
Path of blades

Welcome to a world where qi and mana meet in a jumble of war and grace. Shen Jian a little boy with extraordinary looks found himself in a lower cultivation world as an orphan raised with other orphans like himself. He awakened his martial spirit at age eight, three years after his mates. Cultivation was harder for him compared to the others so he was deemed as mediocre. He decided to cultivate his body, a task that was said to be even more difficult. At age 10 he wakes up to discover that the other children and their caretaker have vanished. ,(the cover photo is not mine)

armament_fvor · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Who are those two boys?

"Wake up Gongsun Liang"

Gongsun Wu tapped his nephew awake."Tch, Uncle Wu we just got here last night, I haven't even had enough sleep".Gongsun liang said while sitting up slowly."Huh?, Uncle why do you look so nervous we just got here last night they couldn't have caught up right?!"

Gongsun Liang got nervous, his uncle was the only close relative he had left. His mother died shortly after his birth, and his father died when he was two years old.

He had been raised by his uncle who was also in the army like his father, his uncle left the army and joined the royal guards just to raise him. His uncle always told him that their family was a family of messengers or rather undercover spies. The Gongsun family was a high-ranking family in an organisation called The Order.But they also had to send a spy into the government every few years. So Gongsun Wen, Gongsun Liang's father had been sent into the army but he died in a war against Great Han continent which borders their Azure Cloud Continent.

Initially the government killed all spies sent by The Order, but that stopped a few decades ago because their interests were not being affected so they reached a tacit understanding plus why would the government refuse a few highly efficient soldiers at "Martial Mortal realm"?

He and his uncle had been living peacefully for the past 16 years, but all that changed 8 days ago when his uncle recieved an 'SSS' rated mission. Coincidentally, for the first time in a few years the emperor sent his special forces to intercept this mission.

"Liang'er, take those boys and run. With your cultivation at the first layer of martial mortal realm you should be able to escape this village" Gongsun Wu said.

"No, I'm not going without you Uncle. What is happening anyways?, who are those boys to make the king act?" Gongsun Liang questioned while looking at the two baby boys who had been sleeping soundly in a basket due to the effect of a medicinal pill.

"Liang'er the less you know about this the safer you'll be. Take my name seal, use your shadow arts to escape"

"Uncle I'll stay and fight...

"Just go i can buy you some time. Plus its General Chen's BloodBlade division, you're no match for them"

General Chen'!!!, Gongsun Liang was shocked. General chen was at the sixth layer of martial mortal realm.

"Uncle but...

"Just go I'll catch up in a few days". Gongsun Wu cut his nephew short.

Gongsun Liang was born and brought up in the capital city; Azure cloud city. A genius martial artist. He awakened his martial spirit at five years old. Completed his body refinement at 9 years old, and his qi condensation at sixteen. He finally managed to break through to martial mortal realm at seventeen years old. Among his peers he was among the best. He trained in the shadow-blood arts of his mother's Yun family under his uncles guidance.Though he still had a long way to go because the realms of cultivation include: 'Body refinement', Qi condensation', 'Martial mortal realm', 'Virtual core realm', and the legendary 'elemental core realm'.

Most martial artists were only able to reach qi condensation realm, the elite were able to reach the martial mortal realm, those old monsters were either at the peak of virtual core realm ninth level (all realms have 9 sub-realms) or at the elemental core realm.

"Liang'er after you escape hide those children then go to The Order with my name seal I'll be right behind you"

"Ok"Gongsun Liang nodded then he ran to the cradle at the corner of the room where two baby boys were sleeping. He gently picked them up then he went to the back of the house. There was a wagon for vegetables there. The wagon has a spacious hidden compartment, big enough to fit a grown man.

He put the boys in, went back in for a large hat and some milk for the boys, and he got on the coach-man's seat and rode off.

At the same time at a particular street in the village. There was a group of five brawny men the leader was about two meters tall. They all carried broadswords on their backs, and they gave off a mighty and dangerous vibe.

The morning was still young and the villagers just awakened but the streets were bustling, but all who saw these men avoided their fierce gazes.

"Boss Chen, are you sure they came to this village?" Xiao Li asked while looking around.

Liu Chen turned to look at his subordinate "are you doubting me?, tch i know the kind of choices old Wu would make in this situation".

"Not doubting just curious, just curious, hehe!" Xiao Li scratched his head feeling embarrassed.

"Tap! tap! tap!" They all looked up to see a boy of about ten years old running past them.

"Hey kid, come here" Liu Chen called out.

"How can i help you Uncle..." the boy said clearly looking tense.

Liu Chen smiled while taking out a silver coin from his pocket,"hehe, I'll give you this if you answer a few questions of mine".

The original wary expression on the boys face vanished as his eyes lit up 'wow is that a real silver coin?'.

"What would you like to know senior?"the boy asked.

"Has anyone come to this village in the last two days" Liu Chen said while twirling the coin between his fingers.

"Hehe our Water-less Village always has cultivators stopping by on their way to the monarch desert. Yesterday morning, there was a group men in black, all carrying swords. And also a tall man in white came here too. A few others came in groups, and err..."the boy suddenly stopped while scratching his head.

Liu Chen was surprised,'if im not wrong the men in black should be people from 'Dark Fang', are they trying to fish in troubled waters?'. 'But whose that white robed man?'.

"Aha, last night two men came in with straw hats on a wagon they had the same vibe as you guys".the boy suddenly snapped his fingers and said.

"Where are they?" Liu Chen asked hurriedly. 'I got you now Gongsun Wu'.

"They are at the second inn after that hot pot shop"

Liu Chen flicked the coin to the boy and started walking towards the pointed shop. The boy caught the coin and continued running.

Gongsun Wu walked to the corner of the courtyard and picked up the sword that was leaning on the wall."Clang"!, he drew the sword. On its blade was its name; 'Burning Skies'. He caressed the blade as his eyes flashed in reminiscence. 'This may be the last time I wield this sword, haaa'. He sighed. Right then he felt the atmosphere change as he sensed a bloody murderous aura accompanied by a few hurried steps then total silence.

Liu Chen and his men stood at the entrance to the inn. They had only been there for a minute when a tall man in red robes walked out the front door of the inn. The man looked about thirty in age and a head of black hair that fell to his shoulders. He was Gongsun Wu, he carried the aura of someone who had been in the palace for many years.

Gongsun Wu was carrying a long sword of about 1.2 metres in his hand. He stopped a few metres from the five men in front of him. He swept his piercing gaze across them before focussing on commander Chen. "Bloody Liu I didn't think you would catch up this quickly".

"Hahaha!!, I owe that to your carelessness old Wu. Even if it was just a whiff of your aura or just one footprint I would still find it." Liu Chen said smugly after a short laugh. "Where's that Liang kid?, get him to come out too since you are surrendering."

"Surrendering?, who said anything about surrendering". Gongsun Wu asked with a smile as he lifted the sword in his hand till it pointed at Liu Chen. "Hehe, Bloody Liu you know how meticulous I can be, would I really make so many mistakes to give away my whereabouts?, and even openly enter a village."

Liu Chen frowned "I noticed it too but I really dont know why you would do such a stupid thing"

"Stupid you say, i pretended to be careless so that you would find me plus hehe, that kid is the only kid in this village that knows so much".

"You mean... you mean, you told that kid your whereabouts and made him run along the streets!!". Liu Chen said grimly as his right hand reached for the greatsword strapped to his back.

"You finally figured it out, hehe". Gongsun Wu chuckled smugly.

"Xiao Li, search the house". Liu Chen ordered.

"Its too late, Bloody Liu how about we go for a round?". Gongsun Wu said as the aura of someone at the fifth layer of the martial mortal realm burst out of his body.

"Hmph, I'll accompany you. Xiao Li, you guys should go to the monarch desert and intercept him". Liu Chen said.


'At the Monarch Desert'

Gongsun Liang rode the wagon as he warily looked at the top of every sand dune he went by.

The monarch desert was a very large desert that was connected to the borders of the three major nations. Azure cloud country bordered Great Han Nation, and after the Great Han Nation was a place called 'the wild darklands', after which was the Wind Demon Realm. The monarch desert was connected to their borders.

Azure Cloud Country and Great Han Nation were about the same size, but Wind Demon Realm was the size of the other two combined.

The monarch desert had never been fully explored or maybe it had been but there were no survivors to speak of such an achievement. The Monarch Desert had a lot of hidden formations and powerful beasts and the deeper you went the stronger they became. The Monarch Desert was also a place full of treasures, so the deeper one went the higher ones chances of getting something good, but most people cared about their lives so they just operated on the outskirts of the desert.

Gongsun Liang was supposed to meet with another person from the order who would help him with the mission but he felt really tense like he was being watched.