
Chapter 18

~Alison's P.O.V.~

I approached the house. I walked in slowly, it felt so good to be back home. I walked in to the big room and Otis walked straight to me

"Well look who's back!" He hugged me and everyone clapped

I smiled "Thanks guys" I looked around the room but didn't see Hermann

"How's Hermann?" I asked

"He's good, recovering" Mouch said

I nodded

"What do you say sis, ready to get back to work?" Kelly asked

"I've been resting for the past couple weeks. I'm beyond ready"

"Alright. But I'm letting you around in ease" Matt said

I chuckled "I wouldn't expect less"

I walked to the locker as Gabby followed me

"So how are you and Jay doing?"

"Good, we actually just moved in together"

"No way, that's really awesome. I'm happy for you guys"

"Thanks, and you know he's been really good to me"

"So when's the honeymoon?" She asked raising her eyebrows

I looked at her and laughed "Okay one step at a time, one step"

"But that's good. We're glad to have you back" She tapped my shoulder before walking off

I changed my shirt into the CPD shirt then walked to the equipment room. I looked at my equipment to make sure they were good before I took them outside near the truck. I walked into the main room and sat down

"Did you check your equipment?" Kelly asked passing by

I nodded "Everything's good"

The beeping sound went on "Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. Truck accident. Olsen street"

As the women kept talking we all stood up and began walking to the trucks. We put on our heavyish jacket and hopped on the truck. Once we arrived on scene there were two trucks a couple feet away from each other, one was smoking and the other was just smashed in. We ran to the trucks to see two people in the one truck that was smoking. I looked in the back seat to see a small kid, around 7 years old

"Hey guys we got a kid around 7 years old in the back seat!" I yelled loudly

I tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge. The kid looked at me "Hey turned your head and cover you eyes"

The kid nodded as he covered his eyes and turned

I used a tool and broke the glass to the truck, I could see the driver was passed out cold

"Okay sweetie how are you doing, you okay?" I asked

"I'm stuck" Was all he could say

"Okay I'm Alison, what's your name?"

"Justin. It's getting hard to breath" He began to cough

"I'm gonna get you out okay just hold on" I said

I turned but both girls were working on getting the driver out. She looked like she was worse. I looked around and slowly hopped in back of the truck, I broke the glass and took off my jacket as I threw it on the floor. I was able to squeeze in the back to the back seat

"Hey kiddo"

"It hurts, my leg"

"I know but hang in there buddy" I said as I examined where it was stuck "I'm gonna get you out"

I noticed his leg was stuck under the drivers seat. I could see it was pretty stuck in there.

"You guys about ready to get him out yet?" I asked

"Not yet, we're almost there though" Brett said

"How's the kid doing?" Kelly asked we he popped his head

"His leg is stuck under the drivers seat, can't get him out without hurting the driver first" I said

I looked at the gash on his head "Probably gonna have a concussion. We gotta get him out of here Kelly" I said

"Alright" He said turning his attention back to the drivers seat

Then I noticed something odd

"Justin why don't you have your seat belt on?" I asked

"Momma said I didn't need it" He said

I turned my head and they just pulled the mom out. Then the hood began in flames. Matt handed my a wrench and I began on my work. Brett put a collar around Justin's neck in the meantime. The others tried to put out the fire but it was spreading quickly

"Come on!" I said as I tried so hard. Not soon after I was able to get him unstuck. They put him on the backboard and as they were I got out through the back. They got him out but I could feel the truck rumbling inside. It was about to blow. I jumped out and right when my feet left the truck it exploded sending me flying then hitting the ground

"You okay?" Kelly asked

He helped me up as I nodded "I'm fine"

I grabbed my jacket as I walked slowly to the second ambulance

"The concussion might be worse then we think, the kid didn't have a seat belt on" I told the medic

He nodded "Okay thanks"

I walked back to the truck as I moved my shoulder up and down, I hit it pretty hard when I went flying

"You okay?" Chief asked me

"I'm good" I said

He put his hand on my shoulder "Good job"

I nodded at him as he walked away. Once we cleared out the scene we arrived back at the house. I sat at the table in the main room

"What's on your mind?" Matt asked as he sat next to me

"Just thinking about that kid, Justin"

"What about him?" He asked

"He wasn't wearing a seat belt because his mom told him not to. I mean what kind of mom tells her son not to wear as seat belt in the car" I said as I kept thinking

He shrugged his shoulders "Hey, what matters is that you helped him. He would've died if it wasn't for you"

I nodded knowing he was right. Then I thought about my jacket. I stood up as I walked to the equipment room. I was gonna trade it with the other I had. We always had a second jacket just as a spare. I walked towards the door when a little kid about 10 walked out and walked towards the outside with his back to me. I looked around but no one else was outside

"Hey! Kid!" I yelled. He turned but he kept walking

I jogged to him "Hey!" He wouldn't stop so I jogged until I was standing in front of him "Why were you in there?" I asked

"It ain't non of your business" He hissed

I moved my head back. What the hell did he just say?

"Listen kid you have no business in there. You better tell me right now why you were inside the equipment room" I put my hands on my hips

"Your Alison Severide ain't you?" He asked

"Who's asking?"

He had a smirk on his face "So I was messing with the person's right stuff"


"It was you messing with my stuff?" I asked shocked

All he did was smirk "What you gonna do about it?" He crossed him arms