
Path of a King

mark a. recent graduate gets into an accident, and gets transmigrated into another world. Finds himself an exile from a tribe. "yes tribe ". it appears he is in the stone age. apparently he looked sickly,so he was chased out of the tribe. follow mark on his path to be a king. The first king of the stone age. will he succeed or fail?

Dani_Dan_6704 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs


After they finished eating the rabbit, there was a look of satisfaction and enjoyment on her face.

' this was definitely a feast for a savage girl. Time to off the fire '.

" Ayna, we don't need the fire anymore, we can put it off. Come I will show you how to do it". He said.

He grabs a handful of sand and throws it towards the fire." You can also try ".

She reaches towards the ground and also get a handful of sand and throws it at the fire. After repeating it a few times, due to a lack of oxygen, the fire soon goes off.

" Now you can also handle fire when the need arises". He said.

Mark then uses the rabbit skin to wrap around his waist. ' finally something to cover my little brother with. Having the freedom down there was good, but my Little brother needs proper protection '.

" Mark, I will take you to my tribe! If they don't accept you, then I will leave the tribe with you." She said firmly with determination in her eyes.

Mark was moved by her determination to follow him, although following someone who can provide food was natural.

Having proven himself as a provider of food and being able to make fire.

He laughed " hahahaha, I am happy " . Not being able to restrain his excitement, he grabs ayna by her shoulder and kisses her face.

Finally there was going to be a place he could live!.

He inhales her sent, a felling of excitement overcomes his whole body. The rabbit skin around his waist lifts up as his little brother salutes towards him.

He quickly regains his senses and releases her shoulder.

There was a blush on ayna's face. Her eyes shine's with a strange light she brakes into shyness. It was obvious she felt his little brother.

In this age of humanity civilization had not yet appeared. Embracing, kissing, and felling someone's little brother was the way they interacted and that meant only one thing for prehistoric women, that was to mate. Which was something entirely different from the modern world where courtship was the norm.

" If I take you to the tribe can you teach the way to make fire and catch rabbit? ".

She asked me with her eyebrows raised and a serious look on her face.

" How many people are in your tribe? ". He asked.

"...... ". There was only silence, surprised he looked towards her. She touches her eyebrows while her eyes constantly looked around in deep thoughts.

Finally realizing something he palmed his face.' she may not understand the concept of numbers. How in the world can she answer me then? '.

Thing's just got difficult.

It was at this moment a flock of birds flew over that she turned to look at them still deep in her thought, before finally speaking : " as much as them".

She said pointing towards the flock of birds. Mark followed her fingers and looked towards the birds. He estimates there to be about 40 to 45 bird's.

A tribe of about 45 people, would not a problem defending there selfs against most threats.

As long as they found a place to live, they could expand.