
Paranormal System: Ghosts in the City

There were two definite truths in Andrew Mayers' life. He -the heir of a billionaire corporation- had to work hard for anything that he desired and also; ghosts exist... and they're everywhere. Little did he know, the dark and cold nights of the city are filled with far more than just ghosts. Follow the adventure of a Paranormal Boy with a system in a supernatural world riddled with darkness, eerie entities and wicked beings as he discovers the origin of his own oddities and the secrets of his past. #Action, #Adventure, #Romance, #Thriller, #System, #WeakToStrong, #Harem, #WorldTravel, #Demons, #Ghosts, #Supernatural, #Superpowers. The schedule is a single chapter a day. patreon.com/photosphere (fanfics). ko-fi.com/photosphere (originals). https://discord.gg/68Entk7Zs7

Photosphere · Kỳ huyễn
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46 Chs

Insane Revelations

"Do you expect me to believe you? I mean... the part where you can see ghosts, but... what is this thing asking you to consume a soul?"

Beatrice had a hard time wrapping her head around his explanation, if not for the events that took place last evening; she'd worriedly knock him out and take him to some sort of mental institution where he could get treated. She still recalled their childhood together in which he openly told her that he could see ghosts and spirits, nevertheless, she never believed.

"I don't know what that is, I never consumed a soul and... I don't intend to do so either. But if you don't believe me, I can easily prove it to you. You two come".


Beatrice watched awkwardly how Andrew stood up from the sofa and headed to the kitchen, she looked sideways as apparently there is a ghost right here. Soon enough, however, she felt something resembling a snicker breath on her neck.


Her first instinctive move was to elbow whoever dared to get so close to her, but there was nothing.

'T-This is ridiculous!' Exhaling deeply she followed along, ready to get her mind skewered and her horizons broadened.


"The ghost that took us away is Sophia, a friend of mine who died not too long ago" Andrew started the kettle to boil some water, having both of them wonder what he needed that for.

"This will be quicker and more dramatic~" He stated, placing the boiling water in front of the countertop's splashback which was a rather luxurious mirror. As he expected the mirror went numb and Sophia caught onto his idea.

"Impossible... it is impossible" Beatrice gasped, watching how the words started to appear one by one on the splashback, like a finger drawing lines. As for Andrew, his eyebrows twitched when he saw what the ghost was typing, thankfully Beatrice was too flabbergasted to even care.

"Sophia, you..."

'Titty monster!' were the words written hideously, not a simple greeting... a downright insult.

"It is a ghost! a real ghost Andrew!" Beatrice started shaking the boy, watching how more words continued to appear.

'Get out of my domain!'

"And she behaves like a ghost too. How does she look? horrible? hideous? terrifying?!" Beatrice ignored her and kept hugging a blushing Andrew against her chest as if she was scared, she wasn't... instead, she was awed by the supernatural phenomena in front.


"She looks just like a normal girl, she's also quite cute" Andrew asserted, scratching his head, it was the first time someone was believing his tales and it was Beatrice at that, 'Finally I can tell someone about this'.


It was Sophia's time to blush and Beatrice's turn to switch from a surprised expression into one filled with killing intent.

"Cute? why is she telling me to leave? little bi*** are you paying rent here, huh?! you should pay rent or leave!"

The atmosphere immediately switched into one of hostility as Andrew felt the temperature drop and even Sophia's hair was levitating; she stood defiantly in front of Beatrice who was none the wiser. Comparing her height and 'size' to Beatrice, her jealousy increased even further.

'What?! you damn stalker!'

"Can the two of you calm down? It is not like you can do anything to each other".

'Hmph! I can reshape her face if I want to with my fists!'

"What did she say, Andrew?! I feel she insulted me!"

"Nothing... could you sit down for now?" It was Andrew's first time seeing such an explosive character from Beatrice, for all the years they were working together she always showed herself cute and down to earth, the current her however, looked like a Russian mafia belladonna.

They sat down reluctantly and Andrew had an idea, he rushed to his room and got something that was more efficient than a muffled mirror, a notebook and a pen which he handed to Sophia.

When Beatrice saw the notebook and pen floating, it was like goosebumps rushing through every fibre of her body, "I-I feels like we're playing the Ouija or something like that... i-is this really not some malicious spirit, what if she's the devil trying to swindle you?"

'Why is she doubting me like this? she's the one that has been lying to you all this time, Andrew!'

The boy held his head in exasperation, 'These two are not going to be friends by any means... and we're going to be living together'.

"You said her name was Sophia, could it be Sophia Jones?" Beatrice stated suddenly.

"Yes, her, how do you know?".

"Obviously I know everything that has been happening with you at school, Sophia Jones and Sasha Brooks' case, Mariah Belle... ever since you involved yourself I have been investigating, to think the ghost of the girl is right here. Do you have a picture of her?"

Andrew nodded and took out his phone, intending to try and find Sophia's social media, but the ghost shamelessly snatched the phone away from him.


'Hmph, I will show her'.

Sophia logged into her private account and there were pictures in there. Rather provocative swimsuit ones and much to Andrew's shock, cosplay.


"..." The phone then floated towards Beatrice who caught it and upon seeing the marvellous beauty on the screen, her killing intent only increased. Sophia snickered and did her the favour of scrolling through the photos even Andrew was enthralled about.

"W-Why do you have pictures like this?!" He asked, sitting awkwardly and hoping to properly conceal his crotch.

'W-Well, that's a hobby I can't talk about with anyone... but I was hoping to show them to you one day' Sophia played with her hair and evaded his gaze, now there were no more secrets, she had exposed herself completely and expected Beatrice's reaction.

'See? you're not the only sexy gal around, I am also younger than-'

"You said you have to consume a soul, right? Why don't you consume her?" Beatrice's voice was cold and dry as she checked the pictures, in them she sensed something, a threat.

'Hey, why?!'

"Not only could we progress onto what this thing inside you is, but also we can get rid of this rude ghost that's haunting you, Andrew... you should consider it" Beatrice shucked the phone away and leaned against the teenager, tempting him to consider her proposal, there was no way she could allow this sexy ghost near him any further.

For his part, Andrew didn't even know what the heck was going on, he never thought about consuming Sophia's soul even if he knew how to do it.

'SLUT!' the word was written in capitals, taking the whole space of the paper and floated right in front of Beatrice's face, slanting twitching eyebrows from her.

"You see? She's insulting me for no reason, not only is she emotionally unstable, but also ugly... her butt is small and that chest has developed to its maximum capacity, totally not worth it".

'Y-You! you and I are irreconcilable!'

"It is better if you stay away from her, Andrew... I can protect you, all you need is me" She hugged the boy tightly, 'Just now I felt like she could take you away from me, I am not allowing that to happen'.

"But Sophia is my friend, Beatrice".

Beatrice stood up with a smile, unaware of the looming fuming ghost behind her.

"She's lying. Don't worry, I am here for you. Tell me every-"

The next thing Beatrice saw was the world twisting, the ceiling, then the world once again but upside down. Someone picked her up by her stomach and did something that for a martial artist like herself, was unforgivable.


Andrew gasped and stood up immediately, almost hearing the noise of the ringing bells of a knockout within the octagon.

Beatrice just got suplexed to the ground!

"Holy cow... Sophia are you insane?!"

'That will teach her-'

"B***! I will kill the f*** out of you!" Beatrice now beyond angry, staggered up rubbing her back, 'How dare she do this to me in front of Andrew?!'

'You can't kill someone that's already dead, dumb titty monster!'

"I will send you to Jesus!"

'Come at me if you can!'

The rumble continued with Sophia unashamedly sending blows towards Beatrice, they were clumsy but strong as hell. Beatrice couldn't even see her which made things worse.

'Stop guarding up, face me if you have ovaries!' Sophia's pride seemed to have gone too high on her head, taking the whole advantage she could of being a ghost. Just with Beatrice's stance, she knew this wasn't someone she'd be able to beat if she was alive.

"You two what are you doing!? it is two in the morning, stop your nonsense!"

"Tch! Andrew, tell me what is the weakness of a ghost?" Beatrice asked, opting to run around the place, being chased by Sophia... she couldn't defeat an opponent she couldn't touch or see.

"How can I know? really stop this fight is meaningless, she's a ghost for god's sake!"

"Anything is good, do you want this girl to bully me forever? don't you like me!?"

'Hey, stop playing that card on him! manipulative b***!'

Andrew didn't know what to do and merely kept chasing after Sophia, hoping to restrain her but they were running too fast.

"Ha! Then losing focus... if they lose focus bad things happen".

"Alright, I know what to do!"

Beatrice ran away from one of Sophia's blows which she didn't even see coming and ran towards Andrew.

'Come back here!'

Beatrice then jumped forward, Andrew thought they were going to end up headbutting one another, but in the end, she ducked and pulled down his pants and boxers together!




Just like that a blushing Sophia who was about to deliver a blow, found herself phasing through the floor, having lost focus.

On her way through she saw the sexy Maya in a cute apron laughing as she baked some cookies and watched TV, even then... in the ghost's mind there was only one thing and it didn't seem like her fall was ever going to stop.

'A-Andrew's was big...'