
Partners in Crimes: The Novel

Albert Summers Dela Cruz is an ordinary high school student who considers himself average. His daily routine includes listening to music and navigating school life alongside his friend and rival, Keanu. When Albert's long-standing crush, Jolie, enters the picture, his world becomes brighter, and he treasures their friendship. A bet with Keanu leads Albert to face his fears and confess his feelings to Jolie. However, before he can do so, he discovers that Jolie is already in a relationship with Cedric, a friend from their group. Albert must now navigate his feelings of disappointment and find a way to move forward. Will he find the courage to reveal his emotions and accept the new dynamics within their friendship? This story explores themes of friendship, unrequited love, and personal growth as Albert navigates the complexities of adolescent relationships.

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Chapter 02: Say sorry and what did you get? A punch in the stomach.

At school, Albert slumped down on his chair, consumed by despair. As if on cue, Keanu appeared by his side, his presence a ray of hope amidst the darkness.

"Did you do it?" Keanu asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

Albert's weary eyes met Keanu's gaze. "Yes," he muttered, his voice laden with a sense of loss.

"What did it cost?" Keanu questioned, his curiosity piqued.

"Everything," Albert replied with a tinge of bitterness. "Wait, what? This isn't Avengers: Infinity War," he exclaimed, frustration seeping into his words. "Can't you see I'm having a moment here?"

Keanu smirked, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Do you know?" he prodded.

Albert nodded solemnly. "Yes," he admitted, a heavy weight settling upon him.

"Good thing you didn't say it before finding out, or you would've embarrassed yourself," Keanu remarked, his voice tinged with amusement.

"Yeah, I know," Albert sighed. "Since I couldn't fulfill the deal, are you going to change the deal?"

Keanu shook his head, his expression firm. "No," he declared.

"Okay, so what should I do now?" Albert queried, his voice tinged with desperation.

"Poor you," Keanu said sympathetically. "I'll treat you. It's on me."

"Thanks, dude," Albert muttered, a glimmer of gratitude in his voice.

Together, Albert and Keanu made their way to the cafeteria, seeking solace in friendship and a momentary escape from their troubles.

As they settled into their seats, Keanu turned to Albert with a sudden burst of excitement. "Oh, by the way, we have a new classmate, a girl, I think," he remarked, attempting to ignite a conversation.

Albert shrugged, uninterested. "Oh, what about it?" he responded dismissively.

"Just trying to give a topic," Keanu replied, his voice tinged with disappointment.

"Sorry, sorry, my bad," Albert apologized, his attention diverted.

In the distance, Albert noticed Jolie, their classmate, engrossed in a remedial quiz in the faculty with Cedric at her side.

"I really thought you had a chance," Keanu commented, a touch of sympathy in his voice. "I didn't expect her to end up with Cedric. And why did you block me on Messenger?"

Albert's face flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry, I thought you were up to some mischief like you always do, so I blocked you," he confessed, regret seeping into his words.

"You're so mean to me," Keanu teased, a playful smile on his lips.

Suddenly, as if propelled by fate, Albert accidentally collided with a Blue Haired Girl. "Oh, sorry, are you okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

The Blue Haired Girl glared at Albert, her piercing gaze capturing his attention. It was then that he noticed the unmistakable presence of horns atop her head. Confusion and curiosity mingled within him.

Before Albert could fully comprehend the situation, the Blue Haired Girl delivered a swift punch to his stomach, sending him reeling to the ground. Pain coursed through his body, leaving him gasping for breath and on the brink of losing consciousness.

"Don't you dare get in my way," the Blue Haired Girl hissed, her voice laced with a chilling warning.

As Albert's vision blurred and darkness enveloped him, Keanu's voice broke through the haze. "Albert, Albert, hey, wake up," he pleaded, his voice filled with concern.

Albert groaned in pain, struggling to regain his senses. "Ouch, where's that girl?" he muttered through gritted teeth.

"I don't know," Keanu replied, his frustration evident. "She just walked away as if nothing happened."

"It hurts so much," Albert moaned, clutching his stomach. "I'll get back at her when I see her."

Keanu sighed, helping Albert to his feet. "Think about it later. The class is about to start. Come on, let's go."

"Thanks, thanks," Albert muttered, his gratitude mingling with his lingering pain.

Together, they made their way to the classroom, finding solace in each other's company. Their teacher who is also Albert's older sister, Ms. Lucy, awaited them, accompanied by Jolie and Cedric.

"Thank God I'm done with the quiz," Jolie exclaimed, relief evident in her voice.

"Nice, G," Cedric chimed in, a sense of triumph in his words.

Ms. Lucy cleared her throat, capturing the attention of the restless students. "Alright, you troublemakers, I have an announcement," she declared, her voice carrying a note of authority. "Those who make noise will be hit with chalk."

As if to emphasize her point, Ms. Lucy swiftly hurled a piece of chalk at Keanu, who yelped in pain.

"Ouch," Keanu exclaimed, nursing the impact.

"Be quiet, Keanu," Ms. Lucy scolded, her tone firm.

Suppressing his laughter, Albert tried to maintain his composure.

"I have two announcements," Ms. Lucy continued, her voice commanding the students' attention. "The first one is obvious. It's about your low scores."

A chorus of grievances and complaints erupted from the class, filling the air with dissatisfaction.

Ms. Lucy's gaze hardened as she reached for an entire box of chalks, their weight emphasizing the gravity of her words. Silence quickly fell upon the classroom, the students now attentive.

"Okay, this is the second announcement," Ms. Lucy proclaimed, her voice carrying a hint of intrigue. "We have a new classmate, Aviana Sky Laxamana. She's a bit quiet, so be kind to her."

The Blue Haired Girl, now known as Aviana, stepped forward, her presence commanding attention.

"Hi," she greeted, her voice a delicate balance of curiosity and uncertainty.

Keanu nudged Albert, a mixture of surprise and realization dawning upon him. "Wait, Albert, isn't she..."

Before Keanu could finish his sentence, Albert interrupted, his voice filled with determination. "Sorry, ma'am, but I can't allow her to be my classmate," he protested, his past encounter with Aviana fueling his apprehension.

Ms. Lucy arched an eyebrow, intrigued by Albert's objection. "Why not?" she inquired, a touch of curiosity in her tone.

Aviana nodded, confirming Albert's words. "She punched me in the stomach earlier," he admitted, a mix of pain and resentment seeping into his voice.

Ms. Lucy turned her gaze to Aviana, awaiting her response. "Is that true, Aviana?" she questioned, her voice measured.

Aviana met Ms. Lucy's gaze, her voice firm yet unapologetic. "Yes," she replied, standing her ground.

Ms. Lucy's eyes narrowed as she made a decision. "Okay, Keanu!" she called, summoning Keanu's attention.

Keanu reluctantly turned toward Ms. Lucy. "Yes, ma'am?" he responded, his voice tinged with reluctance.

"Move to the back," Ms. Lucy commanded, her tone brooking no argument.

Keanu's resistance was palpable. "Ma'am, I don't want to," he protested, a touch of defiance in his voice.

Ms. Lucy's hand reached for another chalk, a silent threat hanging in the air. "As I said, ma'am," Keanu relented, resigning himself to his fate.

Aviana, instructed by Ms. Lucy, took her place beside Albert, their fates intertwined within the confines of the classroom.

Albert couldn't help but interject, his voice filled with uncertainty. "Wait, Big Sister—I mean, ma'am..."

Ms. Lucy silenced him with a stern look. "Aviana, be kind to him," she ordered, her words carrying an undertone of expectation.

"I'll try, ma'am," Aviana responded, her voice a mix of determination and reserved curiosity.

Ms. Lucy decided to conclude the class abruptly. "Okay, since I don't feel like teaching, early dismissal. Bye," she declared, signaling an end to the tumultuous day.

Albert watched Aviana cautiously, his mind filled with thoughts of revenge and redemption. "I'll get back at you," he whispered under his breath.

"We'll see," Aviana replied, her words a silent challenge.

Albert winced in pain as he nursed a bruised cheek, the remnants of his encounter with Aviana. It seemed like every time he crossed paths with her, calamity followed. Determination burned in his eyes as he turned to his friend, Keanu.

"So, what are you going to do?" Keanu asked, concern etched on his face.

Albert's voice dripped with determination as he replied, "I'll get revenge, of course."

Keanu sighed, trying to temper his friend's anger. "I understand how you feel, but remember, you bumped into her earlier. Maybe she's just reacting out of frustration."

"I already apologized earlier, didn't I?" Albert shot back, frustration seeping into his voice. "But she still punched me, and she's done so much more. Do you know how much it hurts?"

Keanu paused, choosing his words carefully. "No, I wasn't the one who got punched."

"Wow, thanks a lot," Albert muttered sarcastically, his gaze fixed on Aviana, who was making her way somewhere.

As if on cue, Keanu's eyes followed Albert's line of sight. "Speaking of Aviana, where is she going?"

Albert and Keanu exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued by the intense conversation unfolding before them. They had stumbled upon Aviana having a private discussion with Cedric. Intrigued, they decided to eavesdrop, their bodies hidden in the shadows.

To be continued...