
Parallel World and Beyond

Elise dreamed on impossible things that became possible . Created a world that is beyond imagination . cover ©SassyGal1971

Teppy_Supresencia · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

It all started ...

Struggling everyday, Elise became depressed but kept on holding on to life. She wants to give everything to her family but how can she give them something when she has nothing? Her only salvation is reading novels and manga online. She always dreams that she is one of the character of everything she read. Her life is his son, she wants to give everything to his son, a great life without difficulties, a good education, a good living condition and a loving family. But right now she cant give even a cent to his son, the only thing she can give her son is her love and time. She pampers him a lot, she is the reason why she is holding on to life even though she wants everything to end.

One day, she decided to talk to her friend and asked if they can take care of his son for the meantime since noone in her family can help her. She wants to find a job so she can start saving for her son's future. Being a single mother who doesnt have anyone to lean on is difficult and if she is not going to start doing something she might go crazy from all the worrying she has.

Her friend agreed to help her take care of her son since she and her husband doesn't have a baby yet.

She went job hunting the very next day and tried to get a job in any establishment she can find. After a long day of looking for job she successfully landed one. She is happily thinking on what she will do for her son once she got her first pay that she didn't notice a truck coming that went out of control to her. She noticed it too late and the only thing she is thinking, "What will happen to my son? I landed a job but is fate making fun of me that after that it is gonna take my life? "