
Part-Time Star, Full-Time Dad

[Warning: HAREM- R-18, Profanity and Emoji's] A reincarnated man becomes Father after waking from his supposed death. After two years of being the rare stay at home dad, his wife leaves him and their daughter for her material goals. With no money, he desperately tries to find a way to feed and clothe his daughter. "I'll just be a streamer" *Ding* _____________________________________________________ Hello, this is my second original novel. I have written up to 5 novels three of which were dropped To be fair two of them were the same novel that had a slight difference. The first novel I wrote had way too many problems to count. The girl on the cover was not done by me nor do I own it either. I found it through google images and edited. If you are the owner please tell me if you'd like it taken down or be credited. The cover will change over time as I either learn digital art or pay some talented artist.

Flat_Moon · Thành thị
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The night passes as a brand new day begins.

In the Hunt residence, Theodore was just waking up only to feel his lower half pushed up against something big, tight and round while his arms wrapped around something else.

A feeling of familiarity hits Theodore before he remembered 'Wait, I didn't sleep with Sophie last night!'

His eyes focus and widen as he looked at the thick black beauty lying in his arms wearing nothing but a baggy shirt and violet laced panties.

Theodore looked down and was relieved to know that he still had a pair of pyjama pants on.

Theodore took a second to admire her before trying to remember how he got into this situation.

'Okay, we got home and had some leftovers before going to our rooms. I showered then got changed and fell asleep around 10:30 pm. So it's either Mary snuck in or went to the toilet half asleep and just walked into my room by mistake' Thought Theodore logically

But he's only half right.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

|Flash Back: First Pov Mary|

It's was one in the morning when I woke up from my slumber after needing the bathroom. I got up and left my room before walking through the hallway to get to the bathroom.

After my trip to the toilet, I noticed Theo's bedroom door wasn't fully closed. I was gonna innocently close it but I couldn't help but peek in and see how Theo's doing.

Pushing the door open a tad bit more I looked through the gap and saw Theo on his bed with the covers just over his lower half and his shirt off.

The moonlight beaming off his perfect body capturing every crevice and bulging muscle. My eyes twinkle as I unknowingly lick my lips like a predator spotting its prey.

Not knowing what came over me, I open the door and quietly tiptoed over the carpet before coming to his bedside. I lean over the bed and bite my lip feeling the warmth of his naked body so close to my own.

I couldn't help but slowly run my fingers over his tight abs and pecs. Getting a bit braver I lean in on his face and deliver a quick peck to his lips.

My face felt hot from the embarrassing action I just did before I question myself 'Oh My God I'm actually criminal'

I then notice a peak in the covers and thought 'I'm already a criminal'


I gradually pull back the covers to reveal Theo wearing his pyjama pants with a better view of the peak.

Being curious I proceed to lift his baggy pyjama pants and move it over his giant member. Standing proudly in the moonlight was an monster length penis that much bigger than any dick I've taken with the girth being somewhere close to 2 or 3 inches.

My body quivers at the idea of it entering me before I quickly pulled his pants back up and recollect my thoughts.

'Mr perfect really exists' With that thought, I got into his bed pulled the covers over and placed my head on his chest not expecting anything else just wanting to experience what it feels to be in his bed.

Yet Theo responded to my actions wrapping his arms around me pulling me into a warm tight hug. I planned to escape but his strength was overwhelming.

His right hand then moves to my ass as he gives a tight squeeze and then throws a vicious slap to it causing me to scream "Ahh yes more!"

I quickly cover my mouth in shock as Theo proceeded to knead my ass in a circular motion. I look at his face, shocked to see that he was still soundly asleep.

After a few seconds of foreplay, he stopped and went back to just hugging me.

"That's a second time he nearly brought out that side of me. I need to know how you feel before we get there ~Master hehe~," I said before giving him a kiss on the cheek and giggling

I then fell asleep with my morals in shambles and my self-respect at an all-time low.

. . . . . . . . .

|Present Time: Third Pov Theodore|

Sliding his arm out from under her, he then rolled away and got up before getting himself changed.

Leaving a clone to watch over the house and clean.

He ran into his backyard and went into his little wooden shed where he stored most of his weights and other exercise equipment.

In the corner was a desk covered in paint canisters and papers. He was initially going to start doing some martial arts training but now he needs to experiment with the system rewards.

He looked into his system and saw his rewards waiting to be redeemed.

He started with redeeming Re-Knife. As he accepted it the knife appeared in his hands.

It looked to be made from ice as it was completely transparent yet it didn't have the cold chill of ice.

Theodore had done a lot of weapons training in the past but this is the first weapon where the material is completely unknown.

He then threw the knife and just before it hit the wall he gave a mental command 'return' and in doing so the knife returned to his hand after disappearing from the air.

"Hmm, I need to train that till it's more on instinct then thoughts and I've always sucked at knife throwing so I gotta practise that too. Right next... " Said Theodore as he looked at the SpacInk Set reward.

He redeemed it and in return, a tattoo kit appeared on his desk. An ominous black case sat on the desk. Theodore was not at all bothered by it as he opened it and saw standard tattoo things like a motorised needle, a rainbow of ink bottles, cotton wool and cloth to clean the needle.

He then saw the instructions and saw that the kit comes from civilisation where a special ink gifts users skills and abilities but it has a limit as the tattoo fades over time due to use.

The system altered the ink by removing the limit, therefore, making the skill and tattoo permanent.

The world got to work in creating a safe needle that would heal while also embed the ink.

Healing the user so that they don't have to suffer from waiting. Even with its healing effect, it can't take away the pain of the needle breaking the skin and causing it to bleed.

The needle comes with a Master level Tattoo Artist skill but it will disappear after gaining the inventory.

"Man the system really thought of everything, Okay, so I just put the bottle in and start drawing," Said Theodore before pulling out some spare paper and begin planning what to permanently put on his body.

"Something to do with Rose. Can't be a portrait those always suck over time. Name is too common and just doing a Rose flower is too basic. Something unique and not trashy hmmm. . . . I know" Said Theodore before getting his clone to look through some old videos of when Rose was just learning to talk.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

|Third Pov Clone In House•

Theodore's clone was going through every video with Mary still sleeping behind him. He finally found the video of himself playing with Rose "Who am I? Daddy! And who are you? Rose! Who does Rose love? Rose lo-ve Daddy!"

It was short but it meant a lot since it was the very first sentence she managed to put together.

Putting the video into an editing software he then copied the spectrogram and printed it out before cutting it to be a stencil.

(Note: A spectrogram is the visual representation of sound. Its that Spotify line thing that can be used as a shortcut to find songs)

He then quickly ran to his body so that that he can use the stencil.

. . . . . . . .

After his clone left he redrew the spectrogram and began to draw around it. After 30 minutes of constant drawing, Theodore found what he was willing to permanently put on his body.

He was inspired by vintage mural's found in old castles about a knight fighting off a dragon.

But Instead of your typical night in silver armour, it's the knight drawing he did of Rose which he now knows is Saber from fate.

The dragon is just a dark red one with some fine details in the scales and face. The fire that's it's spitting out is actually the spectrogram.

Theodore's Clone is searching for apps that can directly translate the spectrogram into audio.

Recognizing that it was perfect he made himself a clone and got ready be stained for life.

He cleaned his arm and wiped it down before his clone started the needle.


Two hours of gruelling pain passed as Theodore's tattoo finally came to an end.

He was surprised to find that it was fairly easy to handle even though it was the first attempt at tattooing.

Sitting on the underside of his forearm was a vibrant and fierce dragon fighting the cute Rose in her sabre outfit. He was very happy with how it turned out.

Its wasn't a sleeve tattoo nor was it big but it was definitely noticeable.


[Congratulations on successfully embedding space into the body. You gained the inventory ability. You have 4 pockets of space in which can hold up to 20 of the same item with a weight limit of 500 pounds (226.796 kg) and height of 6ft]


[Shop updated]


|Item Shop|

Sp=System Points

Re-Knife: SP 5,000

SpacePocket +1: SP 1,000,000: 4/10

SpaceHeight +2pft : SP 1,000,000

SpaceWieght +200lb: SP 2,000,000


Theodore looks towards his clone and saw that the tattoo appeared on it as well, then he had his other clone check their arm and saw the same result.

He quickly had his clone that was in the house put a pen in the inventory.

[Blue pen: 1/20] [EMPTY] [EMPTY] [EMPTY]

Theodore then tried to take out that pen and saw the appearance in his hand.

"Oh my God thi-this is incredible. It's a fucking gate.

This means I can send clones on a recon mission and directly have them disappear after getting what I need. Wait this also means I can carry a gun on me it well doesn't necessarily mean I can use it though. This opens up a lot of doors I just need to be creative" Said Theodore before taking a picture of his arm and then using the app he found to translate the spectrogram

"Who am I? Daddy! And who are you? Rose! Who does Rose love? Rose lo-ve Daddy!"

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Sorry its a short one and it's late I wanted it done earlier but I got caught up in what type of tattoo it should be. Hopefully, you understood I'm gonna go sleep now, see you guys in the morning enjoy

Flat_Mooncreators' thoughts