
Parallel Lives

Two strangers from different corners of the world discover they can switch bodies at will. At first, it's an exciting adventure, but they soon realize their lives are interconnected, and their actions in each other's bodies have consequences that affect both their worlds.

Michael_Nwogidi · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

The Investigation

Anna and James went through hours in the bistro, conceptualizing thoughts and hypotheses about their issue. The more they talked, the more obviously their circumstance was not normal for any they had known about. Anna's involvement in sci-fi books had left her doubtful of fantastical events, yet she was right here, living one.

James had been determined in his examination, scouring the web for accounts of other people who had encountered awareness trading. Most cases were narrative, with not a glaringly obvious reason or arrangement. Maybe they had coincidentally found a secret corner of presence, a mysterious that couple of were conscious of.

The bistro had developed emptier as the day wore on, and the barista, a well disposed lady with purple hair, moved toward their table. "Both of you have been hanging around for some time. Could I at any point get you something else?"

Anna and James traded looks, understanding that they hadn't eaten since their peculiar arousing. They set orders for sandwiches and topped off their espresso cups.

As they hung tight for their food, Anna inquired, "Have you seen anything unusual about my... That is to say, about James' way of behaving since this occurred?"

James scowled, somewhere down in thought. "As a matter of fact, yes. I've had this unquenchable interest since I awakened in your body. I'm attracted to things I've never been keen on, similar to workmanship and writing."

Anna gestured, feeling the very pull toward science and innovation that had consistently entranced James. "It resembles we've acquired each other's advantages."

Their sandwiches showed up, and they dove into the dinner, their discussion moving between down to earth matters and existential inquiries. They consented to stay quiet about their circumstance, as disclosing it to any other person would almost certainly prompt skepticism or standardization.

As the night sun set, Anna's telephone hummed with a message from her own number. It read, "Anna, I'm in your body, and I want your assistance."

She showed it to James, who looked confounded. "How can this be the case? No doubt about it."

Anna answered circumspectly, "Who is this?"

The reaction came rapidly, "I'm you, Anna, from your own body. I don't have any idea how, yet I can send messages to your telephone."

Anna's heart hustled. She composed back, "Where could you be?"

The answer was chilling, "I'm caught in your body in a remote spot. I want you to figure out how to switch this."

Anna felt a flood of uneasiness. In the event that somebody was in her body, who was possessing James' body? She imparted the message to James, who had an inauspicious articulation.

"This confuses things," James murmured. "We really want to figure out who's in my body and how to get them out."

They completed their dinner rapidly, covered the bill, and went out into the now-obscured city roads. With a newly discovered urge to get a move on, Anna, James, and their secretive conversationalist set out on a journey to disentangle the secrets of their equal lives.