
Parasyte: A King

The first thing I saw was a bug going into my red arm which was trapped by a earphone wire.

HAREM_K1NG_Revived · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

I came back to reality when I met face to uglier face with the teacher for this class who spotted an evil smile.

"Well what is it you can tell me is my class not exciting enough I wouldn't want to bore you and phones are not aloud during class hours" the teacher with the outdated haircut said.

Then I remembered this from the first episode looks like the one eyed hand blob is already at work on trying to fond out more about this world...wait he can have multiple eyes mhmmm....the alien that couldn't do his main purpose for his existence...well big plus for me.

"Well sorry it won't happen again sir please continue with the lesson" I said to him.

"Fine don't do it again now class back to what we were discussing" The teacher moved on letting it slide.


As I was staring out the window looking at the sky I felt someone looking at me.

I turned to find Murano looking at me I then waved her over.

"Hey Murano how's it going are you enjoying the view" I said to her as her cheeks turned to a light pink color.

I get why the previous owner of this body liked her so much she was cute people say it's weird to like anime girls but anime girls are the last ones to cheat on you with some fucking bum.

When she arrived by my side she I was the first one to strike up a question with her who was still not back to color yet.

"Hey Murano get a look of this"I stepped back letting her walk up to the window then she looked at the cloud filled sky watching its beauty.

While she was staring at the clouds she felt something resting against her she looked up to see Shinichi behind her while wrapping his arms around her waste pulling her in tightly watching the view with her her blush deepened while he and her enjoyed the view.

[ If your dating a girl and your taller than her try this 9/10 times this works ]

Now before anyone says this guy is like a beta or some shit you are wrong he is just trying to get with her faster than the old owner if this body did and try to make her cool with the harem if not well she can get to stepping.

....She does smell nice tho what kinda shampoo does she use it smells like a strawberry scent.


After school while I was standing on the sidewalk walking waiting for the cars to stop coming so I get home I saw a little girl going after her ball when a car was coming at an insane speed in a second it was about to hit the girl but suddenly.


I did anything some protagonist could ever manage to do.....save someone on time on my fist try.

I jumped forward at blinding speed grabbing the little girl and threw her to the other side.

".....I-I FUCKING MADE IT!!!!" I shouted happily not minding if someone heard I watched as the car went passed at its same speed disappearing out of view" Well someone is about to get instant isekaied by Truck-Kun's little cousin today.

I look at the now crying girl I went up to her kneeled one one knee and gave her a comforting and warm hug I know this will work because it does in anime.

And I was right it did work she calmed down now and hold onto me tightly with her little hands her head resting on my shoulder were were like this until her mother came.

After being thanked over and over again I was finally able to get out of there and hurriedly made my way back home and talk to me right hand....that's not weird, sad, and kinda gay.


My mom greeted me when I made my way in the house I ran past her giving her a quick wave.

As soon as I was in my room and did what I saw in the anime I went into a drawer and grabbed a small knife and tried to stab my hand but risky but I'm most likely not going to feel the pain so it was a stupid mistake but worth it.

But before I was able to stab it my right hand morphed into a clay like person and with its on hand and my thumb it caught the blade and broke it saving itself.

It happened so fast I was amazed at it that was far faster than any human reflex and the way my bones don't hurt at all and how they felt stronger than usual put a crazed smirk of happiness on my face if I saw it I might be scared bit that was not important because of I was right with someone of my ideas than becoming stronger even if this guy decided to go to sleep on me I'd be able to fight the guy with over 5 Parasytes in him the thought made me even happier.

I can live this life without problems and enjoy it to it's fullest and having a harem of my favorite female characters made me almost want to tear up at how beautiful it was but men don't cry so I swallowed it and shed a few tears on the inside.

"HeLO HOmAn bUT I aM SLeePY GoooOod bY NoW"

It spoke in a broken voice and I watched as he went back to a hand form I couldn't be more happy than I am now because I know I'll have power to do many things in the near future I doubt I can have naruto or Goku power in this world but I wont be some squishable ant for anyone unlike the old Shinichi I am not much of a pacific but for him and me I'll give murano a good life.


Two Chapters today