
Paradise City: Dark Side of the Moon

Paradise ain't for the faint of heart. I grew up in these domes, stuck between the glassy dust on the ground and the dark oblivion of space. To get here, on the Moon, our parents gave up everything. Thing is, they had nothing on Earth either. Nothing to trade. They sold their futures, and ours, for a one-way shuttle trip. Let's just say the city's name oversold the promises. Who am I? Kate... some call me Pitbull. I shoot those bastards cold! 'M a corpo dog, a bounty hunter. Fetching folks across the yards for the masters holding the leash. Started this job for revenge, now...? Now 'm not so sure. 'M just trying to make rent, whatever the price. 'M not doing so gold lately. Need something to turn my luck 'round or I'll be slim enough to download... and that damned toaster-grade implant in my brain... y'know how they are. Anyway, I'm out! Dinner not gonna catch herself. Need to succeed or 'll have to go back to the Asstronaughty begging Cherry. Corpo Gods knows 'm not ready to see Mom.

Shorgoth · Khoa huyễn
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16 Chs


While this fiction contains forms of hate speech and bigotry I do not nor will ever endorse such behaviors in any shape or form. This is a fiction taking place in a dystopia and the disgusting rhetoric is purely characterization and not my personal philosophy. I was myself a victim of hate-crimes and will always do my best to fight against such damaging actions and ideas. Due to these hate-crimes and harassment, while young I developed complex PTSD, this book is partly a way for me to exorcise my own demons. Keep in mind that I might have long periods of inactivity as a writer due to crippling anxiety. I will do my best to give you what I can but I won't jeopardize my health just for your entertainment. I'm sorry this is the case but I can't write anything when I'm in bad shape anyway so... irregularity or abandonment of a 10 years+ project. Finally, I'm not a native English speaker as you'll figure out soon, I do my best, but I don't have money to get someone to edit this book. I can only count on you guys to raise red flags as you see them. Alright, I won't fuss anymore, I wish you good reading and a great fucking day (just kidding). Oh, right, forgot to say, for an easier read, only text between " " is said verbally, the rest is either narration or dialogue and thoughts exchanged between Kate and her brain implant.