these matters. Besides, Oscar is with me."

Brogan looked at the cat sleeping in Zeke's arms. "Oscar... Zeke, what can Oscar do to help you? Listen to me, don't be overconfident. How about we leave together?"

Zeke said, "Leaving is not an option. Since we've decided to cultivate, we must make efforts. You dislike the Chapman family and the nine Cook brothers. Actually, I know you detest every evil person in Fantasy City. What I want to do now is to make them destroy each other. If I have the power, I would personally eliminate them, but I'm not capable at the moment. So, I can only let them self-destruct."

"The Chapman family has started to take notice of me, and people from other factions also want to obtain me, so conflicts are inevitable."

Zeke smiled, "Brogan, we both despise those wicked individuals and their actions, so we must not become like them. Remember, whether we become successful or remain impoverished, we must never become like them, even if it means dying."

Brogan said, "Zeke, don't worry, I will never become like them, even if it costs my life."

He asked, "Zeke, why is it so difficult to be a good person when villains can do as they please?"

Zeke replied, "Brogan, being a good person isn't difficult. But good people are bound by many rules: laws, regulations, ethics, and much more. Villains don't need to abide by these, so they appear to have no limits. In Shaoke Dynasty, there's a sect called Forall Temple, where the monks pursue the transformation of villains through benevolent thoughts, believing that all bad people can turn over a new leaf. However, in my opinion, this is an indulgence towards villains. Good people endure hardships, while bad people can simply become good by choosing to turn over a new leaf... That's not right."

There was a glint in Zeke's eyes, a fierceness Brogan had never seen before.

"To deal with villains, you can never rely on benevolent thoughts. To handle villains, you need to use strict measures, discard those who must be discarded, and kill those who must be killed."

Zeke said, "Brogan, once we have the ability to cultivate, let's do things like this, alright?"

Brogan vigorously nodded. "Agreed!"

Gordon clenched his fist inside the room, feeling a burning fire in his heart. He knew he had met someone right this time, fulfilling his childhood dream that was within arm's reach once again. Why did he choose to cultivate in the first place? It was for that sense of justice, punishing evil and promoting goodness. Yet, his talent was too weak, although capable of cultivation, he possessed the worst constitution and ended up joining the Deception Sect.

He never told Zeke the reason why he left the sect. It was because he couldn't stand the wicked intentions of his fellow disciples. What happened to the people of the Deception Sect? Couldn't they use their cultivated abilities to punish evil and promote goodness? Although his pursuit of justice had faded over the years of cultivation and experiences, it still remained. He envied Brogan because he had a friend like Zeke.

Gordon told himself that he stood at a crossroads once again, and this time he couldn't make the wrong choice.

In the courtyard, Zeke patted Brogan's shoulder and lowered his voice. "This is an opportunity, a chance to wipe out all the scoundrels on Nance Street. The conflict between the Cook brothers and the Chapman family is about to erupt. Why did Blake go to the Elysium Auction House? And why hasn't he come out? It's because he's afraid... The Chapman family must have made arrangements for him to seek refuge in the Elysium Auction House. As long as he stays there, the people from the Cook Mansion won't dare to cause trouble."

"The Chapman family and the Cook brothers can't coexist. It's either one or the other. For us, we must seize this opportunity."

Zeke continued, "That's why I need your cooperation. First, settle your parents, then come back and help me."

Brogan nodded. "Alright, I'll do it as soon as possible!"

Zeke acknowledged with a grunt before entering the house. He turned to Gordon and said, "I want to ask you for a favor... I have around twenty thousand gold coins here. Although not much, it should cover your travel expenses to Shaoke Dynasty. I want you to take Brogan to his brother and secretly inform his brother not to let Brogan come back to find me. Consider this money as my reward to you."

Gordon wanted to refuse but changed his mind and nodded. "Don't worry, I will protect Brogan and his parents and ensure they find his brother."

Zeke clasped his fists. "Thank you. If fate allows, I will repay your assistance today in the future."

Gordon said, "There's no need to talk about repaying or not. Don't be so formal. Just give me some more money if you have it..."

Zeke laughed heartily. "Alright, I will make you a wealthy and powerful person in the future!"

With everything arranged, Zeke finally felt somewhat at ease. To regain his strength in a place like Fantasy City, he must resort to extreme measures. Brogan was inexperienced, and once he got involved in the bloodshed, he was likely to face more danger than fortune. Moreover, Zeke was someone who valued loyalty and would sacrifice himself rather than implicate his friends. He cherished the friendship between him and Brogan, so he didn't want Brogan and his family to encounter any risks.

Watching Brogan and Gordon leave, Zeke's eyes revealed complex emotions. He gently stroked the back of the cat. "Oscar, now it's just you and me. I know this might be selfish, and I should have let Brogan take you as well. But now, I'm determined to defy fate, not only for myself but also for you. You're an ordinary cat, and I'm an ordinary man... I want to change this ordinariness, restore my strength, and turn you into a formidable creature."

"Do you remember those vicious dogs that cornered you and bullied you? We want to become stronger so we won't be subjected to such humiliation anymore."

The cat let out a meow, and its eyes shined brightly, resembling the vastness of stars and seas. Zeke always felt there was something special about the cat's eyes, but since he had never owned a cat before, he assumed all cats' eyes were like that and didn't pay much attention.

He took out the white pearl from his pocket and rubs it, producing some white powder for the cat to lick. "This is a mid-grade inferior monster crystal that can change your physique. Even if I fail, I will make you powerful. At the very least, it will protect you from those vicious dogs when I'm not around. Absorb the power of this pearl slowly, and in the future, you'll be able to eliminate all those dogs that bullied you."

Zeke looked up into the distance. "Just changing fate... It's not difficult at all."