
Paper-Thin Hearts

Asahi Azumane is a single father who alaways puts his child's well being before his own. When his friend Daichi offered to watch his 5 year old son Ryu so Asahi "could get out there" He didn't expect to wake up with an extremely bad hangover and naked next to a complete stranger.

suga_shii · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 1: Drunken Mishaps

Asahi woke up to a loud ringing in his ear that reminded him of sirens, his head throbbing as if it had just been bashed by a hammer, god he hated hangovers. Asahi began to stir and slowly sat up in the bed trying to make sense of his surroundings. "god what happened last night?" he mumbles to himself trying his best to recall the memories of last night but nothing came.

He was broken out of his thoughts when he heard a loud groan come from beside him "WHATT!" Asahi panicked so startled by his sudden discovery that he fell out of the bed. How could he not realize he wasn't alone?!  There on the bed layed a naked boy who looked no bigger than 5'2. Asahi's face was lit ablaze. It was obvious what had happened last night the boy on the bed was covered in purple bruises and hickeys on his inner thighs and neck.

>Insert Bi-panic<

Asahi was innerly panicking it had been so long since he last had sex since he was always so busy looking after his five-year-old son, Ryu. He wasn't too sure what he should do in this situation, was this just a one night stand? He couldn't remember anything and if he tried any harder his head would explode. He quickly took notice of his clothes scattered all over the hotel room, he stood up and immediately began picking up his clothes from the ground and began to dress himself thoughts flooding his head, just how did this happen? Who was this guy?

Asahi turned to look at the boy splattered onto the bed like a starfish, he couldn't help but form a small smile at the boy draped in the covers. He slowly approached the bed once again careful to not wake up the sleeping brunette. He crouched down and examined the features of the sleeping boy, Asahi began to blush madly " Oh my god he's adorable!" Asahi's gay panic quickly taking over, he looked at the time which read 7:45. Oh shit, he thought he needed to get Ryu to school! Although the felt bad for leaving the boy all alone with no explanation, he seriously needed to get to Daichi's place to pick up Ryu.

Asahi quietly exited the hotel room and made his way to the elevator, once the elevator got to the first floor he quickly exited the building and immediately waved for a taxi. It didn't take long for a taxi to pick Asahi up, Once he was inside the Taxi he gave the driver directions while he sat in the backseat trying to get his thoughts together.

-Asahi's Pov-

I pulled my hand up towards my head and massaged my temples, god this is the last time I ever listen to Daichi... I leaned my head back looking up to the roof of the car,  think Azumane! What happened last night? I think back to the events of last night...

-Flashback Time uwu-

I was currently on my way home from work with my long time best friend and coworker, Daichi. He had been with me since we were kids he was also the only real friend I had since well... I was always too busy taking care of Ryu not that I minded because Ryu and Daichi were all that I really needed. I was listening to Daichi ramble on and on about how lonely he thought I was. At first, I tried to convince him that I really wasn't lonely.... but he just kept on talking when Daichi gets like this I figure it's best to leave him alone until he's done.

*sigh* We continued like this for a while until we got near Ryu's preschool and that's when Daichi said " Asahi I'm serious I know you don't really think this but Ryu needs someone else in his life that isn't you and me! I know you don't like me butting into your love life like this but you seriously have to get out there before it's too late!" I looked over at Daichi, I mean he wasn't wrong but It's not like I have a lot of free time on my hands and I can't just leave my 5-year-old son alone. Once we arrived at Ryu's preschool, We both entered the building where I saw my adorable son sitting on the ground waiting for me like he always does.

"Papaaaa" My adorable son squeals immediately jumping me, I quickly catch him and hold him in my arms " Hello Ryu, How was your day at school little guy?" I laugh holding my way too cute for his own good child. He brightly beams " It was great papa!! I got to play all day and I was even able to swing by myself!!" Ryu smiles clapping his small hands together. Daichi approaches Ryu from behind, oh god not this again I sighed " SNEAK ATTACK" Daichi yells yanking Ryu from my grasp immediately tickling the life out of him " D-Dai-chann s-stop!!!" Ryu stutters between fits of giggles, kicking his arms and feet around trying his best to get out of Daichi's tight grasp " Nice try kiddo, but you'll never defeat me!!" Daichi laughs evilly continuing to tickle the life out of Ryu.

After moments of squealing and kicking Daichi finally sets ryu down. Ryu immediately runs towards me once again and grabs ahold of my hand and looks up to me and says "carry?" I put my hand on my chest, my son's too cute*^*

I comply to his request and swiftly pick him up and pecks my cheek " Papa are you happy that I'm becoming a big boy and going to kindergarten tomorrow? he says tilting his head looking up at me, I softly smile and reply with " I can't believe how big you're getting, I remember just yesterday you needed me to give you goodnight pats to go to bed *sigh* Now I guess that you're a big boy you won't need them" I look away trying my best to hold off the smile threatening to form on my lips, I feel ryu shift in my arms and yell " NOOO papa I still need my night night pats! I take it back I'm not a big boy! He frowns sticking out his bottom lip, I hear Daichi let out  a loud cackle " God Asahi you're the worst!" He says in between breaths, I smile to myself knowing full well this would happen, I just want my cute little baby to stay a baby, what's so wrong with that!

I faint innocence and say " I have no idea what you're implying but I'm definitely not the worst," I say a smile forming on my face, Ryu quickly turns around to face Daichi and yells " Papa's not the worst! Take it back Dai-chan or you don't get anymore huggies from me!" Ryu crosses his arms over his chest and lets out a huff I, on the other hand, let out a snort and turn to Daichi and say " Yeah Dai-chan take it back!" Daichi just stands there completely speechless he lets out a ragged gasp " YOU WOULDNT?! How could you be so cruel, Ryu?! YOU WOULD TAKE AWAY MY HUGGIES" Daichi let's out fake cries, I click my tongue knowing full well what's about to happen next. I feel ryu shuffle in my arms, I take the hint and put him down, he quickly runs to Daichi and hugs his leg tightly " I was just kidding Dai-chan! Don't cryyyyy I promise to give you a bunch of huggies!" Daichi's expression immediately changes from fake sobs to a bright smile "You mean it, Ryu?" Ryu obediently shakes his head and says" I pinky promise!" Ryu holds out his pinky for Daichi to take which he eagerly does. I on the other hand huff in jealousy.

"Now who's the worst" I grumble looking over to Daichi who just manipulated my kind-hearted son. Daichi, on the other hand, smirks at me and says" Ryu can I have a huggie now?" Daichi glares at me smirking, Ryu brightly smiles and lifts his hands up as Daichi pulls him up and Ryu wraps his tiny little arms around Daichi while Daichi continues to hold his gaze with me, why this little bitc-

Daichi continues to hold ryu while I stare in jealousy, get your own kid I think to myself. I continue to stare at Ryu who is snuggling on Daichi's chest. The bitter taste betrayal. We stay like this for a couple of minutes until we reach the apartment complex, me and Daichi are neighbors which is extremely convenient however we also have these other neighbors named Kageyama and Hinata I don't know what's going on over there but they're always arguing and throwing stuff around but other than that they're pretty cool neighbors!

Ryu looks up towards Daichi and tilts his head and says " Dai-chan are we going to your house today?!" Daichi pats Ryu on the head and says "Yup! You're even spending the night while your papa goes and has lots of fun because he's been lonely" Daichi looks at me wriggling his eyebrows " I'm not going anywhere Daichi, I'm perfectly okay with staying with Ryu" I say sternly, Ryu, on the other hand, looks at me and says" Papa if your lonely you should go have fun!! Besides Dai-chan can give me night night pats so you don't have to worry about it!!" Ryu says practically shining like the Angel he is! I look at Ryu and give him a soft smile " Papa isn't lonely baby, papa has you and dai-chan" Daichi looks at me shaking his head with disapproval. We reach Daichi's apartment complex and enter once he's unlocked it.

Daichi lets down Ryu and Ryu quickly runs inside and takes off his shoes before running and jumping on the couch. I slowly take off my shoes and jacket and walk towards the couch where Ryu is before I plop down next to him. He looks over at me and giggles before hopping on my lap, I look down at him and notice he's still wearing his coat. "Ryu aren't you hot? You're still wearing your outside coat." I say softly tugging on his coat, Ryu looks up at me and nods before clumsily trying his best to pull off his sleeves one by one. I chuckle at this adorable sight before helping him by taking off his jacket and that's when I notice a bruise located on his arm, I quickly grab it and examine it, worry now filling my senses. "Ryu where did you get this?" I ask curiously, Ryu looks away and immediately looks down to the ground, uh oh... "Ryu" I repeated sternly. 

"I-I didn't mean too... Papa! Haru was being mean and said that I needed two parents instead of one... and then I told him that I was fine with just papa and then he called me w-weird!" Ryu then starts crying tears streaming down his face. Haru huh? who is this boy... I just wanna talk. Ryu then continues " We were just playing at first and then I pushed him because he was being a big meanie and then he pushed me back but Ms.Yachi stopped us.." Ryu then looks up at me and continues to cry " I-I'm sorry papa" I quickly wrap my arms around him and pat his back to try to calm him down. That's when Daichi enters the living room "Did he say Haru?" I look up at Daichi hopeful "wait you know this kid?!" I swear I just want to talk to him..... mostly.

Daichi sighs before plopping down next to me and picking up Ryu, he then draws circles on Ryu's back as Ryu buries his face into Daichi's chest. " he's Oikawa's and Iwaizumi's kid, you know the one they adopted after they got married?" Of course, it's Oikawa's kid I swear he's raising a mini Oikawa... I then turn to Ryu and say "No matter how much you wanna push the other kid, you can't push them okay baby... instead, tell papa and he'll push them" I say mostly kidding, mostly. Ryu's face breaks out into a smile and he joyously laughs "Okay papa!" I then grab Ryu's arm and examine it " it looks pretty bad, does it hurt?" I say concerned

What if this traumatizes him?! What if he forever remembers this moment?! I start inwardly panicking before Ryu says enthusiastically " If papa kisses it it'll be okay!" I can't help but smile, he's just so precious!! I ruffle his brunette hair before leaning down and placing a light peck on his arm where the purple bruise is located, Ryu then laughs and says " All better!!!!" He then jumps off of Daichi's lap and runs off probably to his little playroom that Daichi made for him.

Daichi then turns to me and says " See even the other kids have picked up on it" I then turn towards Daichi and give him an aggravated look " I'm a single parent, so what?! I'm raising Ryu just fine or at least better then Oikawa and Iwaizumi are I mean what the heck are they even teaching that kid?!" I sigh angrily, Daichi then stares at me and quietly says " You know the other day, Ryu asked me why you're always alone?" My eyes widen as Daichi continues " He said to me the other day " Is mommy dead because of me? Is that why papa's always alone?" I feel my mouth go dry and my heart squeeze "h-he said that?..."

Daichi hums in response I looked down to the ground and cover my face, Daichi then whispers " I know he might not show it, but he wants a motherly figure Asahi, he needs someone other than you to rely on and it can't always be me... I'm not his mom and I might not always be able to be there for him"

I feel tears stream down my face, god I'm such a terrible father... I get up and make my way to Ryu's playroom leaving Daichi on the couch by himself. I enter the playroom to find Ryu coloring, I quickly approach him and ask " Ryu... what are you drawing?" I say trying my best to smile in front of him. Ryu looks at me and smiles and says " It's me and you papa!!" Ryu then holds the picture up to my face, I gently take it and admire it, there are two stick figures next to a house, I notice how the sun has a smiley face and chuckle. I look up at Ryu and smile, Ryu's eyes widen before he jumps me and give me a tight hug, making me fly backwards " Ryu! what's wrong?!" I say looking down at Ryu who's tightly hugging me " Papa looked sad! so I decided to give him huggies to cheer him up!" Ryu says his voice muffled by my shirt.

I quickly hug him, god he's so perfect ... Hinoku would be so proud(aka ryu's mom, aka made up character!😌) I smile to myself, she would've been so happy if she were here... I quickly snap myself out of it and push ryu away gently "I'll make you something to eat Ryu, what do you want? it can be anything!" I say happily, ruffling his hair. I see his eyes light up and he excitedly jumps "ANYTHING?!" I smile and reply with "anything." He squeals and says " I want Dino chicken nuggies!!!" I laugh in response... I should've known. of course, he wants chicken nuggies

Daichi then enters on cue "Did someone say Dino chicken nuggies?" Ryu immediately looks up at Daichi and starts hopping up and down " I did! I did!" Daichi then smirks and says " Hmmm, I made some earlier but they were just for me butttt Ryu if you race me and win I'll give them to you" Daichi then looks down at ryu a smirk playing on his lips. Ryu then yells before dashing down the hall " OKAY ILL MAKE SURE ILL WINNNNN DAI-CHAN CAN'T BEAT ME IM FASTTTT" I laugh and look up at Daichi and say " Thanks man" Daichi then salutes and says "aye aye captain" before turning around and walking towards the kitchen. I get off the ground and make my way to the kitchen where Daichi is happily watching Ryu stuff his face with dino nuggets.

-Timeskip to Ryu's bedtime-

I laid down next to a tucked-in Ryu, I was currently giving him his goodnight pats, which he couldn't sleep without... adorable I know! Ryu was barely able to keep his eyes open and after a few minutes, he was steadily asleep hugging his stuffed animal giraffe named Jeffy. I slowly got up making sure to not wake Ryu, I made my way to the living room where Daichi was watching tv on the couch. I plop myself on the couch and Daichi turns to look at me and says "Can you do me a favor?" I tilt my head in confusion, Daichi never asks for favors... I look at him at respond "sure, what is it?" Can you go to the convenience store down the road and get us some booze?" I was about to reply with, we're watching a child we shouldn't drink but then I remembered what Daichi said earlier today and how he's been nothing but helpful to me and quickly changed my mind " Sure let me just grab my coat"

I got up and grabbed my coat, I quickly put on my shoes before turning to Daichi and saying "Don't be too loud, Ryu's sleeping" Daichi rolled his eyes sassily and replied with "yeah yeah I know how to watch a sleeping child, mother." I chuckle and open the door, I was about to step out when I feel a force shove me out of the apartment, what? "Daichi what the heck!" I question, Daichi quietly yells "GO HAVE FUN!" I sigh in annoyance... so this was his plan.. well jokes on him, I'll just go to my apartment, I dig in my pocket for my keys but then notice they're empty, I was about to yell before Daichi cute me off and says " if you're looking for your keys I took them out before you put ryu to bed, I'm serious I won't let you in so go have fun!"

"Daichi open this door right now" I quietly bang on the door, Daichi quietly yells " You're going to wake up ryu!!!" I then stop almost immediately... damn it! "I'm going to get you back for this!" I whisper harshly, Daichi then chuckles and whispers back " you're welcome, also there's a bar down the road you can check out, Have fun!" I sigh and begin to walk knowing full well that I've lost. I slowly make my way to the bar down the road which let me just say was extremely popular, I'm not going to do anything... I'm just going to get one drink.

After my 3rd drink... yeah I know... I'm disappointed too. I was sitting alone at the bar when a brunette walked in no. let me rephrase that, an angel walked in. We made eye contact and he made his way to the bar, sitting right next to me. The people who know me will vouch for me when I say, I'm not a sociable person. like at all. So when the cute guy starts trying to make small talk with me, all I can do is nod like an idiot. " So are you here alone?" the stranger asks a smile forming on his face, I look up from my drink and reply with "yeah, my friend tricked me into coming here..." The stranger lets out the most angelic laugh I've ever heard and says "aww that sucks!" I chuckle and reply with "yeah... ima kill him..."

We continue to talk, making jokes about most random things. This is the most I've talked to someone who wasn't Daichi or Ryu... This stranger was just so easy going and fun for talk too we spent hours talking and by the time I had my 6th drink I was honestly pretty close to being blackout drunk, I don't remember much after that. Just waking up naked next to that boy and nothing but flashes of mixed-up memories.

-Flashback over, current time!-

Here I was in a taxi driving to Daichi's apartment from god knows where... I'm totally going to murder him! The taxi driver looks at me through the mirror and smiles and says " Rough night?" I chuckle and answer with " I guess you could say that" little did I know he had a completely different meaning by "rough"

When I finally arrived at the apartment complex I thanked and paid the Taxi driver. I quickly made my way up to Daichi's apartment and banged on the door "Daichi let me in or I swear to go-" Before I could finish there was Daichi holding Ryu. "Papa!!" Ryu squealed obviously happy to see me. I smiled back at him and said " Hi there little guy" Daichi stepped back glaring at me, I glared back and quickly stepped inside "Papa where were you? Dai-chan said you went to have fun! Did you have fun!?" Ryu asks his face gleaming, I chuckle and ruffle his hair " No papa didn't have much fun, somebody was being a poopyhead to papa and kicked him out" I say not at all trying to hide the identity of said poopyhead. Daichi glares at me and sassily responds with " I did what I had to do" before walking off with Ryu in his arms.

I took off my jacket and gently hung it on the coat rack before a screech was heard from Daichi, I quickly turned around scared something might've happened but no. He was just staring at me with a dazed expression, Daichi's eyes go wide before he quickly turns to Ryu and covers his eyes before screeching " ASAHI NOT IN FRONT OF THE CHILD!" I look at him with bewilderment all over my face. Daichi has officially lost it. Ryu gently pushed Daichi's hand away before running to me with a panicky expression and frantically yells " Papa!! why do you have bruises and bite marks all over your neck?!" I think to myself what does he mean by- OH SHIT! I quickly turn and look at the mirror hanging on the wall next to the entrance and quickly cover my neck. I look down at Ryu who looks like he's about to cry and immediately bend down and say " Papa was just attacked by a uhhhhh a cat! yeah, a cat!" Ryu's expression quickly changes and he looks up at me and smiles " You saw a kittttyyyy!!! That's so cool papa!!" I sigh in relief, oh thank god he believed that.

Daichi on the other hand was a completely different story, I looked at the time and realized that if we didn't get going now we would be late for work and Ryu's first day of kindergarten. I grabbed my coat once again before rushing Ryu and Daichi our of the apartment.  We were currently walking down the street, making our way to Ryu's new school which was conveniently close by.

"So how did you meet this kitty," Daichi said looking at me suspiciously, I gulp and look down at a hopeful Ryu who is holding my hand I quickly answer with " I meet this kitty at a place last night not too far from home because some poopyhead locked me out" Daichi continues to glare at me now squinting his eyes as if to say " Just you wait punk" I on the other hand glare back.  Daichi then says in a sing-song voice to so Ryu doesn't pick it up easily " I told you to have some fun, I didn't expect you to have too much" I discreetly look down at Ryu who is just smiling without a care in the world, phew. I glare at Daichi and sing back " Well it wasn't intentional" After a while, we reach ryu's school, we both enter the building and make our way up to Ryu's new class.

Halfway there Daichi stops, I look over at him only to catch him gawking at a very handsome man with silver hair and a beauty mark under his right eye. I sigh and continue walking, leaving Daichi to his stalking... I mean admiring. Once I finally reach the destination I hear footsteps and huffing belonging to Daichi " You jerk you left me!" Daichi says trying to catch his breath, I calmly look over at him and say " You were to busy admiring a certain stranger and I had to get ryu to class" I say looking down at Ryu who is looking around completely awe-struck.

"This school is so big papa!" Ryu squeals excitingly. I smile and bend down next to him and say " It's your first day of big boy school! Papa's so proud of you!" Ryu closes his eyes and flashes me a huge smile he then gently give me a peck on the cheek...

>Insert happy father noises🥺💕<

Right at that moment, a man out of the corner of my eye says "You must be Ryu's Dad I'm his new teacher, Nishinoya Yuu! I get up and turn around to shake Ryu's teacher's hand only to be shocked to find him... crap. "Kitty?" I say in disbelief I look over at Daichi who looks like his eyes are about to pop out of his head and gawking at the short man in front of me. Ryu looks up at his teacher and happily says "Nice to meet you kitty-san! *^*"

The man now known as Nishinoya stares up at me obviously confused. After a couple of seconds I can practically see him fit the puzzle in his head, he looks up at me his face now cherry red, and says

"It's you!"