

Sometimes our choices lead to success and sometimes destruction. My one wrong choice and everything ended infront of my eyes. I Ishani a middle class girl fall in love with a wrong guy . he killed my whole family brutally and I end up in jail for the crime I never did. But before I can executed i transmigrated into another body named Anjali. God gives me one chance and I will make one enough.

Cloud_Diva · Thành thị
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11 Chs

He can actually see her

"This story will continue from the Third person's pov".

When the clock struck 4'Oclock the alarm start ringing. Ishaani who as still sleepy try to turn off the alarm but after trying for sometime she finally opens her eyes and try to off it but to her surprise her hand passed out from the clock like air.

A sudden shock flashed in her eyes when she turned her face she found that Anjali's body was lying on the bed and this time she was nothing but a mere soul.

As the alarm continue to buzz Anjali shouted," what the damn happened please throw this bloody alarm out of the window".

"I cannot do that ", I said.

"What do you mean you cannot ", her words struck in her throat when she opens her eyes and found me sitting infront of her in the form of soul.

She immediately start her touching her body," what the hell is that how we exchanged again??" A glint of shock and happiness can be seen in her eyes .

She switch off the alarm clock and said, " It's really good to have a body you know I am really feeling refreshed after agin travelling into my body".

Ishaani sighed and said , " But you have already discussed it with me than why all this so sudden".

She turns towards me and replied," Do you really think I did this . Believe me I don't know why the soul swapped again . "

Ishaani took a deep breathe but before she can say anything someone knocked the door .

"Oh no , we don't have time for this . Go and get ready it's time for Ajay coffee ". Ishaani said and pushed her into the bathroom.

When she went inside ishaani saw her hands and realised that unlike other things she can touch Anjali.

She came out and start combing her hair.well it looks like she is going to pluck them out . Ishaani snatched the comb from her hand and start making her hair .

"You can touch me. That's not fair ". She exclaimed and take deep breathe. After she was ready they both directly went into the kitchen and Anjali start preparing coffee as per ishaani guided her . After preparing this they both went upstairs. Anjali was about to directly enter the room but ishaani hold her arm .

Firstly knock the door and than open slowly, she said .

Anjali nodded her head and did as per ishaani said.

Ajay was standing in the balcony in his black bathrob.

Ishaani never understand why the hell he wake up this early did he have insomnia.

After placing the cup Anjali left the room but Ishaani wants to check something that's why she remain there .

She move towards Ajay and stop beside her . A dark blue sky can be seen with the emerging rays of sun from the balcony . It provides another level of peace to the soul. Ajay's face was shining due to rays of the sun and he looks more and more handsome.

Ishaani was starring at him without even blinking an eyes. After some time he turns back and took the cup of coffee From table and gracefully sit down on the chair .

Ishaani who was following him also done the same .

She sit infront of him and start starring in his eyes waiting for his reaction but sometime passed and their was no reaction.

"It seems that like her sister he cannot see but can he listen me",she murmured under her breathe.

An Idea struck in her mind and she smirked , she sit on the table infront of Ajay and said after starring at his face for some time, you didn't changed a bit ." You know before I don't talk much because I fear that you will kill me but now see I am already dead . Mr. Ajay Singhania now you can't threaten me anymore".

He looked in her eyes but than immediately move his head to another side . Ishaani was confused he can listen her or not . She waved her hand, jumped on his bed and so on .

But his face remains unchanged. After all this ishaani reached to the conclusion that Neither Ajay can see her nor listen. She left a sigh of relief before actually leaving the room. After she leaves the room a tear fall from Ajay's eyes and he stare towards the door .

Oh god it means Ajay can not only listen but also see her

Cloud_Divacreators' thoughts