
Parallel Realms: Clash of Technomancy and Enchantment

In a universe governed by infinite possibilities, an unprecedented event shatters the mundane life of Emma Morgan, an ordinary office worker. The predictable rhythms of her world are disrupted when an immense planet, identical in size to Earth, materializes in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the landscape. As Emma's reality is upended, she discovers that this new world holds an alternate history—one where science gave way to magic, leading to two distinct Earths bound by an unbreakable connection.

Almost7inches · Thành thị
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22 Chs

Chapter 9: Slow Progress

The afternoon slipped by, marked by a sense of purpose that had taken root within me. The articles from the morning had served as a stark reminder—a reminder that my newfound abilities were not to be wielded carelessly. The stories of those who had vanished from online platforms loomed in my thoughts, a cautionary tale of the perils that might await those who attracted too much attention.

With this in mind, I found a quiet corner of my house and began my practice once again. This time, the air held a sense of purpose, a determination that matched the rhythm of my heart. My focus was unwavering, my thoughts attuned to the objects before me.

As I reached out with my telepathic power, the coin on the table trembled, then moved. The progress was slower than before, yet there was a distinct difference—a precision, a control that had been absent in my earlier attempts.

A quiet mumble escaped my lips, audible only to myself. "Progress," I whispered, my voice carrying a mix of satisfaction and curiosity.

The afternoon sun filtered through the windows, casting gentle patterns on the walls. The coin moved, its path guided by the force of my mind. And as I practiced, a realization took shape—a realization that linked my mental state to the depth of my abilities.

With each repetition, I could feel the connection growing stronger. The coin moved with increasing ease, covering a distance of three inches per second. It was an improvement, a testament to the potential that lay dormant within me. But as I reveled in this newfound strength, a thought took root—a thought that tempered my enthusiasm.

My earlier outburst, the moment of anger that had shattered the counter, had taught me a valuable lesson. The shortcut of expending more Mental Force might grant me power, but it was a power that came at a cost—a cost that could damage not just the physical world around me, but the very fabric of my mind.

With a shake of my head, I resisted the allure of a quick and potent surge of telepathic strength. The path I had chosen was one of patience, of gradual growth—an understanding that a power harnessed through caution and restraint was a power that could be sustained and controlled.

I moved on to a new challenge—two coins placed side by side. The effort was greater, the concentration more intense, as I focused on both objects simultaneously. The progress was slower, as if the shared effort divided the power of my telepathy between them. Each coin moved at a pace of inches per second, a rate three times slower than when I had practiced with just one.

But as the coins shifted across the table, a sensation tingled at the edges of my consciousness—a sensation that was foreign yet somehow familiar. It was as if something was being drawn out of me, a force that resonated from within, leaving behind a sense of depletion.

My thoughts raced as I paused between each practice, allowing an hour to pass before expending my Mental Force once again. The feeling of depletion was real, a reminder that even as I honed my abilities, there were limits that could not be ignored.

By the time evening descended and the world outside was bathed in twilight, I had expended my Mental Force twice—first, in my impulsive act of anger, and now, through the rigorous practice that had brought me to this point. My mental strength had grown, but the toll on my mind was evident.

As I leaned back, the coins resting on the table before me, I reflected on the journey that had unfolded. The phenomenon had granted me a power beyond imagination, a power that had the potential to reshape the boundaries of reality itself. But with this power came responsibility, a choice to tread a path of gradual growth, a path that would not only preserve my sanity but ensure that the power I wielded was a force for good.

With a sigh, I pushed away from the table, my thoughts turning toward rest and recuperation. The night held its own mysteries, its own revelations waiting to be unveiled. And as I retired for the night, I knew that the journey had only just begun—an exploration of the uncharted territories of the mind, a journey that would test not just my abilities, but the depths of my character.