

An alien parasite inside a cat ambushes Hikaru. Unbeknownst to it, he's a psychopath who killed his mother and can reverse-hack the parasitic cells, taking its body and powers for himself. Evolving from absorbing other living organisms, he begins changing as he becomes sensitive to emotions. Ironically, an alien made him more human than ever. Dragged into an ever-growing war between parasites and humans, will Hikaru become the dark hero humanity needs? Or will he fulfill his dream of world domination? At the same time, the Master System and its power are in peril as a result of Hikaru's actions. A simple nobody named Elijah reincarnates with the Hero System and is sent back in time to restore order to the universe. Read between the Dark and light chapters of Parazyte, explore the Naruto and Sasuke type dynamic of the two characters, the vast world-building and in-depth character development with rich side characters (sprinkled with 2D characters for fun). Warning: Book recommended for 18+. Realistic violence and death is the theme. Hero chapters are sometimes light-hearted but often contain sad realities. The world shakes under their overwhelming power. The fate of the world depends on who becomes a God first. Readers from a parallel universe can affect the storyline with their quantum tremors.

GamingWolf1 · Khoa học viễn tưởng
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231 Chs

A Fall from Grace

Hikaru no longer flew away. He hovered face to face with Mega.

Mega brought out both of his palms in front of him and shot them like a Gatling gun. Hikaru zoomed to the right and stopped still perfectly in the air.

Generally, one would glide a little from inertia before stopping in the air, he decelerated to zero in an instant. This was the advantage of having two sets of wings, one behind the other.

Like dragonflies, Hikaru could propel himself up and down, back and forth, side by side, and float in mid-air. This made his movement look unnatural and a bit creepy.

A barrage of fireballs shot through his previous position. Hikaru zipped down and then right. The way he moved was unpredictable like a dragonfly which made Mega's guidance system struggle.

[1900, 2000 Hz]

In response to this, Mega's arms started blurring as he shot faster and faster. The whole sky glittered with fireballs. Despite the nets of fireballs coming at Hikaru, he somehow slipped past rows and columns of them in between the gaps.

However, the gaps were closing in as Mega moved faster and faster. Blue electricity rippled across his body and arms as his body went into peak condition.

[3500, 4000 Hz]

Mega thought he hit Hikaru, but the fireball just slipped through him. A wave of afterimages appeared across the skies. There were tens of them.

Hikaru added as much muscle mass as he could to his wing muscles. The pectoralis that lowers it and the supracoracoideus that raises it. He also strengthened other muscles that also supported these two. As a result, his chest was huge, and his back was sculpted. He looked like a statue of a silver age hero in comic books like Eagle Man.

Suddenly, all the afterimages disappeared from behind the wall of fire orbs. Mega zoomed in with his eyes into a spot in the firewall. There was a hole that was the size of a few fireballs worth that was missing.

He saw a streak of silver heading towards him.


Mega was blown away by a bone lance with a blunt tip, like that used in jousting tournaments and duels in which people rode on horsebacks and rammed each other.

[10,000 Hz]

The bone broke in half. Mega then collided into a rounded white surface which cracked. Hikaru had moved behind him and smacked him with a giant hammer made of ultra-dense bone.

Mega was trying to regain stability in the air with his thrusters but Hikaru appeared behind him again and batted him back.

This repeated many times, with Hikaru smashing Mega back into the "sphere" whenever he got to the edge. Mega was like a spool of string, he was smashed back and forth in a straight line across the border of the sphere so often that it would become a filled circle, with no gaps between the strings.

Mega's body was made of lonsdaleite mineral alloyed with carbon nanotubes. Extra "yarns" of carbon nanotubes were layered on the outside like fishnet.

Owing to its unusual combination of extremely high elastic and high yield strain modulus, carbon nanotubes are solid, lightweight and capable of absorbing enormous amounts of kinetic energy. By rebounding their energy, nanotubes can withstand repeated impacts.

The hammer resisted breaking into a million pieces because it was so gigantic. It was 5 metres in diameter and 10 metres thick. It was made from the bones, 50% of which were the total victims Hikaru had consumed. While the material isn't harder than Mega's armour and wasn't doing much damage, size is a class of its own.

The bigger the size, the more force that is dissipated into the hammer, preventing it from breaking so quickly despite its lower durability. The damage that it was doing to Mega was 0.1% for every strike.

Mega was whacked 10 times every second. He was moving so fast that he looked like a streak whereas Hikaru looked as if he was teleporting, only stopping when he was swinging the hammer.

The hammer was cracking and crumbling away at one of the ends where Hikaru smashed with it. It was getting shorter and shorter.

"structural integrity at 90%," A female voice said.

She was Mega's AI interface. Named Joice.

"Static discharge!" Mega said sternly.

"Charging static discharge" Joice calmly replied.

Blue electricity rapidly rippled across Mega's body as if they were agitated.

After a couple of seconds, a blue field of electricity burst from Mega's core in his chest and hit Hikaru with it. The spherical electrical field continued past Hikaru and expanded to 10 metres in diameter before dissipating in the air. Mega flew across the air and soon stabilised his flight by boosting his thrusters.

Hikaru seized as electricity rippled around his body. His wings stopped vibrating and he began falling from the sky like a fallen angel.

Mega followed as he watched Hikaru fall. The static discharge was 1 million volts.

Although there were many taser and stun guns that had more volts, what made a taser legal was the number of milliamps it packed. 0.1 to 0.2 amps can send a lethal shock to the heart. The average house draws a current of roughly 10-15 amps depending on the country.

Mega's static discharge was on lethal mode, not stun. It had 1000 amps to go with 1 million volts. That is 1 billion watts. The fact was that Hikaru was covered in metal which made him extremely conductive and vulnerable to electricity. He sealed his fate.

Hikaru's fall picked up speed until he reached terminal velocity. His arms flailed along with the winds seemingly unconscious. The ground was quickly approaching him.

Hikaru's wings began to flutter again. His rapid descent quickly slowed down. He orientated himself upright and hovered at just a couple of metres above the ground.

If Hikaru hadn't changed his tissue type, particularly the heart, he would have been dead. Although if his regeneration rate weren't up to par, he would have been turned to black charcoal.


Hikaru looked up as Mega smashed into him in a highspeed collision.

Clouds of dust and debris rose from the crater.

I owe you guys 8 double uploads by the end of December now. This is the darkest hour and the brightest star *sweats*

Finished setting up computer in new room and reinstalled Microsoft word with a trial subscription sigh*

I got really depressed today, I didn't gym. It was about the neighbours dog. I just feel really helpless. All I can do is focus on life.

Honestly, my life and business is depending on me. If I don't have integrity for this novel, how am I going to succeed?

Let's see what happens by Christmas.

GamingWolf1creators' thoughts