
Parlor of Revenants

In a broken world the only person who has your back is yourself. Allister was your average street rat but had somehow inherited a family heirloom that changed his mundane life. "Let's see who dies first" - Allister

Quiet_Librarians · Khoa huyễn
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5 Chs

School Days

Wow you're still reading, well this went better than I expected. Anyway I think I'll be submitting regularly so please show some support. Let's go :3

-Quiet Librarian


The classes were really boring and Allister was on the verge of collapsing from sheer tiredness. But after going through three sessions of math, english, and history he was finally allowed to go for lunch.

The cafeteria was as large as a football stadium and was lined with expensive furniture. The tables were made with actual wood instead of plastic which said a lot as only nobility and wealthy conglomerates could afford it.

Allister found the section of the cafeteria that had free premade lunches and took up an egg sandwich and made his way to one of the isolated corner tables and sat down.

" What is that slum trash still doing here?"

" I thought he would have flunked out already."

" Someone should do something about that guy. He's ruining my appetite with his presence."

To these not so quiet remarks from his fellow classmates he simply adjusted his glasses with his middle finger and chowed down on the egg sandwich like he'd been starving for days.

Some of the students were going to protest but stopped when they noticed a certain tall girl moving to the quiet guy in the corner.

" Why is a dog sitting at a table shouldn't you be eating scrap on the floor.", she said mockingly.

Her name was Rebecca and she was the queen bee of the school. She was tall, had radiant skin flowing light pink hair and an hourglass body that could woo any man's heart.

But there were only two thoughts running through Allister's mind, one "why is this waste of generations speaking to me?", and what would be the quickest way to send this bitch to the shadow realm.

Feeling another headache coming on he resorted to an almost sure fire way to deal with this problem, he would simply ignore her. He continued eating and didn't even spare her a glance.

Rebecca's face contorted with rage "You insulate dog!" she screamed and raised her hand to slap him in the face. The already tired Allister just looked at it and casually swatted it away.

He didn't even give her a second to react as he stood up and left the cafeteria. "Can't have a good meal in peace nowadays.", he thought as headed to the last season he had for the day.

He walked into a large training hall that had various exercise equipment and training weapons. At the center of the hall was a tall dark skinned burly man with a shaved head and a long beard.

Out of all the teachers Mr. Markel was the only teacher in the school Allister actually got along with. There were many students sitting on the floor in front of him as he started his lecture.

" Ok students, we will be talking about some history today.'' His boisterous voice echoed throughout the hall. Some students started to murmur but all it took was a sharp gaze from their instructor to shut them up.

"Everyone who studies history should know even a little about the "Falling" but those who don't let me enlighten you. The "Falling" refers to a catastrophe that occurred over 150 years ago after the wars of the federation and the imperial family and when the earth was in a deployable state. It was 2050 when the first case was discovered, a rhino from Africa was found with unnatural scales growing out of its skin.

This was just one of many incidents that related to these mutations and scientists struggled to find the reason behind these changes, but this was not the worst to come as these mutated animals' behavioral patterns changed as they became more aggressive and they started to hunt humans.

We were unprepared and our weapons did nothing to stop them so our only option was seeking refuge underground and cutting our losses. After some struggle we managed to build bastions and cities to protect ourselves.

Also with the help of new mineral galverite we created weapons and armored suits that could effectively repel beast tides.".

Markel took a short break to look around the class and continued speaking.

" So as citizens of Lycrof it is expected of you to give your life for this country. And maybe you might even fulfill the requirements to do a mech suit. So in the coming days we will begin practical combat classes.".

Allister was half listening to the history lesson as he already knew it, Markel scanned the crowd one more time and dismissed the students. As this was the final class for the day students who finished their classes were either waiting for their rides home or had a personal hover vehicle.

Allister made his way back home using the same route he usually took, as he was exiting the train station and making his way through the slums he felt something was amiss and looked over his shoulder only to see a group of men clad in black clothes tailing him.

" Hehe looks like someone really got tired of my shit.", Allister wasn't even a bit nervous of this group as he casually turned and walked into a nearby alley and waited for his pursuers.

A second later a group of five figures walk in behind him. " So I don't suppose you all are here to have a cup of tea and some biscuits"

" I'm tired of your jokes, you little shit, you're going to regret the day you made an enemy out of me."

Allister could already tell who the lead figure was as he only knew one person who had such an annoying voice. " Can't we sit down and talk this out." Thinking about it, the only reason Fredrick hated him was because he would try to bully Allister for sick fun but Allister would not sit back and take it.

Fredrick and his goons took out different training weapons and started approaching Allister. Allister tensed up and got ready to throw some hands. When they were a meter from each other they heard a strange clicking noise coming from somewhere above them. The alley was very dark so Allister couldn't see what was making the noise but something told him that he should be very quiet.

"What the hell was that?" one of the goons yelled. A second later an almost humanoid figure fell on him and sunk its long maw of teeth into the goon's shoulder. He screamed out for help to his friends but they stepped back fearful of the monster.

Allister finally had the chance to get a good look at the monster and what he saw made him involuntarily gag. The monster was 7 feet tall and looked similar to a human with its shape but that's where the similarities ended.

Its head was that of an alligator and its arms looked like a mass of bloody tentacles. Its skin was completely black and it had a single eye in the middle of its head.

The other goons and Fredrick held back the urge to vomit and they turned around and tried to run onto the street while screaming their lungs out, but unfortunately they were slower than the monster as it glanced at them and what happened next could only be called a bloodbath.

It only took five minutes for the monster to catch up and tear them apart, after it was done it raised its head and made a clicking noise triumphantly. Allister was still in his position, looked at the events that just happened and felt fearful but there was another emotion he was feeling, an urge to kill the monster in front of him.

Allister was always a cautious person so he didn't act on his urge and assessed the situation. The monster was preoccupied with the meal in front of it so it hadn't noticed Allister's presence.

Allister looked around for a weapon and after a bit of searching quietly he found a metal pipe with a gagged end. He then looked for an opening on the monster aback and immediately saw it.

Approaching the monster quietly he straightened his back and without delay he lunged forward and pierced the monster straight through its neck. The unexpected attack caused the monster to screech in pain as black blood flowed out of its wound. It quickly turned around to see its attacker.

Allister, who had just let go of the pipe was full of openings, had his left shoulder pierced by the monster's tentacles. "An eye for an eye can't say I disagree." He said as he spat out a mouth full of blood and his vision started to blur.

Both Allister and the monster looked at each other and it turned into a contest of who could last longer than the other. After a long staring contest Allister knew he wasn't going to last much longer so mustering the last bit of strength he grabbed the piece of the pipe that was sticking out of the monster neck and yanked it out.

Another fountain of blood gushed out of its neck as it retracted its tentacles from Allister's shoulder. With his blurry vision he saw the monster collapse and his own body finally gave out.

Fading into darkness Allister could faintly hear a pleasant feminine voice

[ Requirements have been met, modifications will begin on host body. ]

[ Your revenant has awakened and has chosen you as it's user. ]